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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

If I was an Indian Muslim I would simply take it on the chin. Just accept fate. It had to be this way.

Little by little Modi sarkar and his RSS brigade is going to snatch everything including oxygen.

Remember that Jinnah is evil. Modi is hanuman.

Nobody can do anything except by will of Allah(swt). It is pathetic to see such comments here. Now grain will separate from husk which will lead future course of reactions.
A short summary will be appreciated, thanks.

"Those people who are calling Jinnah a Kafir today, they will kiss Jinnah’s hands tomorrow. Make his mausoleum and offer fatiha on it. Those who call demand of Pakistan a mental disorder now, they will run to Pakistan to get refuge in it.

Jinnah is not Kafir, he is a practical Muslim, he doesn’t only talk about Islam, he practices it. These are those maulvis who for the last 100 years couldn’t get Muslims free from the British slavery and now when Jinnah talks of an independent Muslim nation, he seems Kafir to them.

These maulvis could not bring me independence by wearing robes and headbands, so they should let me stand behind Jinnah who wears suits and smokes cigars. He will bring me the independent Muslim country, where I would be able to give the Azaan from a mosque and no hindu will be able to cut my head off".

Syed Jamaat Ali Shah
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