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‘India is a Hindu state now — we are second-class citizens’

Maybe you should ask Bapu, Rajiv or one of your dozen scientists.


Mr. Dumb , You mentioned the murder of Indira and I pointed to the Assasination of Bhutto.

Is that clear bachhe ?

Hindutva rats can only be brave when in India, outside even you Kathin Singh will pull down your pants and bend over just to save your life. I have witnessed this Hindu cowardness first hand.

Hindus are cowards, but I have never heard Indians posing as Pakistani. Pakistanis have done that !posing as Indians to save themselves !

Hindutva rats can only be brave when in India, outside even you Kathin Singh will pull down your pants and bend over just to save your life. I have witnessed this Hindu cowardness first hand.

People like you make the life of Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs miserable, hence CAA is the right.
Mr. Dumb , You mentioned the murder of Indira and I pointed to the Assasination of Bhutto.

Is that clear bachhe ?

Hindus are cowards, but I have never heard Indians posing as Pakistani. Pakistanis have done that !posing as Indians to save themselves !

Abey pea brain idiot, have you forgot who dragged Indra into the thread in the first place.....but then you are same loser who has to repeatedly run back to 71 to save his chuddi.
still busy unmasking our snowshite image

well said.

You will never understand the differnce of 2010 and 2020.

India was at 1.8 when I started at PDF now at 2.8...

But wasn't the expectation of turning India to be supa powa till 2020? Why still supa pooper till now?

Btw, not impressive figures. Asia as whole had alot of improvement in last 10 years. Pakistan was sitting at 170 B GDP in 2009, now its around 310~320 B. And we are going through our dark days according to us. Not like the "super pooper" theme that you represent so often.
well said.

But wasn't the expectation of turning India to be supa powa till 2020? Why still supa pooper till now?

Btw, not impressive figures. Asia as whole had alot of improvement in last 10 years. Pakistan was sitting at 170 B GDP in 2009, now its around 310~320 B. And we are going through our dark days according to us. Not like the "super pooper" theme that you represent so often.

Offtopic. Ignored.
Abey pea brain idiot, have you forgot who dragged Indra into the thread in the first place.....but then you are same loser who has to repeatedly run back to 71 to save his chuddi.
Your learning abilities have degraded. Yiu were much better a few years back. Work harder.
Your learning abilities have degraded. Yiu were much better a few years back. Work harder.
Yes Mr clever, i see instead of posting the 71 stamp you have found other methods of getting it off your chest. Bravo
Hindutva rats can only be brave when in India, outside even you Kathin Singh will pull down your pants and bend over just to save your life. I have witnessed this Hindu cowardness first hand.

Hindus are cowards even in India.

Muslims have successfully cleansed Hindus from Kashmir.
Minorities were not mistreated in Srilanka as in fellow Islamic countries where they are called Kafirs

Kafir is an arabic term for non-muslim. If you don't want to be a Kafir be a muslim then. Even different sects in Islam some time call each other Kafir. To your brain it might directly infer that we have a caste system, where muslims are Brahmans and dalits are Kafirs, I assure you we don't.

He is being hyperbolic but yeah from your Pakistan's perspective anything anti-India is truth.

How is it hyperbolic? What actions were taken against JNU breach-ers? Is gov taking back NRC+CAA? How is hyperbolic? how is it un-true?
Kafir is an arabic term for non-muslim. If you don't want to be a Kafir be a muslim then. Even different sects in Islam some time call each other Kafir. To your brain it might directly infer that we have a caste system, where muslims are Brahmans and dalits are Kafirs, I assure you we don't.

How is it hyperbolic? What actions were taken against JNU breach-ers? Is gov taking back NRC+CAA? How is hyperbolic? how is it un-true?

1. Don't get me started how you treat your minorities and especially their girls.
2. There is no NRC. It is all speculation. Intolerance gang misusing this speculation. PM already clarified on it. CAA is a good Act why to take it back?
Don't get me started how you treat your minorities and especially their girls.

Have you been to Pakistan ever? Or are you going to start quoting the gow-mutra media? Do tell me how many people we lynch, for consuming alcohol, pig/swine or whatever? You do know a muslim in a Pakistan can't buy those but a non-muslim can even though they are less than 5% of the total population. Do tell me how in India, a muslim can consume beef in any state?

There is no NRC. It is all speculation. Intolerance gang misusing this speculation. PM already clarified on it. CAA is a good Act why to take it back?

Then why claim the video is exaggeration? If we summarize he was saying the same no?
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