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India involved in Lahore attacks: Police

No Indian hand in Lahore attack, says Pak Interior Minister

A day after the Police chief of Lahore claimed that India was involved in two militant attacks in the city last month, Pakistan Interior Minister Rahman Malik today denied any Indian link to the attack.

Ruling out any Indian link to the Lahore attacks, he warned Taliban and said they must lay down arms.

I dont want to say that I told you so but read post #13.
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Watch now, none of those harped on the earlier report of Indian involvement will take this news which was boradcast on all Pak channels, as seriously -- it is a "conspiracy", some sort of "sazish" - yeah, that's the ticket, sazish, yeah.

Everyone knows islamists terrorists conducted the operation -- but not a word against them, instead it's easier and more fun to blame the Indian.

Dopn't get me wrong, the indian is up to his armpit in mischief in Pakistan, the real enemy, the pople who are combatting Pakistani soldiers and security personnel are Islamist terrorist -- But wait, Islamist terrorist includes the word islam, so... so..., so... that's very confusing, hain na?

So what? You Muslims or Islamists? You stand with other Muslims or hunt Muslims with the Islamist? Decide - fast - while you still have the luxury of choice.

No Indian hand in Lahore attack, says Pak Interior Minister

A day after the Police chief of Lahore claimed that India was involved in two militant attacks in the city last month, Pakistan Interior Minister Rahman Malik today denied any Indian link to the attack.

Ruling out any Indian link to the Lahore attacks, he warned Taliban and said they must lay down arms.

I dont want to I told you so but read post #13.
He is not the interior minister.

The police has made this claim after weeks of investigations not the interior ministry
I dont want to I told you so but read post #13.
Stop applying dramatic stories on real rifle. You Indians are losing touch with reality. RAW is there because Pakistan is still standing tall. and will be for ever.

Well, something without proper proof is called a story.

So, police blaming RAW is a story (fairy tale from Pakistan's point of view) until they come up with some solid proofs.

Shouting "we have the proofs" is not enough. Share them with world, and you won't need to blame India.
By Shaukat Qadir

Baitullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility for this attack and has threatened two attacks per week from now onwards. Finally, our various political leaders can no longer remain in denial

Within a span of four weeks, we witnessed a second terrorist attack in Lahore. This time, the Police Training School at Munawan was the target. Terrorists — some dressed in police uniforms, others in civilian clothes — stormed the school at 7:20 am on March 30, as the recruits were assembled in the yard for their morning drill. After throwing some grenades and indiscriminate AK-47 fire, they entered the school building, held eighty or so recruits hostage and fought an eight-hour battle before security forces retook the building.

Considering the duration and the weapons involved, casualties were surprisingly low. The dead: eight police recruits; a civilian; and four terrorists, three of whom blew themselves up — again, surprisingly, they did not do so at a time and place where they could have taken a number of hostages along with them. Ninety-three were injured; and one terrorist was captured. All we know about him is that he is an Afghan and claimed to be a Muslim speaking in Urdu before lapsing into (probably) Darri. Two suspects are in custody, being questioned. One wounded terrorist is said to have escaped.

As in the case of the Mumbai attacks last year, when I raised questions that a mere ten individuals could not possibly have attacked nine locations simultaneously, and that it was a matter of certainty that a large number had escaped, along with the hostages they released periodically, I am fairly certain that, even if the two suspects are found guilty, the total number of terrorists involved are likely to be not less than a dozen; implying that at least five escaped.

One can draw some consolation from the fact that within half an hour of the terrorist occupation of the building, security forces had surrounded the place and begun to respond; also that it took them a mere eight hours to recapture the building without any further loss of life of their forces during the action.

Compared to the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team, when our security forces failed miserably and the terrorists escaped unscathed, this was a remarkable performance. As a matter of fact, it would not be surprising in the least that some of the individuals involved in the Manawan attack were also involved in the earlier one on the Sri Lankan team.

Even compared to the Mumbai attacks, when it took Indian security forces sixty-two hours to retake the buildings after suffering a large number of casualties (even making allowances for the larger size of some of the buildings that Indian forces had to retake), this performance of the Pakistani security forces was quite encouraging.

However, once again, as in the case of the March 3 attack, intelligence agencies and even the army corps HQ had issued a warning of the possibility of such attacks. Intelligence agencies had even predicted that police installations would be likely targets! What more does the political administration need to improve security; will anyone ever be held accountable for these lapses?

Interior ministry officials inform us that these buildings are not constructed to cater for terrorist attacks; neither is my house, and my boundary wall is lower than the six-foot wall surrounding the police training centre. Nor can every government building be a fortress. But if I am warned of the possibility of a terrorist attack on my house, I will have the four corners of the boundary wall and the rooftop manned by armed men, and then I would like to see anyone stage such an attack as easily as these terrorists did.

That this attack, like the one on the Sri Lankan team and Mumbai, was very well planned is obvious. It demonstrates that the planner had detailed information, was imaginative and attended to all details. We know that one of the attackers was an Afghan; and we are told that this attack was planned in the tribal areas. Assuming that to be the truth, it is equally obvious that the attackers themselves must also have carried out detailed reconnaissance of the target. If so, some people would have been loitering in the area with nothing to do for some days before the attack.

With a warning of an impending attack, should not these loiterers have aroused suspicion? That is what our security services lack: training in the logical progression of how a criminal mind works, what to be on the lookout for and how to deal with it. And when warned of such a possibility, never let your guard down until the attack has occurred or the criminals apprehended before they could strike.

Baitullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility for this attack and has threatened two attacks per week from now onwards. Finally, our various political leaders can no longer remain in denial. We know the enemy within; and it is far more dangerous than any without. I have no idea why the US refused to recognise the threat from Baitullah Mehsud to Pakistan and refused to ‘take him out’ when credible information of his location was provided. I can only hope that US and Pakistani forces can learn to trust each other and work together to rid the region of these inhuman terrorists who kill in the belief that they are on the path to heaven.

One thing is certain: this is not the last terrorist attack that we are likely to witness. Such horrible, dastardly events are here to stay for the foreseeable future. That means our intelligence services will need to continue to deliver, at least as well as they have been so far, preferably much better. However, their performance will be useless unless the administration heeds their warnings and security forces measure up to the standards necessary to deal with this scourge.

No wonder Barack Obama links aid to Pakistan to the government’s ability to deliver. The US is not the only one fed up with our politicians’ inability to deliver, so am I. And what should concern these politicians is that I am not a small minority on this issue. If they continue to fail, we will soon become the majority.

This article is a modified version of one originally written for the daily National. The author is a retired brigadier. He is also former vice president and founder of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)
India behind Liberty, Manawan attacks: CCPO

LAHORE: Terrorists involved in last month’s attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team near the Liberty roundabout and at the Manawan Police Training School have links with India, CCPO Pervaiz Rathore said on Friday. He was talking to reporters at the foundation laying ceremony of a hospital at the Qila Gujjar Singh Police Lines. He said the police had gathered concrete evidence in this regard. While refusing to disclose the proof, Rathore said the police would make that public at the appropriate time. He said the police and intelligence agencies had jointly interrogated terrorists arrested during the attack on the school. He said they had confessed to their links with India.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Pak PM distances himself from police officer’s claim

Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Saturday distanced himself from a police officer’s claim that India was linked to terrorist attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and a police training centre, saying it would be premature to comment till authorities completed their probe.

Gilani said his government would comment on the issue only after it received a final report on the probe into the two attacks. He said the police officer’s claim was made on the basis of “preliminary findings”.

It would be “premature” to point fingers at anyone on the basis of a preliminary report. “Wait for the final report,” Gilani told reporters in his hometown of Multan.

Lahore police chief Pervaiz Rathore had on Friday claimed that there is “credible evidence” of Indian involvement in the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team in the city on March 3 and a terrorist siege of the police training centre at Manawan on March 30. He also told PTI that both attacks were carried out by “pro-India Afghans”.

Eight persons were killed and over 20 others, including Sri Lankan players, were injured when a dozen terrorists ambushed the team’s motorcade. None of the attackers have been arrested so far.

Eight police recruits were killed when terrorists stormed the Manawan Police Academy near Lahore. Pakistan Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud claimed responsibility for this attack.
thanks Gabbar...Thraeds Merged.
All the Pakistani posters accusing that India Media reported the involvement of terrorists activity within 2 hours and Govt. sources confirmed within 10 hours of the attack need to pay attention to the evidence provided to Pakistan.

It includes recordings and transcripts of members of the terror team having conversation with their handlers based in Pakistan. I guess Police is smart enough to figure out that if handlers are based in Pakistan then a link undoubtedly has to be there. It might not be surprising if someone from the Police tipped of the Media about this link and hence the Frenzy. Also Kasab was captured within the first 2 hours of the attack. Correct me if I am wrong here. I dont think Pakistan made any such breakthrough in Laore case.

I dont think there any denying of Pakistani involvement in that. India's claim is not that it was directly State sponsored but the organizations (LeT, JuD, or any other name) training those terrorists are sheltered and protected by the ISI and GoP and their terror camp are freely running in Pakistan.

And before I am accused of sidelining the current thread. The Rathore dude seems to be playing to the Gallery and an immidiate backtracking by Minestry of Interior underlines the fact. Wake up and smell the Coffee.

RAW is too inefficient to orchestrate an attack of such a magnitude in the heartland of Pakistan. In India I am sure 70% of the population has not even heard the word RAW being associated with an intelligence agency.
Even if it is a political statement atlast our high ups have succeeded in gathering the courage to blame india in open. Soon they will also bring the evidences.

in about 6-8 months of time .....
India behind Liberty, Manawan attacks: CCPO

LAHORE: Terrorists involved in last month’s attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team near the Liberty roundabout and at the Manawan Police Training School have links with India, CCPO Pervaiz Rathore said on Friday. He was talking to reporters at the foundation laying ceremony of a hospital at the Qila Gujjar Singh Police Lines. He said the police had gathered concrete evidence in this regard. While refusing to disclose the proof, Rathore said the police would make that public at the appropriate time. He said the police and intelligence agencies had jointly interrogated terrorists arrested during the attack on the school. He said they had confessed to their links with India.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

even the SL has called the Indian angle as rubbish ..... am amazed how Pakistan has managed to convince itself ....

See the following thread "Rethinking the Alliance" on the WOT board, read Dr. hassan Rizvi Askari's piece for an answer to your question
And now the Sri Lankans are distancing themselves from this delusional Lahore Police Chief:

Surprised at the Lahore police chief's claim of "an Indian hand" in the attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team last month, Sri Lanka Friday reiterated that there was "no Indian involvement" in the terror strike that left six players wounded.

"Our Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama had clearly said last month there was no Indian involvement in the attack on our cricketers in Lahore. We continue to maintain that position and there is no change in that," a Sri Lankan foreign ministry official told IANS Friday when asked about the fresh reports from Lahore.
Sri Lanka Breaking News-Daily Mirror Online
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