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India, Indonesia agree on defence cooperation

India And Indonesia To Boost Maritime Security

Wed, Oct 17, 2012 09:45 CET

The defense ministers of Indonesia and India are planning to jointly start training and possible co- production sale of military, defense equipment and increase maritime security.

Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony and Indonesia defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro, also discussed about joint patrols of Indian and Indonesian warships in the Strait of Malacca, a vital waterway for sea traffic, including petroleum shipments from the Arabian Gulf. The sale of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile to Indonesia was also discussed.

The two countries exchanged views on issues relating to regional and global security, bilateral exercises, training, coproduction of defence equipment and ammunitions.

China has a military base on leased Myanmar land in the Coco Islands, where it can monitor the Indian Navy and ballistic missile testing. India has set up its tri-command to observe Chinese activities near Nicobar Islands. Indonesia is the closest country to India’s Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean, and has set up Indonesia’s Sumatra province which is 80 nautical miles from the Nicobar Islands.

Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony, said, “We have a vital stake in the evolution of balanced security and cooperation mechanisms, through which we can build consensus and pursue dialogue. We seek to improve our partnership with all countries in the Indian Ocean region on a bilateral basis”.

India And Indonesia To Boost Maritime Security : Defense news
Yep, JeI India, Pakistan and BD branches want to establish a Nizam e Mustafa in Hindustan, ie, SA.

Some more of your wet dreams I guess, :hang2: you lot will all die trying all this stone age cr@p.
I dont hate India. Thats why i provide the offer........Might be one day, you will buy some weapons from China, who knows? As per Indian member said, geo politics changes all the time.

I didn't mean that you hate India , I pointed out that you are offering too much co operation , which is not realistic. geo politics changes, but it takes decades, I am talking about your offer in foreseeable future, and given the slow progress , and current realities nothing going to change, at least until this offer of AESA radar's relevance ends.

any way thanks for the good gesture, I would prefer India to stick with social, economic, political co operation and co development, JV, purchase in Non Defence Areas.
Will India stop arming it self granted as China stop arming Pakistan? I think the answer should be BIG NO! we cant help it just geo politics. As China wont sop arming itself even if USA stop Arming Japan, cause China take USA as major threat.
Will India stop arming if China stop build up military muscle? The answer is also Big NO, casue India want to be a super powerhorse in the world! I mean it depends where India plans to stand in the future. The only way of controlling a country's ambitious and defire is making it status quo, same one when it comes to China and India.

Arming itself and arming others is different.

Again while arming others, one should look at who you are arming, and what kind of arms can be given and What not to be given

WMD at the hands of irresponsible, unstable countries is a threat to whole world.guess you understand.

with great power, comes great responsibility - spider man :-!
Yep, JeI India, Pakistan and BD branches want to establish a Nizam e Mustafa in Hindustan, ie, SA.

You people do not even stayed as a single country after partition and now you want the legacy of Central asian warrior tribe by establishing Mugalistan or what ever you call.
India to train Indonesia

In a move that will significantly shore up bilateral military ties, India has agreed to train and support the Indonesian Air Force in operating its fleet of Russian Sukhoi fighter jets. It will shortly send a high-level team to work out the details of a support package.

While India had a similar agreement with Malaysia that also operates the fighter jets, the decision to cooperate in training, technical help and spares support with Indonesia has been taken during the ongoing visit of Defence Minister A K Antony to Jakarta.

The Indonesian Air Force currently operates both the Su 27 and Su 30 fighters and will eventually have 16 of them in service, if more orders are not placed.

In the past, Jakarta has had a pact with China to train its pilots and provide technical support for the fighter fleet.

Given that India also operates the fighters and will have one of the largest fleets in service once all the 272 jets enter service, Jakarta has been interested in seeking New Delhi’s assistance for technical support and training.

In his interaction with top Indonesian officials in which the issue came up, Antony has said that a “high-level Indian Air Force team would be sent to finalise details of training and spares support package”. The team, Antony conveyed, will be sent across “once the Indonesian Air Force firms up its requirements”.

While the details will be worked out, the package is likely to involve a maintenance contract for the aircraft to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), which is producing and maintaining the Indian fleet of the fighters. In 2007, India had embarked on a similar deal with Malaysia to train its pilots and weapon operators on their Su 30 MKMs.

Besides the Air Force cooperation, India and Indonesia deliberated on several issues of mutual interest and decided to “significantly enhance their defence cooperation”, a defence ministry spokesperson said. “The two sides exchanged views on issues relating to regional and global security, bilateral exercises involving Services, training, co-production of defence equipment and ammunitions and visits at high levels,” Defence Ministry spokesperson Sitanshu Kar said.

During his visit, Antony spoke at length on ‘power rivalries’ in the Indian Ocean Region and said that although conducted in local theatres, their impact is felt in the wider regional arena too.

“Our view is that all countries should exercise restraint and resolve the issue through dialogues according to principles of international law,” he commented on the South China Sea dispute.

Antony is leading a high-level delegation to Jakarta that includes Defence Secretary Shashikant Sharma, CISC Vice Admiral SPS Cheema, C-in-C Andaman & Nicobar Command Lt Gen NC Marwah and DG Ordnance Factory Board SK Beri.
India to train, support Indonesian Sukhoi fleet

In a move that will significantly shore up bilateral military ties, India has agreed to train and support the Indonesian Air Force in operating its fleet of Russian Sukhoi fighter jets. It will shortly send a high-level team to work out the details of a support package...

...In the past, Jakarta has had a pact with China to train its pilots and provide technical support for the fighter fleet.

Given that India also operates the fighters and will have one of the largest fleets in service once all the 272 jets enter service, Jakarta has been interested in seeking New Delhi’s assistance for technical support and training...

...While the details will be worked out, the package is likely to involve a maintenance contract for the aircraft to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), which is producing and maintaining the Indian fleet of the fighters. In 2007, India had embarked on a similar deal with Malaysia to train its pilots and weapon operators on their Su 30 MKMs.

India to train, support Indonesian Sukhoi fleet - Indian Express

:) Beat by sudhir007 by a minute, anyway it's a different source.
You people do not even stayed as a single country after partition and now you want the legacy of Central asian warrior tribe by establishing Mugalistan or what ever you call.

This itself shows how much brainwashed pakistanis are and what false notion pakistan was created. Pakistan was created by handful of elite muslims and it has nothing to do with muslim ummah and 2 nation theory. Comman muslim of british India didnt believe in 2 nation theory.

Wud suggest you to go with this interview of Deoband chief. Maulana Madani

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Funny to see bangldeshis praising their brothers in arab countries where they are actually considered inferior second class muslims.
I wish more countries would focus more on their economy rather than military and defense

Indonesian economy is doing very well. And so is ours despite all the gloom and doom. Sure, we are having slower growth (thanks to Congress) but we're still growing faster. With Congress kicked out in 2014, our growth will easily return to 8% annually.

I think maintaining that would be good enough.
1.Indonesia was always wary of Indian hegemonic attitude towards neighbors. Sukarno used to say Andaman - Nicabar either belongd to (E) Pakistan or to Indonesia.

You mean this Sukarno:


Yeah I can see that. :coffee:

He used to call the Indian Ocean the Indonesian Ocean.

I can say the same for Arabian Sea as Indian Sea...but that doesn't change its global name, even though we patrol and control most of it.

During 1965 War he had sent a troopof PT-76 tanks with full crew to Chittagong.

WTF did he send? A brigade of troops Or a division of tanks? Make up your mind.

And do bother citing evidence. You know what they like to consider such words here without solid backing...:D

When Air Marshal Asghar Khan was sent by Ayub to seek help, his counter part had taken him round all major air bases asking him to choose whatever he liked.

Earlier you said that he sent tanks to fight us off. Now you are saying that Sukarno showed him air bases. Can you elucidate why was Ayub Khan choosing air bases in Indonesia when the war was between Pakistan and us?

In 1971 an IN Frigate, chasing a PN gunboat with fleeing Pakistanis just before the surrender, was torpedoed by Indonesian craft within Indonesian waters.

But why were Pakistanis fleeing to Indonesia? :blink:

Why not their own country?

Tell you what.... that's some strong stuff you're smoking there.
Apart from BD and PAK majority of the muslim world don't have any idea of how deceptionist, twisted and evil India is.

Oh you bet we are. :D

Soon you will have nowhere to run as you will be stuck between evil India and its new friend the evil Buddhist Myanmar. Now even Indonesia has gotten along. :devil:

They think that India is a normal country with 10-15% muslim pop. but don't have an iota of idea about how islamophobic they are.

Can't take the risk of being another ancient Egypt or Iraq now, can we? ;)

Have to be cautious.

Its much worse than both US and israel and I agree with Asad bhai that its the failure of diplomacy on our part.

Oh Snap! I can't believe you promoted us higher than the 'evil Jews and Americans'! :woot: Thanks!

Anyway Indoneshia it self is a regional power with a growing economy and won't go for any deep strategic relation with India. :)

What makes you say that? Your imaginary 'religious brotherhood'? :lol:
You mean this Sukarno:


Yeah I can see that. :coffee:

I can say the same for Arabian Sea as Indian Sea...but that doesn't change its global name, even though we patrol and control most of it.

WTF did he send? A brigade of troops Or a division of tanks? Make up your mind.

And do bother citing evidence. You know what they like to consider such words here without solid backing...:D

Earlier you said that he sent tanks to fight us off. Now you are saying that Sukarno showed him air bases. Can you elucidate why was Ayub Khan choosing air bases in Indonesia when the war was between Pakistan and us?

But why were Pakistanis fleeing to Indonesia? :blink:

Why not their own country?

Tell you what.... that's some strong stuff you're smoking there.

And, why weren't those Pakistani's among the 93,000 who surrendered? :rolleyes:
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