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1) pahari's mother tongue is Hindi not sanskrit as i said its a relatively dead language n lacks a substantial historic validity.

2):rofl: if this satisfy yr ego.

3)In ancient times this place was part of Buddist Empires, so was a part Afghanistan n western China+ parts of kashmir.
If u say that they were part of history of this region jointly share by us then we accept. But if u say that its part of indian civilization excluding us then u will face our wrath.

for all your claims to be valid you guys have to accept that people living there were dharmic buddhists ! They were killed by the marauding islamic tribals unless they converted ! The bombing of bamiyan statues by taliban is the latest well documented evidence in this regard !
@Oscar @nuclearpak
It would be better if u close this thread as it'll just trun into a troll war.

Besides it got nothing to do with Indian Defence section n is running without any source.
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It might be the second dumbest.. this arguement //The mother of all languages actually is arabic language!!!! // probably takes the cake !

anyway arabic doesnt even come into the picture when early development of languages are studied. So rather than digressing from topic, I would request the members to discuss the development of a language and sanskrit in particular to a level worthy of speaking and scripting as a whole ! Since in old ages shlokas were composed as poetry probably for easy memorization and was passed through generations verbatim. So the time from which a language was spoken and being used for scripting would differ !
As expected, its very hard our any indian to understand that not everything about history is related to india.
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There was neither an India nor a Pakistan before 1947. Period. Now keep on fighting troll kids.
An orphan is adopted by couple.. the orphan might get property from the adopted parents but not the history...
1) pahari's mother tongue is Hindi not sanskrit as i said its a relatively dead language n lacks a substantial historic validity.

2):rofl: if this satisfy yr ego.

Your mother tongue is descendant of Sanskrit Language. Your language is referred as Indo-Aryan language.

3)In ancient times this place was part of Buddist Empires, so was a part Afghanistan n western China+ parts of kashmir.
If u say that they were part of history of this region jointly share by us then we accept. But if u say that its part of indian civilization excluding us then u will face our wrath.

Are you claiming there were no Hindu empire but only Buddhist empire. Do you want me name some dynasties. :omghaha:

and mughal empire is not part of pak's history only nor im the one who claims it. Its at its best is jointly share history.

Why so? How you can claim the heritage of our land as joint heritage but won't accept when Indians claim Taxila. :rofl::laughcry: Mauryan kings and Gupta kings brought glory to Takshashila University.
LOL another indian false flager.

1)Taxila is now in Pakistan n is now part of Pakistan's history only.
Calling Taxila n its Uni. as part of indian history is totally false.

2)Sanskrit as mother of all languages:rofl:

Sure this was the best.
U r basically making a relatively dead language as mother of all languages who lacks historic validity!!!
A very little is know about it.

The mother of all languages actually is arabic language!!!!
The world's first civilization came from Middle East too.

3) U talked about Chess but u forgot about Polo. Pakistan's Giligit Baltistan area is the place from where it was born n is still played with old way in Shandoor Polo festival. Who has the world's highest polo ground. Later Britis came n introduced rules in it n spread it into Europe.

I think @AUTOBOTS u should provide credible sources n facts then oral claims on Pakistan's defense forum.
This forum is not a place to falsify history to satisfy indians, please go somewhere else.

First thing First..Pakistan was part of Indian Civilization(you may deny it or ignore it,but fact doesn't change).

second,Latin is another dead language.but it is the mother of many modern language.same goes for Sanskrit.nobody knows which is mother of all language as nobody dared to unearth history of tens of thousands of years.and nobody know about first civilization.so,its a false claim on your part.

and this "Indian Civilization" isn't just belongs to "India".it belongs to the whole subcontinent.
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for all your claims to be valid you guys have to accept that people living there were dharmic buddhists ! They were killed by the marauding islamic tribals unless they converted ! The bombing of bamiyan statues by taliban is the latest well documented evidence in this regard !

LOL again childish indian brain.

They r not part of our country n now part of successor nation. So we know better then u as actually we have historical evidences in our soil.

They were not destroyed by any muslim specially taxila as muslims came very late in to this region. And u must study about Sufiasm n Saints before saying that muslim armies forcefully converted non muslims.

Neither im taliban nor am i their supporter also they dont represent islam they r at their best bunch of unemployed n uneducated people who got nothing else to do but this doesnt give u a leverage that they were destroyed by muslims n they forcefully converted non muslims. Going by yr logic The babri Masjid which was build by Zaheer ud Deen babar the first Mughal leader of SA. That is also well documented proof of yr Civilization tolerance. So basing my argument on this should i say same:undecided:

I think Educated people should be open minded n should not be conservative.
Here this will help.

Your mother tongue is descendant of Sanskrit Language. Your language is referred as Indo-Aryan language.

Are you claiming there were no Hindu empire but only Buddhist empire. Do you want me name some dynasties. :omghaha:

Why so? How you can claim the heritage of our land as joint heritage but won't accept when Indians claim Taxila. :rofl::laughcry: Mauryan kings and Gupta kings brought glory to Takshashila University.

1)ok g so u know better then me the one whose mother tongue is this language.:lol:

I rest my case.

2)Sure there were hindu empires but was this area in the time of Taxila university part of Hindu empire? I dont think soo.
It was part of Ghandhara Civilization not Hindu Empire.

3)R u a dumb or just stupid?

In the my that post u replied with quote's 3rd point i have gave u yr answer, stupid!!!

''If u say that they were part of history of this region jointly share by us then we accept. But if u say that its part of indian civilization excluding us then u will face our wrath.''

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/254007-india-india-4.html#ixzz2U92emSnF

and same goes for those Mughal n Rest of Muslim empires n their Building in yr country.

First thing First..Pakistan was part of Indian Civilization(you may deny it or ignore it,but fact doesn't change).

second,Latin is another dead language.but it is the mother of many modern language.same goes for Sanskrit.nobody knows which is mother of all language as nobody dared to unearth history of tens of thousands of years.and nobody know about first civilization.so,its a false claim on your part.

and this "Indian Civilization" isn't just belongs to "India".it belongs to the whole subcontinent.
1) sure pakistan's land was part of SA's civilizations as a whole but calling it ''indian'' civilization excluding us from it is not a right thing.
These historical things at their best r jointly share by us. Thats all.
It might be the second dumbest.. this arguement //The mother of all languages actually is arabic language!!!! // probably takes the cake !

That would stem from dogma.. and the same can apply to certain indo-semetic languages.
However, if the history of language is taken and divided into modern spoken languages.. then Arabic is certainly one of the oldest ones.
Which brings us to the topic and Rigvedic Sanskrit.. and its written form..and assume that it follows similar patterns as other Proto-Indian Aryan languages.. then the language eventually found its way into the Brahmi script sometime before Ashoka.
Unfortunately the environment (along with multiple conflicts and invasions by Arab and Persian rulers) may have erased any further preserved texts that would point to more accurate written history.
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