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Great , but what has this to do with Indian defense?
nice thread mate...:cheers:
N the source of ur claim is???:what:

N about the Sanskrit not spoken anywhere part. We r talking about an language which dates back atleast 3-5000 years so what do u expect, plus it was the language of the scholars n not common man.

Common people used to speak Prakrit from which Hindi, Marathi, etc. were born..:)

After the end of Indus Valley Civilization, there was no any kind of writing language record in India for more than 1500 years. So current theory is all your writing languages, including Sanskrit, were developed from near east language.
After the end of Indus Valley Civilization, there was no any kind of writing language record in India for more than 1500 years. So current theory is all your writing languages, including Sanskrit, were developed from near east language.

Go home son .. you know nothing ! :wave:

near east ?? da fook you talking about !
After the end of Indus Valley Civilization, there was no any kind of writing language record in India for more than 1500 years. So current theory is all your writing languages, including Sanskrit, were developed from near east language.

What do u mean by Near East language?:what:
Yes my frnd..:)

Sanskrit came from outside ! Thats a fact ! A large group of people did migrate to India and brought it here. It evolved to a language/form which we know call it the sanskrit the way it is !

The reason is.. the language is similar to ME languages and Other european languages. SO unless there was a huge migration from India to that part of the earth, there is no way that could have been the case. Rather it is well documented in history, that since time immemorial, there was a continued wave of migration to India through it North western borders ! Natuarally sanskrit came with them ! And Indus valley has no wriiten sanskrit records. They had their own language !
Ancient Indian Number System.....

The Hindu–Arabic numeral system[1] or Hindu numeral system[2] is a positional decimal numeral system developed between the 1st and 4th centuries by Indian mathematicians. The system was adopted by Persian Muslim mathematician (Al-Khwarizmi's c. 825 book On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals) and Arab mathematicians (Al-Kindi's c. 830 volumes On the Use of the Indian Numerals) by the 9th century. It later spread to the western world by the High Middle Ages.
The system is based upon ten (originally nine) different glyphs. The symbols (glyphs) used to represent the system are in principle independent of the system itself. The glyphs in actual use are descended from Indian Brahmi numerals, and have split into various typographical variants since the Middle Ages.
These symbol sets can be divided into three main families: the Indian numerals used in India, the Eastern Arabic numerals used in Egypt and the Middle East and the West Arabic numerals used in the Maghreb and in Europe.


also read this...

Indian numerals

and also this....

Indian Numbering System

Indians named most decimal position than others..and also Indians named largest unit,Antya,which is 1000 million trillion..thats huge... :cheesy:
Sanskrit came from outside ! Thats a fact ! A large group of people did migrate to India and brought it here. It evolved to a language/form which we know call it the sanskrit the way it is !

There is no fact these r only theories dear n if u wanna prove me that its a fact than I want source for ur fact n not some bed story from a blogger:wave:
There is no fact these r only theories dear n if u wanna prove me that its a fact than I want source for ur fact n not some bed story from a blogger:wave:

Atleast we all have a proof of human migration from ME to India.. and you have none ! :wave:
From Egyptian and Sumarian, the proto-Canaanite was developed in 1750 BC and became precursor of all the alphabetic languages.


dumbas$ !! carbon dating puts several written records found in India to much older than 3500BC ... :wave:
Nice thread.........

but what is current India giving to world..............??????
N ur source is?:what:

yeah ! what I am saying is a theory and not a fact but so is the sanskrit originating in India a theory ! But the earlier version seems more plausible to me than the latter one ! The reason i mentioned above. !
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