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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

The Hindu is a different beast.

He is successfully slow cooking you and lowering your redline threshold with each move.

As he continues to strangle your economic lifeblood and water flow.

Trust me. Pakistan will have its chance.

Only you'll need everything for your own.

And you will realise that you are already too late.

Cheers, Doc
Hail Hydra!!
They need constant validation about Jinnah's choice.

You know why.

Which is why there are no riots in Gujarat post 2002.

Its like the Hindus have got Nukes and bingo, suddenly the muslims don't want to riot and kill as a mob.

Now all they want is love jihad.

Funny how Hindu unity actually put an end to Riots in India.

What a moronic post.

What does Indian nukes have to do with riots.

If anything, the Pakistani Muslims checkmated Hindu mobs with their nukes.

Now no northern hordes can get at their women before a limited nuclear exchange.

Cheers, Doc
The Hindu is a different beast.

He is successfully slow cooking you and lowering your redline threshold with each move.

As he continues to strangle your economic lifeblood and water flow.

Trust me. Pakistan will have its chance.

Only you'll need everything for your own.

And you will realise that you are already too late.

Cheers, Doc


Ateast wait until we clear the wreckage of your Mig21:rofl:

Don't worry we are planning too

What a moronic post.

What does Indian nukes have to do with riots.

If anything, the Pakistani Muslims checkmated Hindu mobs with their nukes.

Now no northern hordes can get at their women before a limited nuclear exchange.

Cheers, Doc

lol..... Hindutva = Hindu Nukes idiot. Try to keep up.

Bingo, no more major riots in India.
You mean successfully countering the slow burning hindu?

Please man. I feel bad for you guys. I consider a few of you my friends.

In serious shit financially.

And there is a 45 page thread on new F16s.

I blame Sam for the banya in me.

Cheers, Doc
Please man. I feel bad for you guys. I consider a few of you my friends.

In serious shit financially.

And there is a 45 page thread on new F16s.

I blame Sam for the banya in me.

Cheers, Doc

What can I say

Pakistan has to plan against the hindu where we can

Push them out of Afghanistan
Make them a insignificant player whilst major players talk
Smack them when india gets out of line like in February
Plan for the civil war in india
Reach out to multiple countries from Chiba to Russia to U.S to counter india

I think we did ok, considering
What can I say

Pakistan has to plan against the hindu where we can

Push them out of Afghanistan
Make them a insignificant player whilst major players talk
Smack them when india gets out of line like in February
Plan for the civil war in india
Reach out to multiple countries from Chiba to Russia to U.S to counter india

I think we did ok, considering

Just because we don't butt in on your internal threads does not mean we don't read.

You should move back to Naya Pakistan.

Cheers, Doc
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