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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

That's obvious.

I said as much in the early parts of this or another thread on similar lines.

Hindu on Muslim conflagrations have always been local, max regional.

Insofar as that is concerned, the numbers usually tend to even out, and the pan India numerical Hindu superiority does not really come to bear.

Where the Muslims lose is the machinery of the state deployed to facilitate the mobs. Political and community level.

Ghettos become useless then. Gone are the days of the 60s through the 80s when even the police were afraid to enter Muslim no go areas.

There is no safe zone left. And the local populace is also increasingly hostile. So there is no hope of Hindu friends and neighbors helping when the mobs come.

What Modi and the Sangh have now done (since the mid 90s ...) is polarise things at a national level. Where the Hindu hydra moves as one.

Now if there is a big riot, two things will happen.

It will quickly spread across state lines.

And two, Hindu mobs will quickly grow from out of town/city/district/taluka/state mob inflows by road and rail, to quickly establish numerical superiority.

Three, the security apparatus will calibrate the speed of its response.

Bingo. You have a pogrom.

Cheers, Doc

This is the situation they have reached due to minimal involvement of general muslim public

Once this changes and once Pakistan lends a hand this will change. They WILL have the weapons to defend themselves and fight back
Indian subcontinent, more like this

Can you provide the link which proves that india looked like the above in 1492?

It means Afghanistan was also a part of india........:lol:
Killing innocent hindus because you saw the rise of hindutva extremism? That sounds rather unreasonable. Going by your logic, then Hindu extremists killing muslims, because they fear the rise of extremist muslims is also fair, No?

Don't go for him. Of course, killing of any innocent is a crime of the highest order. That is another thing, that this has happened, time and again, in the human history, out of frenzy and greed.
Can you provide the link which proves that india looked like the above in 1492?

It means Afghanistan was also a part of india........:lol:
I am just stating that India was existent back then while Pakistan was nowhere to be seen. Doesn't matter which present day countries were included in the India then..
Tarek Fatah disagrees. He is a true son of this soil. Unlike you who still can't fulfill your ancestors' last wish while dying. That is, to defend Hinduism.

I have reported you as well.

I don't believe in any of this "son of the soil" bullshit. People are born to parents, not to the soil.

I have no record of my ancestor's wishes or wills.
I have reported you as well.

I don't believe in any of this "son of the soil" bullshit. People are born to parents, not to the soil.

I have no record of my ancestor's wishes or wills.
This is the situation they have reached due to minimal involvement of general muslim public

Once this changes and once Pakistan lends a hand this will change. They WILL have the weapons to defend themselves and fight back

Pakistan will have its chance.

You can count on that.

Cheers, Doc
Pakistan will have its chance.

You can count on that.

Cheers, Doc

We kinda knew in 1947

Why do you think Jinnah, Iqbal etc pushed so hard to break india

We decimated the hindu population in our areas over decades to ensure complete domination

Your acting like we should be surprised

Its upto the indian muslims to wake up and organise not us and when even formally "we are indian, indian muslims" get it you know things are changing
We kinda knew in 1947

Why do you think Jinnah, Iqbal etc pushed so hard to break india

We decimated the hindu population in our areas over decades to ensure complete domination

Your acting like we should be surprised

Its upto the indian muslims to wake up and organise not us and when even formally "we are indian, indian muslims" get it you know things are changing

It does not matter now.

Cheers, Doc
It does not matter now.

Cheers, Doc

Kinda proves us right from the beginning

Trust me, its important as we nurdle the indian muslims to understand we were always right and let them make the natural conclusion of how to defend themselves

As a enemy of india we can only lend moral support to the oppressed indian minorities
Kinda proves us right from the beginning

Trust me, its important as we nurdle the indian muslims to understand we were always right and let them make the natural conclusion of how to defend themselves

As a enemy of india we can only lend moral support to the oppressed indian minorities

It's about resources, will and capacity.

You've maxed out in Kashmir. And it's still Indian.

Cheers, Doc
It's about resources, will and capacity.

You've maxed out in Kashmir. And it's still Indian.

Cheers, Doc

As Azad Kashmir is still Pakistani and the latest skirmish between Pakistan and india resulted in a indian slapped face
As Azad Kashmir is still Pakistani and the latest skirmish between Pakistan and india resulted in a indian slapped face

The Hindu is a different beast.

He is successfully slow cooking you and lowering your redline threshold with each move.

As he continues to strangle your economic lifeblood and water flow.

Trust me. Pakistan will have its chance.

Only you'll need everything for your own.

And you will realise that you are already too late.

Cheers, Doc
It does not matter now.

Cheers, Doc

They need constant validation about Jinnah's choice.

You know why.

That's obvious.

I said as much in the early parts of this or another thread on similar lines.

Hindu on Muslim conflagrations have always been local, max regional.

Insofar as that is concerned, the numbers usually tend to even out, and the pan India numerical Hindu superiority does not really come to bear.

Where the Muslims lose is the machinery of the state deployed to facilitate the mobs. Political and community level.

Ghettos become useless then. Gone are the days of the 60s through the 80s when even the police were afraid to enter Muslim no go areas.

There is no safe zone left. And the local populace is also increasingly hostile. So there is no hope of Hindu friends and neighbors helping when the mobs come.

What Modi and the Sangh have now done (since the mid 90s ...) is polarise things at a national level. Where the Hindu hydra moves as one.

Now if there is a big riot, two things will happen.

It will quickly spread across state lines.

And two, Hindu mobs will quickly grow from out of town/city/district/taluka/state mob inflows by road and rail, to quickly establish numerical superiority.

Three, the security apparatus will calibrate the speed of its response.

Bingo. You have a pogrom.

Cheers, Doc

Which is why there are no riots in Gujarat post 2002.

Its like the Hindus have got Nukes and bingo, suddenly the muslims don't want to riot and kill as a mob.

Now all they want is love jihad.

Funny how Hindu unity actually put an end to Riots in India.
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