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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

What was his definition of india back then? Did it include more or even less territory than of modern day india? Was it a particular city?

Dude, this guy is a liar and you cannot talk sense with these people. They think the boundaries of India existed when Adam (PBUH) walked the earth.

Cheers, Doc

Interesting that your betrayed Shiv Sena. I thought they were "family". (your words)

More interesting to see that your betrayed your "family" for Ummah called the Congress. May the jihad be strong in you.
What was his definition of india back then? Did it include more or even less territory than of modern day india? Was it a particular city?
Indian subcontinent, more like this
Dude, this guy is a liar and you cannot talk sense with these people. They think the boundaries of India existed when Adam (PBUH) walked the earth.
Back then, the boundaries kept changing with frequent wars and invasions but India as a region always existed. Dont talk foolishly..

lol... This is what it looked like during Columbus's time?
More or less..
You want me post an exact map of that period?

A limited one yes.

There will be an international peace keeping force in both countries.

The remainder of the nukes will be taken over.

Cheers, Doc
Hmm... there is a possibility and that looks scary though

But the era of genocide is long gone. The west and UN won't let this to happen
You would want to believe so, whats happening in Syria, Yemen, Burma? The west doesn't care unless it has some stake in there.
Back then, the boundaries kept changing with frequent wars and invasions but India as a region always existed. Dont talk foolishly..

More or less..
You want me post an exact map of that period?

What is your education level? What is a boundary? You are so stupid that you have argued against yourself and you don't even realize it. Who is saying Indian region didn't exist back then? I told you that that name is derived from the Indus River Vally... India as a nation state did not exist before 1947 and hence there were no "Indian muslims" until after 1947. Try and think about things before you say them. It will help you not make mistakes and be able to grasp what the other person is saying. It is very simple, let me break it down for you in bullet point fashion.

- The subcontinent was known as a region before the creation of Indian and Pakistan.
- It had many different names including India, Hindustan, etc.
- After the British created Pakistan and India, India became a nation state.
- Indian region includes present day India, Pakistan, and also regions of "Indo-china"

It is a very simple and easy concept to grasp. It is simple facts and there is no nationalism involved.
lol... This is what it looked like during Columbus's time?

Off course do you believe Gandhi or nehru invented this land?
Land was always there but was it under same empire or different kingdoms is different thing
So you want a 16th century map that says "India " ?

Here you go,


How about one that says "Indostan" ?


Here is another retard, strong at work... Read all the post and then come and reply. Don't just say shit to say it man.
Gangu history is nothing more than hundreds of kingdoms, tribes, empires and dynasties killing, invading, looting and raping each other. But indians like to pretend they have always been living under one flag for thousand of years
Oh dear, I was speaking about geography. Why digress? Its a pity that you Pakistanis dont have a history to speak off.
Here is another retard, strong at work... Read all the post and then come and reply. Don't just say shit to say it man.

lol..... angry I burst your bubble ?

India is the most ancient of all civilizations, its foolish to think that the rest of the world did not know we existed.

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