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India in the Chinese internet user eyes !

India's nigger is inferior races, they do not have the ability to develop the country.

哑夷! Don't know anything. Read below.

In 2005, DNA testing proved that the first inhabitants of China were black Africans. The study was conducted by a Chinese DNA specialist named Jin Li and a team of Chinese and other scientists. Li admits that he wasn’t trying to prove this fact, instead he initially wanted to prove that the Chinese evolved from hοmo erectus independently of all humans. After collecting more than 12000 DNA samples from 165 different ethnic groups, Li and his team found that early humans belonged to different species but modern humans had descended from the East African species.

Chinese Coolies
are u Vietnamese? LOL:lol:
What does my screen name read? Are you Korean?
u are a Vietnamese troll
The probability you lie is 99.99%:lol:

There are too many Vietnamese spies in there, posing as a foreigner, to discredit China.

haha, unfortunately,u are always exposed.

99% of the Manchu people in China,
And basically 99% agree they are chinese, they no distinction between with Han Chinese.

Also many Mongolians do not like manchu people.
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