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India in healthcare hall of shame, ranked worst among peers and neighbours

^^Ok if that is the case i am doing the honor by reporting the post......
@Koovie Vittukala.... No point....so lets agree to disagree...

You are right, its a waste of time to argue with loosers like @Mritunjaya .
The whole world and all mallus know that there is no religious hatred in our wonderful state. Let those few looser bark, absolutely no one cares.
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You are right, its a waste of time to argue with loosers like @Mritunjaya .
The whole world and all mallus know that there is no religious hatred in our wonderful state. Let those few looser bark, absolutely no one cares.

LOL.......a mallu christian professor hands just got chopped off due to Religious hatred in kerala :rofl: ...............how pathetic are you ? :lol:
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@WebMaster please delete the post #56

Shame on you for being such an spineless coward. ..................... I am sure the post will not be deleted ....the joke's on you naye..r.

You have gone behind an Indians back and complained to a pakistani .....i spit on you.

Here is some more proof of Religious hatred in Kerala .....

Kerala high court finds signs of 'Love Jihad', suggests law checks it

Observing that there are indications of "forceful" religious conversions under the guise of "love" in Kerala, the State high court today suggested the government to consider enacting a law to prohibit such "deceptive" acts.

"Under the pretext of love, there cannot be any compulsive, deceptive conversion," the court said.

Justice KT Sankaran made the observations, dismissing anticipatory bail applications by two accused in activities of 'Love Jihad', allegedly involving converting girls from other religions to Islam after enticing them to marry Muslim boys.

After perusing the case diary in 'Love Jihad' cases, he held there were indications of forceful religious conversions. From some of the police reports, it was clear there was a 'concerted' effort to convert girls of a particular religion to another with the 'blessings of some outfits', he said.
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LOL......More proof of Religious hatred in kerala ....

Islamists hack ABVP leader to death in Kerala

Activists of Islamist students’ organization Campus Front of India brutally murdered an ABVP leader at Christian College at Chengannur in Kerala’s Alappuzha district. Two other ABVP workers were injured in the Islamists’ attack.

ABVP leader Vishal (19), who was hacked by a bike-mounted gang of Islamists in front of Christian College on Monday morning, succumbed to the injuries at about 3.00 am Tuesday. In protest, the ABVP struck studies across the State on Tuesday and the BJP observed a hartal in Alappuzha district.

Doctors said Vishal, a final year BSc (Zoology) student at the NSS College, Konni in Pathanamthitta district and a resident of Mulakkuzha, Chengannur, was brought to the Medical College Hospital, Kottayam with damaged vertebrae and injured duodenum and pancreas and with very low blood pressure. Funeral will take place on Wednesday.

Campus Front is the students’ wing of Islamist organization Popular Front of India (PFI, formerly NDF), whose activists had in a Taliban-model attack on July 4, 2010 chopped off the right hand of TJ Joseph, a college professor from Ernakulam district, for preparing a question paper that allegedly blasphemed Prophet Muhammad.

Christian Businessman Charged With Conversion

More fun in Kerala ........this time between Hindus and Christians ...:P

April 14 (World Watch Monitor) — April 14 (Compass) -- An Indian court has charged a Christian businessman in southern Kerala state with attempted conversion.

“Mr. Vidya Sagaran, a businessman from Kayamkulam Taluka, in Kerala’s Alappuzha district, was arrested by local police on March 30,” defense attorney Ranjit George told Compass. “The Judicial First Class Magistrate of Kayamkulam granted him bail on the 31st.

“The complainant, Mr. Vishwanathan Pillai, accused Sagaran of inducing him to convert from the Nayar caste (a Hindu sect) to the Pentecostal faith.

“Sagaran was charged with Sections 447, 153A(1)(a), and 323 of the Indian Penal Code, for criminal trespass, promoting feelings of religious hatred, and causing grievous hurt,” George said.

States that do not have an anti-conversion law can use Section 153A of the Penal Code to charge those accused of “forced” or “fraudulent” conversion.

.........How long will cowards hide behind ignorance ? :smokin:
LOL .....If Churches and temples are all places of worship then why not build more temples you hypocrite. If name is just a name ....then why not keep Dharmic names ...why have names like Thomas you hypocrite. If food is just food then why not follow your tradition and stick to vegetarianism food you hypocrite ? Give this simple minded answers to those dumb enough to swallow it.

Do you know how many temples are in Kerala,If you wanna build more,Go ahead and build more.I don't care.I don't believe in gods that sits in a temple.IMO,instead and wasting money on building expensive temples Hindus should try to build more educational institutions,You were the one whining about educational instruction in Kerala are dominated by Christians and Muslims,here is your answer.God doesn't all these temples and its immense wealth,but the people needs it.

What tradition and whose tradition,Only those Hindu communities which are influenced by Jainism and Buddhism and Vaishanism are vegetarians,That's why Gujaratis has a vegetarian culture.Many of the South Indian Hindus have a Shaivist tradition.Shaivite Hindus was often meat eaters.Majority of Brahmins in Kerala like,pisharodies and Gauda Saraswatha Brahmins and Embranthiries,The Sagara Brahmins etc ,they all had Vaishanvaite tradition.This is why Most of the Brahmins are vegetarian and non Brahmins were not so much.And.So your argument of vegetarian tradition is absurd and false a stereotype,If you wonder why Dalits eat meat,this is the reason,By the time Vaishnavism reached its zenith in India,Caste system got rigidified and they were kept out of Vaiushnivism by Upper caste Hindus.

ROTL.....are you now going to teach me my tradition and history? Cow is considered equivalent to mother in Hinduism that is why 'Gau Hatya' or cow slaughter is considered a Very Serious Sin. If cow slaughter issue is a creation of the British then why was it not banned after the british left your Hypocrite. You sound like a pakistani ...trying to blame the british for your sins.

Majority of Indian states banned cow slaughter,I don't know what you are talking about.

There is everything wrong with eating Beef for a Hindu. Tomorrow you will advocate cannibalism by using the logic that when people die or natural causes or accident we can eat them because after all humans are also mammals like cows. Why not start eating dogs, pigs, cats like the chinese you hypocrite. After all there is nothing wrong in eating them and people should be able to chose what they eat as per your twisted logic. People cannot exercise their freedom if that freedom offends the sentiments of others in the society they live in. That is why hate speech is not allowed in India.

You are the one who gave the example of a christian businessmen offering money to Temples :lol: ....if you cannot show proof then stick that example back into your @$$ you hypocrite. If the 'donation' was so 'anonymous' and done for 'personal' reasons then why talk about it you hypocrite.

Ignoring all that ignorant rants,,You have no right to enforce your culinary habits on others,If any one want to eat beef its none of your buisness.
Do you know how many temples are in Kerala,If you wanna build more,Go ahead and build more.I don't care.I don't believe in gods that sits in a temple.IMO,instead and wasting money on building expensive temples Hindus should try to build more educational institutions,You were the one whining about educational instruction in Kerala are dominated by Christians and Muslims,here is your answer.God doesn't all these temples and its immense wealth,but the people needs it.

You are truly detestable......you call reports of religious discrimination as 'whining'. You are the one who came up with e.g. of 'christian donate to temple' nonsense and when asked for proof you backed out ....now here you are with another stawman argument. Rather than mock malayali hindu poverty and political emasculation that prevents them from building educational institutions there should be a call first to remove 'religious reservation' for Christians and Muslims in their institutions and prevention of job seeking in gulf countries that practice 'Religious discrimination'.

Most churches got land as 'Gift' from the british and they continue to hold them to this date. Ask your church to relinquish this immoral and illegal land holding. On top of this, land from Hindu temples were taking away. Shame on you for reducing this injustice to a farce...and shame on all those who support you in this greedy bigotry.

What tradition and whose tradition,Only those Hindu communities which are influenced by Jainism and Buddhism and Vaishanism are vegetarians,That's why Gujaratis has a vegetarian culture.Many of the South Indian Hindus have a Shaivist tradition.Shaivite Hindus was often meat eaters.Majority of Brahmins in Kerala like,pisharodies and Gauda Saraswatha Brahmins and Embranthiries,The Sagara Brahmins etc ,they all had Vaishanvaite tradition.This is why Most of the Brahmins are vegetarian and non Brahmins were not so much.And.So your argument of vegetarian tradition is absurd and false a stereotype,If you wonder why Dalits eat meat,this is the reason,By the time Vaishnavism reached its zenith in India,Caste system got rigidified and they were kept out of Vaiushnivism by Upper caste Hindus.

Dont talk nonsense without knowing anything about Hinduism........The question is about permitting Beef in a Hindu majority state. Do not deflect from this question.

Majority of Indian states banned cow slaughter,I don't know what you are talking about.

Exactly ....all states expect Kerala.

Keep your abuse to yourself,You have no right to enforce your culinary habits on others,If any one want to eat beef its none of your buisness.

If they want to eat Beef in a Hindu majority country. ..then IT IS MY BUSINESS. If you want to eat beef then go to USA, Saudia arabia or even Pakistan. I don't care.......serving Beef in India is MY BUSINESS.

If eating beef is permitted then wiping @$$ with the bible an Koran should also be permitted. Your bigotry disguised as 'open minded' malayalees have no takers.
You are truly detestable......you call reports of religious discrimination as 'whining'. You are the one who came up with e.g. of 'christian donate to temple' nonsense and when asked for proof you backed out ....now here you are with another stawman argument. Rather than mock malayali hindu poverty and political emasculation that prevents them from building educational institutions there should be a call first to remove 'religious reservation' for Christians and Muslims in their institutions and prevention of job seeking in gulf countries that practice 'Religious discrimination'.

Christians and Muslims build schools and collages by their own money,If its wasn't for these instituitions Kerala wouldn't have had such high literacy rate,Give them some credit.

Most churches got land as 'Gift' from the british and they continue to hold them to this date. Ask your church to relinquish this immoral and illegal land holding. On top of this, land from Hindu temples were taking away. Shame on you for reducing this injustice to a farce...and shame on all those who support you in this greedy bigotry.

Nonsense,Most of the temples are owned by wealthy Hindu families,If they are losing land its their problem.British never gave any land to any Church as far as I know,Much of the kerala was ruled by Kochi and travancore royal families they gave land to Churches.So you tell them.

Dont talk nonsense without knowing anything about Hinduism........The question is about permitting Beef in a Hindu majority state. Do not deflect from this question.

Exactly ....all states expect Kerala.

Cow slaughter laws are stupid and cannot be enforceable.They will never work,even if its enforced,Its just another issue to create communal friction.Besides majority of Keralites does eat beef,(Add all Hindus,Muslims and Christians).So keep your RSS doctrine to yourself,Let the people eat what ever they want.A State should have no role in telling what people should eat and what not.

If they want to eat Beef in a Hindu majority country. ..then IT IS MY BUSINESS. If you want to eat beef then go to USA, Saudia arabia or even Pakistan. I don't care.......serving Beef in India is MY BUSINESS.

If eating beef is permitted then wiping @$$ with the bible an Koran should also be permitted. Your bigotry disguised as 'open minded' malayalees have no takers.

I have comments no comments on your bigoted mentality.You can do what ever you please,I don't care.
If they want to eat Beef in a Hindu majority country. ..then IT IS MY BUSINESS. If you want to eat beef then go to USA, Saudia arabia or even Pakistan. I don't care.......serving Beef in India is MY BUSINESS.

If eating beef is permitted then wiping @$$ with the bible an Koran should also be permitted. Your bigotry disguised as 'open minded' malayalees have no takers.

No its not. And trust me, todays beef fry was delicious ... :cheesy:

BTW Cow slaughter is forbidden in 6 states, unrestricted in 4 and in the other states its allowed under certain restrictions!
What........fight b/w mallu guys is not over ????:hitwall::hitwall:
Christians and Muslims build schools and collages by their own money,If its wasn't for these instituitions Kerala wouldn't have had such high literacy rate,Give them some credit.

Wrong. Land grants were given for building collages by the state govt. Licenses were given to favor religious minorities. At present, the education sector in Kerala is under the control of minorities, who are politically influential and economically sound through the remittances made by Non-Resident Keralites (NRKs). The National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions (NCMEI) grants minority status to colleges on political recommendations ensuring seats are reserved for Muslims and Christians.

Study of last 48 years of kerala politics reveal that only one Hindu minister handled the portfolio of education and that, too for a period of 4 years 3 months. Otherwise, for the rest of the period, this portfolio has been handled by ministers belonging to only minority communities.

Self Financing Institutions established in Kerala in 2000 during the time of A.K. Antony (UDF) as the Chief minister. It evolved into a private-public partnership in higher education with the slogan ‘one aided college equals two government colleges’.

That the disadvantaged Hindu communities and the poor were unable to take advantage of this government partnership offer is the crucial point here.

Instead, the economically, politically and educationally dominant minorities lapped it up.

Your claim for credit for high literacy in kerala to be given to minorities is equally laughable.

Even in 1947 literacy rates in Kerala where high as 45%. Kerala always enjoyed a higher literacy rate when compared to the rest of India. It can be attributed to many factors. The Kings and Queens who ruled Kerala showed some interest in educating its public. The census report for 1941 indicates that the high literacy rates were due to interests shown by the rulers. The reports points to the edict issued by Rani Gouri Parvathi Bayi in 1817 that says the state “shall defray the entire cost of the education of its people in order that there may be no backwardness in the spread of enlightenment among them, that by diffusion of education they might become better subjects and public servants, and that the reputation of the state may be advanced thereby”

Mass literacy in Kerala took place due to the Land Reform Ordinance that was introducted in 1957 by EMS Namboothiripad. This rule abolished tenancy, paved the way for public food distribution and also reformed laws involving agricultural workers. This ordinance along with very good public education catapulted Kerala’s literacy rates to the 90’s by mid 1995. Kerala is one of the few states where the majority of the population used to go to public schools for education and to public medical hospitals for treatment. The credit for literacy goes to far sighted kings of kerala and the underlying Hindu culture that valued education.

However the credit for introducing Anti-Hindu tenets in education does go to the minority in Kerala. Till 1950-60 dharmic stories were part of the education system in kerala....now only minority colleges have right to impart religious teaching.

Nonsense,Most of the temples are owned by wealthy Hindu families,If they are losing land its their problem.British never gave any land to any Church as far as I know,Much of the kerala was ruled by Kochi and travancore royal families they gave land to Churches.So you tell them.

This is also a laughable claim.....Most Temples in India come under The State Endowment Board which control their revenue. Priests of temples are penniless and temples are decaying due to lack of maintenance. Hindu priests do not want to train children in priestly activities for lack of economical basis.

In Kerala, funds from the Guruvayur temple are diverted to other government projects denying improvements to 45 Hindu temples. Land belonging to the Ayyappa temple (in Sabarimala) has been grabbed and church backed encroaches are occupying huge areas of forestland running into thousands of acres near Sabarimala. Government of Kerala tried to pass an ordinance to disband the Travancore and Cochin Autonomous Devaswom Boards (TCDB) and take over even their limited independent authority of Hindu temples in Kerala.

The annihilation of Kerala temples was first organised and put into effect 200 years ago by Colonel John Munro, the British Resident in the erstwhile State of Travancore. Munro who was a committed Christian missionary who issued fiat (“proclamation”) to take over nearly all the temples of Travancore and Cochin and also by seizing all their landed properties without any compensation whatsoever. Munro parallelly issued hundreds of munificent land grants to the Christian Churches. You can trace the present day land holdings of most churches in kerla to Munro.

Munro kept all the income from the expropriated temple lands with the state and did not remit any amount at all to the temples. Thus impoverished and effectively devitalised, these temples fell into ruin.

Cow slaughter laws are stupid and cannot be enforceable.They will never work,even if its enforced,Its just another issue to create communal friction.Besides majority of Keralites does eat beef,(Add all Hindus,Muslims and Christians).So keep your RSS doctrine to yourself,Let the people eat what ever they want.A State should have no role in telling what people should eat and what not.

LOL.........banning of cow slaughter is already enforced over many states in India. It has worked. USA has banned Dog meat sale ......... Cannibalism is also illegal. ..........so its obvious that state has a role to play in telling people what to eat and what not.
No its not. And trust me, todays beef fry was delicious ... :cheesy:

BTW Cow slaughter is forbidden in 6 states, unrestricted in 4 and in the other states its allowed under certain restrictions!

BTW have you every had sex with a mallu christian Nun? I did ...she gave me the best BJ in my life. .....trust me its fun :enjoy: You must try it someday :P I hope you were not 'taken in' by the priest in your youth and become their 'choir boy'.
Indian surgeons are one of the best. We have indian surgeons working in private hospitals doing by pass surgeries in Colombo. Here ppl have very high regard for them.
Yeah. They earn big time. Do they give concessions to certain segment of patients.

Like we have few hospitals where concessions are givenn or free of cost operation is provided to few Pakistani patients.

I think Indian hospitals should offer it to Sri Lanka too. Is there any such thing.

Indian surgeons are one of the best. We have indian surgeons working in private hospitals doing by pass surgeries in Colombo. Here ppl have very high regard for them.
Yeah. They earn big time. Do they give concessions to certain segment of patients.

Like we have few hospitals where concessions are givenn or free of cost operation is provided to few Pakistani patients.

I think Indian hospitals should offer it to Sri Lanka too. Is there any such thing.

Indian surgeons are one of the best. We have indian surgeons working in private hospitals doing by pass surgeries in Colombo. Here ppl have very high regard for them.
Yeah. They earn big time. Do they give concessions to certain segment of patients.

Like we have few hospitals where concessions are givenn or free of cost operation is provided to few Pakistani patients.

I think Indian hospitals should offer it to Sri Lanka too. Is there any such thing.
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