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India in elite club with AUV launch

But i know about a french unmanned sub with robotic arms. It was used in the rescue of a trapped russian sub.

That was connected to the command center by wire.


^yeah! and the Romans built everything on their own, kid.
^yeah! and the Romans built everything on their own, kid.

romans did what everyone does, even today. use existing know-how to develop new ones. Perhaps everything you use (including that keyboard you are about to type on), was built by you, for the rest of us its better to buy it.
..........use existing know-how to develop new ones.........

Using existing know-how to build new ones is totally different from buying ready-made stuffs.........
You need to grow up to understand the difference, kid.

.........Perhaps everything you use (including that keyboard you are about to type on), was built by you, for the rest of us its better to buy it..

You are not making any sense here....kid.

According to you, I have to build everything myself...since I suppot indigineous production :lol:
Then according to the same logic....you import all the stuffs you use everyday??....since you "prefer to buy everything" :rofl:

This "better to buy it" mentality leads to import dependency....which is a kind of addiction......
It does no good for the country in the LONG-RUN....apart from helping the corrupt politicians to get some "kick backs" from foreign deals.
i as a voting citizen have no qualms about GOI buying what we can't make. Do what we do best, trade for the rest.

But you feel free to offer your non-constructive criticism
i as a voting citizen have no qualms about GOI buying what we can't make. Do what we do best, trade for the rest.
Yeah! as a voting citizen you don't have any problem....It is no surprise to me.....I know Indian mindsets are very difficult to change..... their party comes first and Country comes second.
BUT I think, any responsible citizen should be worried........

But you feel free to offer your non-constructive criticism
Again you are not making any sense, kid.

This is just a discussion forum.....
By posting our views(for/against), both of us aren't doing anything constructive(literally).
assuming you are a responsible indian citizen, and find the current scenario worrying, may I suggest writing a scathing letter to your elected representatives. ranting here hardly makes a difference.

a satisfied Indian :tup:
assuming you are a responsible indian citizen, and find the current scenario worrying, may I suggest writing a scathing letter to your elected representatives. ranting here hardly makes a difference.
As I said....this is a discussion forum.........
AND we are discussing/debating on a certain issue....
You can't suggest me, what I need to do personally....similarly I cannot suggest you.
Thus, If I am ranting here, then so are you.
Get this basic thing into your head....if possible for you at your age.

a satisfied Indian :tup:
If you are so satisfied....then go to sleep....why are you ranting yourself.
im not the one complaining about the topic, although I do find the bleeding heart mildly amusing. keep it coming
im not the one complaining about the topic..........
you think I am complaining.......I am stating my views against the topic*(like you are stating yours in favour)

By the way, One cannot complain to deaf ears.....I am an Indian so I know the mentality of Indians.

*not the topic of this thread(actually, I am in favor of this topic)

................although I do find the bleeding heart mildly amusing. keep it coming
Yes for once you are right.....
My heart bleeds for India......when I see.......how Indians don't realize what is good for their country.
When I see, Indians doing harm to their own country.
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