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India ignoring Pakistan's overtures for peace: Salman Khurshid

Refers to a direct quote from the US state department. The first one is from the Brookings Institution by a former CIA officer & advisor to President Obama.

However, I'm not surprised, just a little disappointed that you went down that road.Here's more, this time direct from the U.S. State Department:

Amendments to the Terrorist Designations of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba

Home » Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs » Bureau of Public Affairs » Bureau of Public Affairs: Office of Press Relations » Press Releases » Press Releases: 2014 » Press Releases: June 2014 » Amendments to the Terrorist Designations of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba

Amendments to the Terrorist Designations of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
June 25, 2014

On June 25, 2014, the State Department announced amendments to the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity designations of Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LET), pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and section 1(b) of Executive Order (E.O.) 13224. The Department of State has also reviewed the FTO designation of LET and maintained it, in accordance with Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The Department has amended LET’s designations to add the following aliases: Jama’at-ud-Dawa, Al-Anfal Trust, Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool, and Tehrik-e-Tahafuz Qibla Awwal. In conjunction with these actions, the Department of the Treasury also designated two LET senior members as SDGTs under E.O. 13224.

The consequences of the FTO and E.O. 13224 designations include a prohibition against knowingly providing, or attempting or conspiring to provide, material support or resources to, or engaging in transactions with these organizations, and the freezing of all property and interests in property of the organizations that is in the United States, or come within the United States or the control of U.S. persons. The Department of State took these actions in consultation with the Departments of Justice and Treasury.

LET has claimed responsibility for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks that killed at least 163 people. In 2011, LET was responsible for multiple terrorist attacks, mostly in Jammu and Kashmir, and in 2012, LET claimed responsibility for an attack against an Indian army convoy in Kashmir that killed one civilian and injured two others. More recently, LET was responsible for the May 23, 2014 attack on the Indian Consulate in Herat, Afghanistan.

In December 2001, the Department of State designated LET as a Foreign Terrorist Organization. Since the original designation occurred, LET has repeatedly changed its name in an effort to avoid sanctions. More specifically, LET created Jama’at-ud-Dawa as a front organization, claiming that the group was an “organization for the preaching of Islam, politics, and social work.” Al-Anfal Trust, Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool (“Movement for Defending the Honor of God”), and Tehrik-e-Tahafuz Qibla Awwal (“Movement for Safeguarding the First Center of Prayer”) are also LET front organizations; since at least 2011, LET has used Al-Anfal Trust to procure goods from the Persian Gulf.

Good Lobbying by India. However, where does it provide any proof of their involvement.

LET has claimed responsibility in each incident. However, they might even claim responsibility for Malyasian airline tomorrow.

Having said that

Pakistan is already targeting all terrorists within its soil currently. However, if indians want public hanging of people that itwishes to see hanged then it needs to provide verifiable proof.

Lakhvi got out because india said just accept our findings as proof and you cannot question them or verify them.

I am sorry but this is not acceptable. anyways let's get back to the topic
Getting back to the topic.

I AGREE WITH PAKISTANIS that india is not too concerned about warmer ties with pakistan .. I think your pakistanis are correct that Modi and doval are right wing leaders and much harder to deal with previous indian Govts.

The reason the Modi Govt is not too concerned are multiple and complex but include.

1. India is growing its industrial GDP base nicely and has good political backing from usa Europe and the Gulf states.

2. Keeping the status quo is win win for india they keep saichen they keep the water supply the LOC becomes the offical border

3. India simply no longer feels that they need pakistan for any thing and wish to be de hyphanated from them as South Asia.s most prominent nation

4. Modi himself is a extreme right wing leader he will never seek good relations with pakistan.

5. I think Modi and the indian hawks see a pakistan that is desperate for renewed negotiations as they see Kashmir is no longer a burning issue globally because everybody is fixated with WOT and syria crisis. No one is listening to Pakistani pleas

ie nobody sees Kashmir as a CRISIS. its as india says a small bilateral issue... and as india suggests nothing can change.

the indians really dont need to talk and have nothing to gain.
The reason thé pakistanis want
dialogue is because,they and their generals have réaliséd india,is on thé verge or becoming à industrial.power house in a,décade or so.

Already india has 9 times the gdp. The entire World is engaged in trade with india,including china,at 109 billion dollars per year.

Your people are,slowly realising its no win scenario for your country
koi is bachay ki toffee wapis karo bohat ro raha hai lolz. original super power America after fighter for near 14 years in Afghanistan come to a conclusion that war and fighting is not a solution so they invited Taliban for peace talks. India is no way near to US economy so don't rant about your economy. table talk is the ultimate solution for every conflict sooner or later India will realize the importance of peace talks I hope u will understand one day

there is no war going on buddy. So you pakistanis need to stop the war talk.

As for talking about negotiating you need to understand there is nothing absolutely nothing to negotiate about.

India is not giving in inch in saichen or in Punjab or in Kashmir. So accept the LOC and sort your internal issues out

You have big issues at home forget about a war with a bigger country which you cant win.

LET INDIA GET ON WITH ITS BUSINESS and you people get on with yours


A file photo of Salman Khurshid. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: India has not responded to Pakistan’s overtures for peace in South Asia the way it should have, said former Indian foreign minister Salman Khurshid.

Speaking at at the latest round of Jinnah Institute’s Distinguished Speaker Series in Islamabad on Thursday, Khurshid said it was a far-sighted step of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to attend Indian premier Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony in May 2013.

However, he added, the BJP led-government in India failed to adequately reciprocate to Islamabad’s peace overtures, he maintained.

Armed forces exchange sweets at Wagah-Attari border on Diwali

Khurshid said since 1947 the world had found solutions to several intractable disputes and conflicts, but the India-Pakistan confrontation remained largely unchanged.

Prime Minister Modi is still learning how to be a statesman, he said, adding if India wanted to move forward in its dialogue with Pakistan, it would have to take care rather than to unsettle the democratic political order in Islamabad.

The former Indian foreign minister of India said terrorism against any country was completely unacceptable, and Pakistan itself had not been spared from this scourge.

He praised Pakistan’s fight against terrorism and acknowledged its role in fighting a difficult war in tribal areas.
Another vain attempt from INC to save their sinking boat.
Pakistán will have to learn to accept reality in the year 2015 and beyond.

This,reality sees india has a dominant powerful asian industrial giant with à verg strong military.

It sees an india that has very largue trade with all gulf states the euro zone and usa.

Thriving and powerful.

Its not ideal for the pakidtanis
All hail great chuppa pawar Bharat.
let's not forget what preceded defensive words from our ministers.

threat will be retaliated with a threat. but so should peace.

BJP can do all the sabre rattling it wants but it will eventually have to come to the table and discuss. So why embarrass itself.

I agree...in India, policial parties can sell any one for vote. BJP is a better evil but not completely a saint..Now the same question Pakistan should have asked, why the heck Manmohan Sign did not speak to Pakistan when he was PM for 10 years? BJP any way publicly made its stand very clear that they are not pro Pakistan..But Congress is supposed to be soft on Pakistan...Why they did not do it...

But in one thing i agree with the broad perspective is that Nawaz Sarif is really a good man in relation to India Pakistan relation..I feel that Modi should help Sarif and start talking to Pakistan becasue, this time Pakistan seems serious about India and Pakistan peace initiative...Sarif seems to be a visionary leader unlike other politician of Pakistan...
ISLAMABAD: India has not responded to Pakistan’s overtures for peace in South Asia the way it should have, said former Indian foreign minister Salman Khurshid.

Speaking at at the latest round of Jinnah Institute’s Distinguished Speaker Series in Islamabad on Thursday, Khurshid said it was a far-sighted step of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to attend Indian premier Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony in May 2013.

However, he added, the BJP led-government in India failed to adequately reciprocate to Islamabad’s peace overtures, he maintained.

Armed forces exchange sweets at Wagah-Attari border on Diwali

Khurshid said since 1947 the world had found solutions to several intractable disputes and conflicts, but the India-Pakistan confrontation remained largely unchanged.

Prime Minister Modi is still learning how to be a statesman, he said, adding if India wanted to move forward in its dialogue with Pakistan, it would have to take care rather than to unsettle the democratic political order in Islamabad.

The former Indian foreign minister of India said terrorism against any country was completely unacceptable, and Pakistan itself had not been spared from this scourge.

He praised Pakistan’s fight against terrorism and acknowledged its role in fighting a difficult war in tribal areas.

@Bang Galore your thoughts?

What exactly are the Pakistani overtures towards peace ?
Sharif is no visionary he is just realistic about pakistans dilemma.

The dilemma being that Pakistanis demanding equal treatment , equal rights , and diplomatic support to Pakistan against india from West the Gulf states and the world is impossible.

Sharif also realises that conflict with india will only really end with Pakistan ultimate;ly losing.

military solutions to redraw borders is over.
Don't want any peace with them. Its better to ignore them and live inside.
Grow our economy as we are growing let them rott, no need to talk with them.
Ignore them and do what we are continuing doing and give them answers in their own language on forums if they evoke Kashmir.
Well nothing is going to change.
WoW !!! Did he forgot , He belongs to the party which failed South Asia and did nothing in their 60 year rule .
What exactly are the Pakistani overtures towards peace ?

for that just watch our PM speech in UN. also see how we have repeatedly said let's have dialogue. what has india done to show its serious to have dialogue.

ususal rant about terrorism are getting old now.
Pakistani bros, maybe this Salman talking in Islamabad and advocating peace talks makes you sensitive and appreciate his efforts.

But FYI, CONgress has won 44 seats in elections against BJP Mr. Modi, 44 is their lowest total in history since 1947.

CONgress is trying all kinds of tricks in books to bring Modi down, This all talk of coming in Pakistan and talking this is also a part of the plan, to get their loyal Indian Muslim votes.

Please do not read much into this.

It is all a part and strategy to bring MODI down someway, so they get more than 44 seats next time.
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