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India ignoring Pakistan's overtures for peace: Salman Khurshid

The reason thé pakistanis want
dialogue is because,they and their generals have réaliséd india,is on thé verge or becoming à industrial.power house in a,décade or so.

Already india has 9 times the gdp. The entire World is engaged in trade with india,including china,at 109 billion dollars per year.

Your people are,slowly realising its no win scenario for your country
are you using european keyboard?
I agree with khurshid... India's new leadership had an opportunity to better the relationship. NS was ready. All these border shooting are not one sides, both side do it. We could have just ignored it and continued engagement.
even PA is ready behind NS to have a meaningful dialogue.
Then why is the architect of Mumbai attack still free ? There should have been a rope around his neck by now. When did the Mumbai attacks happened and when did Modi come to power ? Why do you have a tendency to provide lip service to those who burge in to your home and attack you ? Because it was not you who was in the harm's way ?
Pakistan's overtures to peace are simply a canard and if Salman Khurshid fails to understand that, he doesn't deserve to be put in any position of authority in the future.

Pakistan will use terrorism and 'non-state actors' as soon as it feels it can. Peace via dialogue with Pakistan is not possible.
what does he meant by peace ? if someone assume that by talks loc will be quite ,terrorist won't try to infiltrate,they are living in a fools world.We are at peace.

Even the talks can continue on engagement agreed in ufa besides why should India be overly interested in talking to Pakistan when they bring nothing to the table ? what's in their for us ?
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Pakistán will have to learn to accept reality in the year 2015 and beyond.

This,reality sees india has a dominant powerful asian industrial giant with à verg strong military.

It sees an india that has very largue trade with all gulf states the euro zone and usa.

Thriving and powerful.

Its not ideal for the pakidtanis
True. MMS tried to reciprocate in peace. What did we get in return?
You guys cannot even prosecute 26/11 attackers inspite of huge evidences submitted. Attacks are being planned in ur soil. Plus the tension on border. I do not want war, honestly particularly when the Indian growth story looks promising, but honestly India have no other choice
Would you please enlightened us with the proofs that were provided ?? as much as i know the proofs were toothpaste matchbox and some other junks .....
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even PA is ready behind NS to have a meaningful dialogue.

What is the source of this claim? Per news reports, NS came to India against the wishes of PA

Would you please enlightened us with the proofs that were proved ?? as much as i know the proofs were toothpaste matchbox and some other junks .....

No proofs because it's an inside job.
What is the source of this claim? Per news reports, NS came to India against the wishes of PA

No proofs because it's an inside job.
if your calling it a false flag by INDIA than i agree with you if not do let me know so we can expand each other knowledge on this topic :)
ISLAMABAD: India has not responded to Pakistan’s overtures for peace in South Asia the way it should have, said former Indian foreign minister Salman Khurshid.

Speaking at at the latest round of Jinnah Institute’s Distinguished Speaker Series in Islamabad on Thursday, Khurshid said it was a far-sighted step of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to attend Indian premier Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony in May 2013.

However, he added, the BJP led-government in India failed to adequately reciprocate to Islamabad’s peace overtures, he maintained.

I'm not sure where Salman Khurshid is coming from on this. This does not seem to be the official Congress position either, since they have been asking the government to actually get tougher on Pakistan (even if it is just standard opposition talk).

As for the substance, you know my position. I have disagreed that the GoI has not been interested, it was after all Modi who called Nawaz Sharif to Delhi & stayed with the invitation, inspite of an LeT attack on an Indian consulate in Afghanistan where the plan was to kill Indian diplomats during Modi's swearing in. Add to that, the Gurdaspur incident where we were very lucky that the incident didn't become one which might have led to war, something that even Obama cautioned Nawaz Sharif on his recent visit (a bomb placed by the terrorists on a railway track didn't go off & was discovered after one or possibly two trains had passed over the spot).
let's not forget what preceded defensive words from our ministers.

threat will be retaliated with a threat. but so should peace.

BJP can do all the sabre rattling it wants but it will eventually have to come to the table and discuss. So why embarrass itself.

Discuss what ?
This is the alternative to BJP that we have. Given a chance they will sell their mothers too.
No, that's pretty much the rational alternative in India, assuming Modi and his minions continue on the hate and war-mongering path they are on.

India has to do nothing like come to the table and talk.

Pakistan is pleading to USA thé chinease the gulf states and has threatend tactical nuclear war.

All this,tamasha to get attention on a dispute pak claims it has.over kashmir.

Well no one is,listening.

India will listen to pak wanting better trade or political interaction but nothing else.

Move on Pakistan get your house in ordre You have enough Internal issues
You have the whole thing arse backwards, much like the manner in which Modi fanboys have their heads inserted into Modi's rear end.

Pakistan's recent highlighting of the Kashmir dispute is a result of, and response to, Modi & Minions (M&M's) hate and war filled hysteria and asinine policy of canceling talks over traditional Pakistani meetings with Kashmiri leaders and then coming up with one excuse after another to keep talks about Kashmir off the table. Next came the unprovoked ceasefire violations, that only a fool would argue Pakistan started, given that Pakistan has massive military and paramilitary deployments in FATA, Balochistan and Karachi.

Indians can also thank Modi and Minions for Lakhvi's release - so fed up was the GoP with M&M's hate filled tirades and threats that it chose to essentially end the clearly illegal (under Pakistani law) indefinite detention of Lakhvi as a symbolic slap in the face in response to M&M's threats.
Has talks made any difference, ever?
So why not just keep it to ourselves and not engage with each other.

@AgNoStiC MuSliM

No. Lets not get into the development work, which BJP has done till now, the list is too long.

I will put another example......on which your nationals taunted India.

Do you know that now India has separate toilets for boys and girls in each school .
If I would have told this could happen somewhere in 2013, most people would have called me a brainfarting moron.
No, that's pretty much the rational alternative in India, assuming Modi and his minions continue on the hate and war-mongering path they are on.

Listen, if Pakistanis want war, they will have it. When that happens, this time something has to be done with the water too.
I agree with khurshid... India's new leadership had an opportunity to better the relationship. NS was ready. All these border shooting are not one sides, both side do it. We could have just ignored it and continued engagement.
even PA is ready behind NS to have a meaningful dialogue.
How do u know that? Border issues are we now reply for each and every bullet. How is that wrong? U want us to keep quite under the pretext that they keep firing and we keep waiting?
I dont understand
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