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India holds 527 tcf of shale gas reserves

India's thorium reactor design relies on plutonium core to start chain reaction, so it is not much better or safer than the conventional uranium or plutonium reactor designs.

Haq's Musings: Can Thorium Energy Save Planet Earth?


India unveils 'world's safest nuclear reactor

August 25, 2005 14:24 IST

India unveiled before the international commuity Thursday its revolutionary design of 'A Thorium Breeder Reactor' that can produce 600 MW of electricity for two years 'with no refuelling and practically no control manoeuvres.' Designed by scientists of the Mumbai-based Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, the ATBR is claimed to be far more economical and safer than any power reactor in the world. Most significantly for India, ATBR does not require natural or enriched uranium which the country is finding difficult to import. It uses thorium -- which India has in plenty -- and only requires plutonium as 'seed' to ignite the reactor core initially. Eventually, the ATBR can run entirely with thorium and fissile uranium-233 bred inside the reactor (or obtained externally by converting fertile thorium into fissile Uranium-233 by neutron bombardment). BARC scientists V Jagannathan and Usha Pal revealed the ATBR design in their paper presented at the week-long 'international conference on emerging nuclear energy systems' in Brussels. The design has been in the making for over seven years. According to the scientists, the ATBR while annually consuming 880 kg of plutonium for energy production from 'seed' rods, converts 1,100 kg of thorium into fissionable uranium-233. This diffrential gain in fissile formation makes ATBR a kind of thorium breeder. The uniqueness of the ATBR design is that there is almost a perfect 'balance' between fissile depletion and production that allows in-bred U-233 to take part in energy generation thereby extending the core life to two years. This does not happen in the present day power reactors because fissile depletion takes place much faster than production of new fissile ones. BARC scientists say that "the ATBR with plutonium feed can be regarded as plutonium incinerator and it produces the intrinsically proliferation resistant U-233 for sustenance of the future reactor programme." They say that long fuel cycle length of two years with no external absorber management or control manoeuvres "does not exist in any operating reactor." The ATBR annually requires 2.2 tonnes of plutonium as 'seed'. Althouth India has facilities to recover plutonium by reprocessing spent fuel, it requires plutonium for its Fast Breeder Reactor programme as well. Nuclear analysts say that it may be possible for India to obtain plutonium from friendly countries wanting to dismantle their weapons or dispose of their stockpiled plutonium.

And add to that,we have been operating a Fast Breeder reactor for 30 years,And our 500 MWe Fast breeder reactor will be ready by 2014(Now how many countries have done that?)

Now please leave our Nuclear Scientists alone,they have been invited to and are working on
projects like ITER,while they are developing a fusion reactor in India (SST 2 DEMO),While you guys can try to develop an indigenous commercial nuclear reactor.
Please Don't Be Detracted By Them These Trolls Can Only Sit Before Their Computers All Day And Bark Like Dogs.They Are Not Worthy Of The Attention.They Are Nothing But Soar Losers

Are you talking about losers who cant achieve anything on their own but continues to troll in every thread related to India??
Thorium is an abundant element found in huge quantities all around the world. The real issue is how to make use of it safely and effectively. As far as I know, the Indians are just copying the old US designs now, not inventing anything new.

Do you even know what you are talking about?I add that to your long list of ignorant rants-last time it was 'Pakistani Airports are far advanced than India'(Atleast spend some time on google search before ranting)

India have Nuclear reactors designs on its own.

Fast Breeder reactors-India's first fast breeder reactor- Fast Breeder Test Reactor (40 MW),was designed and constructed by IGCAR and BARC with french assistance,back in the 1985.We are building Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor(500MWe reactor,to be completed by 2014)

Thorium Reactors-India has two designs Advanced heavy water reactor and Advanced Thorium Breeder Reactor
Are you talking about losers who cant achieve anything on their own but continues to troll in every thread related to India??

No I Am Talking About The Ones Who Can't Digest Anything Good Coming Out Of Pakistan and Express Their Frustrations On Bharat Rakshak and Rediff.They Do The Same On PDF Forgetting That Their Are Pakistanis Here Who Will Answer Their Trash
First think about what a troll like u deserves.You and ur buddy haq and his 'outdated' musings.:rofl:

These Are Things Bharat Rakshak Offsprings Like You Should Be Thinking About.At Least Those Musings Are Well Referenced and Informative Unlike The Trash Talk Which Is The Habit Of Pathetic Little Trolls Like Yourselves
No I Am Talking About The Ones Who Can't Digest Anything Good Coming Out Of Pakistan and Express Their Frustrations On Bharat Rakshak and Rediff.They Do The Same On PDF Forgetting That Their Are Pakistanis Here Who Will Answer Their Trash

What do that have to do with this thread?Please help your buddy haq,who have outdated info on Indan Shale gas reservoirs and knows nothing about Indian advancement in Nuclear technology :lol:
These Are Things Bharat Rakshak Offsprings Like You Should Be Thinking About.At Least Those Musings Are Well Referenced and Informative Unlike The Trash Talk Which Is The Habit Of Pathetic Little Trolls Like Yourselves

I'm not in bharatrakshak,i've been in PDF for a long while boy.And Mr HAQ and his trollings have been old news for quite a long time to indian members here.
What do that have to do with this thread?Please help your buddy haq,who have outdated info on Indan Shale gas reservoirs and knows nothing about Indian advancement in Nuclear technology :lol:

I Am Not Going To Talk About Nuclear Technology Right Now.But As For Your Accusations Of Outdated Info Let Me Remind You Dear That US EIA is A Neutral Body And The The Latest Report Released just a Month Ago.According To It The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has estimated shale gas at 586 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) against its 2011 estimates of 52 Tcf for Pakistan. According to latest EIA study, the shale gas/oil reservoirs are much higher in Pakistan relative to what was estimated in the earlier studies/reports. The study estimates a total of 1,170 Tcf of risked shale gas in-place for India/Pakistan, 584 Tcf in India and 586 Tcf in Pakistan.
The risked technically recoverable shale gas resource is estimated at 201 Tcf, with 96 Tcf in India and 105 Tcf in Pakistan. In addition, the study estimates risked shale oil in-place for India/Pakistan of 314 billion barrels, with 87 billion barrels in India and 227 billion barrels in Pakistan. The risked technically recoverable shale oil resource is estimated at 12.9 billion barrels for these two countries, with 3.8 billion barrels for India and 9.1 billion barrels for Pakistan.

Now If You Don't Like The Report Or Somehow Can't Digest The Fact That Pakistan Has A Slight Edge In These Reserves Than Why Go After Mr Haq Instead Of Criticising Your New found Friend USA and It's EIA
I'm not in bharatrakshak,i've been in PDF for a long while boy.And Mr HAQ and his trollings have been old news for quite a long time to indian members here.

Being A Seasond Warrior of Cyber Slug Fests I Can Tell Your From The Same Breed.Off Course Haq Musings Have Been Around A Long Time and Seldom You Indians Give An Equally Well Referenced Reply Just Stoop To Your Pathetic Troll Attacks
I Am Not Going To Talk About Nuclear Technology Right Now.

Thank lord!

But As For Your Accusations Of Outdated Info Let Me Remind You Dear That US EIA is A Neutral Body And The The Latest Report Released just a Month Ago.According To It The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has estimated shale gas at 586 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) against its 2011 estimates of 52 Tcf for Pakistan. According to latest EIA study, the shale gas/oil reservoirs are much higher in Pakistan relative to what was estimated in the earlier studies/reports. The study estimates a total of 1,170 Tcf of risked shale gas in-place for India/Pakistan, 584 Tcf in India and 586 Tcf in Pakistan.
The risked technically recoverable shale gas resource is estimated at 201 Tcf, with 96 Tcf in India and 105 Tcf in Pakistan. In addition, the study estimates risked shale oil in-place for India/Pakistan of 314 billion barrels, with 87 billion barrels in India and 227 billion barrels in Pakistan. The risked technically recoverable shale oil resource is estimated at 12.9 billion barrels for these two countries, with 3.8 billion barrels for India and 9.1 billion barrels for Pakistan.

Now If You Don't Like The Report Or Somehow Can't Digest The Fact That Pakistan Has A Slight Edge In These Reserves Than Why Go After Mr Haq Instead Of Criticising Your New found Friend USA and It's EIA

Because he cant figest the fact that according to Indian National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI),India has an estimate 527 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of Shale gas reserves.I know that would be hard for him,he is always interested to twists facts to show that Pakistan is ahead of India in every field-refer his post #14 and my reply post #32 to see tat
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