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India has requested for six MQ-9 drones from the US at the cost of $600 million.

"Was" being the operative answer there. Right now, for the first time in history, if US sanctioned Pakistan and India it would hurt India just as much as Pakistan. Pakistan - F-16/P-3C, India = C-17, P-8, Apache, Chinook

Why will US sanction India? It is like saying China is going to sanction Pakistan.

Pak was client state of US before. Now it is China’s. It’s now subtle but you don’t have a choice yet. Pak is going to do a lot of China’s bidding.
Why will US sanction India? It is like saying China is going to sanction Pakistan.

Pak was client state of US before. Now it is China’s. It’s now subtle but you don’t have a choice yet. Pak is going to do a lot of China’s bidding.

Many of you here seem to change argument/tack when confronted with facts. Irrespective of who the US chooses to sanction (and it has sanctioned India in the past many times), my point is the Indian military will lose much of its capability now if sanctioned by the US, that was not the case in the past. India is well on the way, if not already, a US client state. Not totally dependent on the US for sure, but for many key capabilites ut is.
I agree India's technlogical capabilities are good, certainly higher than the Arab world, but any Indian Officer will be the first to admit that this has not translated into advanced home grown technical abilities. In drones for instance, US, Israel, China, Turkey and Italy seem way ahead.

As we know we are living with a very transactional US administration and there has been massive pressure on India to purchase US weapons as quid pro quo. MRCA comp did not go US way so it looks like India is buying piecemeal items to keep US happy and not a direct result as armed forces requirements.

Case in point with these 6 Reapers. They are being divided between all three Indian services, did suddenly Army, Navy and Air Force all require same drone!?

Likewise 22 Apaches to Air Force, then another 6 to Army to keep the interservice rivalry at bay and again keep US happy. How does 6 Apaches effect the doctrine and capability of a 1 million man army with 4,000 tanks!?
Indian army is planning 40 additional Apache attack helis and 114 Indigenous Light Combat Helicopter (LCH).

India will need more than drones after the utter humiliation China handed the Indian military. Indian military is psychologically scarred from that spanking.
So the previous news of India getting 30 Drones for 3 Billion was correct. 6 for 600 million is the same deal - but what a ripper! One drone for the price of 3 JF-17s.
Bro does your Pakistan Airforce buy only JF17s? Or they buy maintenance, repair support, spare parts agreement, training, infrastructure, overhaul agreements, and a wide variety of weapons along with the aircraft?

that’s why it increases the costs also.
Unsure what LCH has to do with it when we were specifically talking about high end US equipment.....
LCH is an advance attack heli, it is Indian doesn’t mean it is useless, just check what all it has, it is a game changer for Indian Armed Forces as it can reach a world record altitude of 6500 metres with 100% fuel and full payload while others can’t and most of our borders are hilly so LCH is the best we should procure ASAP.
India will need more than drones after the utter humiliation China handed the Indian military. Indian military is psychologically scarred from that spanking.
Yes after it lost 35-43 soldiers in galwan and lost black top to Indian army😂.
Bro does your Pakistan Airforce buy only JF17s? Or they buy maintenance, repair support, spare parts agreement, training, infrastructure, overhaul agreements, and a wide variety of weapons along with the aircraft?

that’s why it increases the costs also.

Most of that is in-house, and regardless would only be a small percentage of the unit. Using that to justify paying 7 times the per unit cost is ridiculous.

Plus with all the indians here bragging about how quad will save them and they are becoming allies with the USA, it sure is sad that uncle sam wouldnt throw in a little discount. :lol:
LCH is an advance attack heli, it is Indian doesn’t mean it is useless, just check what all it has, it is a game changer for Indian Armed Forces as it can reach a world record altitude of 6500 metres with 100% fuel and full payload while others can’t and most of our borders are hilly so LCH is the best we should procure ASAP.

Yes after it lost 35-43 soldiers in galwan and lost black top to Indian army😂.
I admire Indians, no one can match their illusion. PLA not only captured dozens of soldiers, but also commanders. Most Indian soldiers died not because PLA killed them directly, but they scared and jump into the cold water in the mid night. India Army is so coward, dare not to come to search until next morning.

Most of them are frozen to death. Your cowardliness killed them.
Most of that is in-house, and regardless would only be a small percentage of the unit. Using that to justify paying 7 times the per unit cost is ridiculous.

Plus with all the indians here bragging about how quad will save them and they are becoming allies with the USA, it sure is sad that uncle sam wouldnt throw in a little discount. :lol:
There is no proper breakdown available for the deal so I can’t tell anything, and the other stuff make it expensive too, maybe Indian armed forces buying huge amount of weapons for the MQ-9.
LCH is an advance attack heli, it is Indian doesn’t mean it is useless, just check what all it has, it is a game changer for Indian Armed Forces as it can reach a world record altitude of 6500 metres with 100% fuel and full payload while others can’t and most of our borders are hilly so LCH is the best we should procure ASAP.

Yes after it lost 35-43 soldiers in galwan and lost black top to Indian army😂.

Still totally off the main point of discussion which was US equipment so unsure what point you are trying to make here other than to deliberately confuse the argument
I admire Indians, no one can match their illusion. PLA not only captured dozens of soldiers, but also commanders. Most Indian soldiers died not because PLA killed them directly, but they scared and jump into the cold water in the mid night. India Army is so coward, dare not to come to search until next morning.

Most of them are frozen to death.
We also captured your dozen soldiers on 29/30 August night, you are telling the story of your soldiers who fell down the cliff and died.
where is black top 😂?

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