What is the point of drumming up war hysteria
afterit's clear that the opposition has decided to pursue the diplomatic option in lieu of the military one?
Certain recent occurrences within Pakistan indicate that it is still a hapless state with an immature leadership that is either burdened or over shadowed by an outdated and obtuse military mentality:
- Ascertaining war is not going to happen to ratchet up the war rhetoric
- wasteful "displays of force" and frequent announcements of "imminent attacks"
- militaristic jingoism abound, knowing very well that war is not going to ensue
- trying to portray the situation as the enemy having "backed down" (when in reality the decision not to go to war was made by the leaders of the opposing country quite some time ago)
- self proclamation of a military victory after war doesn't happen (this hasn't occurred yet, but will in the near future)
Look into the histories of all the banana republics of the developing world and you'll see these very trends repeating themselves over and over again. It's almost like following a bad script to the very letter. Granted the civilian leadership has recently taken back the mantle of leadership, but this only goes to show that there is a long way for them to go.
Immersing yourselves in war hysteria at this point is a complete waste of time. War isn't coming unless Pakistan engages in certain activities (as I've listed elsewhere on another thread). All this empty bravado, false hyping of "imminent war", over excitability, fear mongering, fighter-jet overflights, military posturing etc. will achieve nothing constructive for the state and the people of Pakistan. It will merely re-inflate the public perception of the military, which is always good for them given recent events, but that is about it. Oodles of already meager/dwindling resources will be burnt away by archaic fighter jets circling over their own cities creating noise pollution and interrupting regular air traffic (which one would think/hope is important to the economy) pushing the already broke nation into an even deeper pit. Also, none of these antics are wasted upon the rest of the world who has seen many a flailing military state engage in this repertoire; it will only further diminish whatever credibility Pakistan has left in the international community.
The Pakistani leadership really needs to move away from all this nonsense and work toward something constructive.