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India has become a dystopia of extremes. But resistance is rising

That's what I always want to say, India is too complex, it has two legs, one step forward, another is still in quagmire;
It can send tons to GTO, can have carriers.....
ISRO became the sixth space agency in the world after the US, Russia, Japan, China and France to have tasted success with an indigenous cryogenic engine.


But on another hand, if walking at street even at Delhi, many many bad things coming,

Slum dwellers of India endure freezing weather | Mail Online
Outside a makeshift tent built from cardboard and rusting metal, a family do their best to keep warm as they huddle around a small fire.

The child's father is a rag picker, scavenging what he can from refuse, and then trying to sell it.

Meanwhile, a young boy stirs from his slumber in a rubbish-strewn outdoor shelter - the thick red bedding and corrugated iron 'wall' doing little to protect him from the elements.

Heartbreaking scenes such as these played out across much of northern India this week as the region is gripped by sub-zero temperatures.







That's what I always want to say, India is too complex, it has two legs, one step forward, another is still in quagmire;
It can send tons to GTO, can have carriers.....
ISRO became the sixth space agency in the world after the US, Russia, Japan, China and France to have tasted success with an indigenous cryogenic engine.


But on another hand, if walking at street even at Delhi, many many bad things coming,

Slum dwellers of India endure freezing weather | Mail Online
Outside a makeshift tent built from cardboard and rusting metal, a family do their best to keep warm as they huddle around a small fire.

The child's father is a rag picker, scavenging what he can from refuse, and then trying to sell it.

Meanwhile, a young boy stirs from his slumber in a rubbish-strewn outdoor shelter - the thick red bedding and corrugated iron 'wall' doing little to protect him from the elements.

Heartbreaking scenes such as these played out across much of northern India this week as the region is gripped by sub-zero temperatures.








Its sad to see this in India. And this is how a great majority of people of India live. I hope that the government of India do something to end this severe type of poverty in India.
What they call democracy is just a different version of fascism with better PR. What is the difference to Nazi definition of Übermensch (Brahmin) to Untermensch (Dalits)?


The Nazis killed the Untermensch in concentration camps, the Brahmins kill the Dalits with starvation and exploitation.

Yeah Before Breakfast i went out with my gun and killed a few Dalits . Will kill more after my dinner walk .

Its sad to see this in India. And this is how a great majority of people of India live. I hope that the government of India do something to end this severe type of poverty in India.

In another decade or so picture will change dramatically . IN past decade as well we have done well in this area but not as good as we would have wanted .
Yeah Before Breakfast i went out with my gun and killed a few Dalits . Will kill more after my dinner walk .

In another decade or so picture will change dramatically . IN past decade as well we have done well in this area but not as good as we would have wanted .

Shh don't troll.

Everybody knows Indians can't afford breakfast, we just starve instead.
Souther states(TN,Kerala,Karnataka,AP) shown tremendous growth in every aspects, but its very sad to know that rest of the country is not the same. I went to Patna for my colleagues marriage, it's no way near the Tamil Nadu city "Madurai"also, leave alone Chennai, but patna is the state's capital. Really its very sad, i think the politicians there only worked to develop their families, idiots...

In tamil Nadu, you cannot find a single passenger in sleeper coaches with General Compartment ticket, but if we head towards north the case is totally different... People's standard won't improve, until they are educated....
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Its Intellectually dishonestly or more likely poor analysis by the author.

He mentions current statistics but has skipped the progress made since 1990s economic boom

For instance the child mortality has reduced from 3.3 million in 1990 to 1.4 million in 2012. not to forget the drop poverty rate from 1990


Its closeted racism for certain Indo-phobes.

They cannot bear any Indian ethnic group in slightly privileged position, they want all Indians to be equally low in their eyes.

British Newspaper................enough said.
Nice to see Westerners taking pot shots at their erstwhile subjects. No denying that a part of India is still a shithole. But yeah - a part is not. And the situation did improve over the last half a century and will continue to do so. Occasional articles from the Guardian(and neo liberal colonialists/extremists/left leaning nutjobs) will only serve to remind us that they have noticed something positive while they desperately look for something very very negative.

Which is precisely why a Pakistani is stereotyped as a terrorist in the worst case scenario and a poverty stricken asylum seeker at best, an Indian is considered as a slumdog, a Bangladeshi as cheap labor. But is this the entire picture? Of course not. They won't see Pakistan's youth(esp doctors in London), Indians in NASA or contribution of Grameen Bank. A 'poor incapable to govern imbecile' is the image they want to hold on to. This absolves themselves of the 'guilt' they are taught to carry for ruling us. Well, what can I say - this is not Africa, and 50 years from now, India+Pak+BD will have the last laugh.
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