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India got corridor, not transit: Khaleda

It is possible, but not with the current leaders we have now. For that we will need a leader with genuine vision.

BD neither offer the strategic advantage like Singapore or HK OR cheap fuel like Dubai or Qatar. Then enlighten me how you plan to turn profit?
Bangladesh will become another Sikkim!

As Sikkim returned to Mother India, Bangladesh will return soon. :lol:

I do sincerely hope that day never comes, West Bengal Booming Economy went from High to Low from the Bangladesh's illegal Immigrant, Than Consider if 160 million people join India what will be it's Economical condition, we may even become like Pakistan.
I do sincerely hope that day never comes, West Bengal Booming Economy went from High to Low from the Bangladesh's illegal Immigrant, Than Consider if 160 million people join India what will be it's Economical condition, we may even become like Pakistan.

May be its other way around. We left Kolkata with a status right after London and New York in 1947. What happend after we left?? We built our own cities from zeroes..
BD neither offer the strategic advantage like Singapore or HK OR cheap fuel like Dubai or Qatar. Then enlighten me how you plan to turn profit?

You should look at the current turnover of Dhaka airport. With this readymade business, anybody will invest and 7 billion is nothing. I am not 100% sure, but Dhaka airport's turnover should not be less than 1/2 a billion to 1 billion a year.
May be its other way around. We left Kolkata with a status right after London and New York in 1947. What happend after we left?? We built our own cities from zeroes..

Who is this we? Are you from Calcutta ?Also did Dacca and Chittagong came out of the earth one fine morning. Pls don't find excuses for your backwardness.

---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:41 AM ----------

You should look at the current turnover of Dhaka airport. With this readymade business, anybody will invest and 7 billion is nothing. I am not 100% sure, but Dhaka airport's turnover should not be less than 1/2 a billion to 1 billion a year.
Yeah what ever floats your boat. Believe it when you build it.
Who is this we? Are you from Calcutta and did Dacca and Chittagong came out of the earth one fine morning. Pls don't find excuses for your backwardness.

Ohh, you probably did not know, Calcutta was our Capital too and was the industrial hub of whole Bengal.
In 1947 Dhaka had an area of 12 sq km, chittagong was a fraction of it.

Yeah what ever floats your boat. Believe it when you build it.[/QUOTE]

We are building it my friend.
Ohh, you probably did not know, Calcutta was our Capital too and was the industrial hub of whole Bengal.
In 1947 Dhaka had an area of 12 sq km, chittagong was a fraction of it.

Yeah what ever floats your boat. Believe it when you build it.

Our capital ? Whose capital ? Who is "Our" here ?
Ohh, you probably did not know, Calcutta was our Capital too and was the industrial hub of whole Bengal.
In 1947 Dhaka had an area of 12 sq km, chittagong was a fraction of it.

Yeah what ever floats your boat. Believe it when you build it.

Since when did kolkata become "your" capital?...lol wake up silly dreamer....before you wet yourself with those dreams...
I thought Muslim Bengalis got treated like dirt by "Kolkata Babus", and thats why they wanted to separate.

For someone who was treated like dirt, I don't see how you guys were in a position to "leave" anything for us. You lots really need to stick with one story eh :cheesy:
Why not you go and find your fav dictionary?

This answer of yours prove both my points:
1. This means you do not have the basic human courtesy to reply to an arguement
2. you are escaping and hence trolling

Thanks Iadjani, Kolkata is my place and thank you for giving it to me (sarcastically) .. whoever the "We" is

Useless to talk with you..
I thought Muslim Bengalis got treated like dirt by "Kolkata Babus", and thats why they wanted to separate.

For someone who was treated like dirt, I don't see how you guys were in a position to "leave" anything for us. You lots really need to stick with one story eh :cheesy:

Muslim had political upper hand in Calcutta. Muslim wanted a separate homeland due to the hindu Zamindar of rural Bengal who were given free land by the british raj.
We left it to you.. its yours now.

You did not left anything for us. Calcutta was , is and will be an Indian city and the capital of Bengalis. Stick with your Dhakka & Chittagong. Pls don't try to cling on to any legacies that are not your own.
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