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India got corridor, not transit: Khaleda

Are you sure. Your countrymen was quoting 7 billion (in US dollars) for your new Airport alone. I think billions have no value for you Bangladeshis.

Airport is another matter, and in fact a mega airport is not necessary considering the current one isn't even fully utilized. I do have experience in the airline sector, so I know what I am talking about.

Building of the entire transit infrastructure will cost about that much, and it is an accurate estimation.

Here's one reliable source:
A detailed analyses has been carried out of the various investments needed to improve the Bangladesh transport system to ensure continued national growth of more than 6%, as well as to carry the anticipated regional traffic. It appears that over the next 5-7 years, sizeable investments in the range of US$ 5-7 billion would be needed to bring the Bangladesh transport system into full gear to carry entire transit traffic, as well as to support continued higher national economic growth.

Source: 20th Anniversary Suppliment

India's $1 billon loan is mostly for naval and railway infrastructure development.

And as far as the total cost required to build the transit, we just have to wait and see. I doubt if Bangladesh alone can develop the transit all by itself due to limited resources and poor management.
Cost of the entire infrastructure is estimated to be around $7 billion. Also, don't forget about their 'cuts'.
I understand the 7 billion estimate but I have not seen a proposal that is relevant to the Indian context. For example, Bangladesh will have its own traffic using the facility. Indian traffic is expected to be 0.1% of the total heavy vehicle traffic and in that context, what is that Indian vehicles have to pay?
Sure, but what if the user is not willing to pay rather want it either for free or almost no charge.

What do you do then?

Also, what if Bd knows that Indian has bad intention with this corridor. They will use this corridor to not only carry goods but also the military arsenal in order to demise the uprising in north east India. I mean why should Bd help India to control it's territory?

You really have no idea what you are ranting about. We can easily carry military equipment by land route through sikkim , not to mention thousands of aircrafts that are at army disposal. You are talking as if Bangladesh is the only land route to the north east to carry military equipment. Not to mention the uprisings in the north east have almost been crushed because there is no support for it from the common people. Only a few groups with a few thousand members exist and succeed in blowing up a few railway tracks now and then and killing 1-2 army members and even they will be crushed soon. LOL? you will help us to control our territory? You people can't even control your own army , let alone help us in controlling our territory.
I understand the 7 billion estimate but I have not seen a proposal that is relevant to the Indian context. For example, Bangladesh will have its own traffic using the facility. Indian traffic is expected to be 0.1% of the total heavy vehicle traffic and in that context, what is that Indian vehicles have to pay?

You might be interested in reading this. One government advisory council recently published this:


Road transit fees highest
Govt body recommends tariffs on consignments for all three modes of transportation
Rejaul Karim Byron

A government committee has recommended transit fees ranging from $252 to $54,368 to be charged from India, Nepal and Bhutan for each consignment of cargo using road, river and train routes of Bangladesh.

The fees have been calculated on the basis of weight of the cargo, the types of routes to be used and their distance, sources close to the committee said yesterday.

The lowest rate is applicable for using waterways while the highest is for roads.

The fees will vary from 2 cents to 11 cents per tonne and per km depending on which route is being used, said the committee in its report submitted to the government recently.

In addition to the transit fees, the users must pay fuel tax and other surcharge for carrying transit goods, said the committee headed by Tariff Commission Chairman Mujibur Rahman.

The committee was formed last year amid speculations that Dhaka and New Delhi will sign a transit deal during Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit to Bangladesh (that took place last month). Dhaka refused to sign the road transit agreement after India backed out from signing the much-expected accord on sharing the Teesta river water.

Since then, India has transhipped steel and construction materials to Agartala through Ashuganj river port under the existing river transit protocol without paying any transit fees. The government called it a trial run responding to concern that Bangladesh is losing revenue due to a weak policy.

Commerce ministry officials said the government will negotiate the transit fees with India and other possible users following the committee report.

Eleven types of fees have been calculated in fixing the total charges. Customs and land port charge and foreign vehicle entry fees will remain fixed, said the report.

Certain charges common for all cargo such as sea and land port charges, bridge tolls, have not been included in calculating transit fees, it said.

Transit operators will have to pay these charges separately as applicable to all non-transit operators. Besides, transit operators will have to pay fuel tax equivalent and provide bank guarantee and insurance premium.

The report further said fuel, especially diesel, is heavily subsidised in Bangladesh. The amount of subsidy for diesel is almost 40 percent of its market rice. It is, therefore, necessary to realise the market price of fuel from transit operators of all the three modes of communications -- roadways, waterways and railways.

A smooth mechanism towards realising the same may be worked out to ensure equivalence of fuel price in respect of all transit operators, local and foreign, the committee said.

In addition to charges, transit operators must have insurance against accidents and goods. They also have to provide bank guarantee for covering customs duties and other taxes.

The report mentioned elaborately the economic benefits and risks involved in providing transit facilities.

Apart from various charges, some service sectors like transportation, banking, insurance, restaurants etc are also expected to earn good revenue. Utilisation of the spare capacity of Chittagong and Mongla seaports will also be a good source of earning.

Since all investments and costs of service will be recovered with reasonable return on capital, direct cost to Bangladesh may be nominal in the long run.

However, how long it will take to recover those costs will depend on the volume of transit cargo and number of vehicles. A clear estimation at this stage is highly implausible.

The report said in case the expected volume of cargo movement is not there, then repayment of investment costs, if financed under borrowing from international agencies, will put Bangladesh at a risk.

If the investment is financed by the government, the opportunity cost to Bangladesh may also be very high. Therefore, the issue needs to be very carefully examined, it said.

Source: :The Daily Star: Internet Edition

This was front page news yesterday.

The fees might sound a bit too much for some, but this is just a proposal from the advisory committee.

As of now, the AL government hasn't finalized anything. And I doubt if they ever will. They are just too dumb to manage the whole thing smoothly. By linking the transit with the tista issue, they showed the sheer level of their stupidity.

This will take time.

If you want a serious deal, I'd suggest involving private organizations in Bangladesh and abroad with government support. Banks in Bangladesh are pretty good even in the event of the global financial problems. Doing so with only government (both BNP and AL) will only result in political and project bottlenecks. They just don't know how to manage the whole thing. That's from my observation on past projects.
You might be interested in reading this. One government advisory council recently published this:


Source: :The Daily Star: Internet Edition

This was front page news yesterday. Don't know why no one has posted this important development.

The fees might sound a bit too much for some, but this is just a proposal from the advisory committee.

As of now, the AL government hasn't finalized anything. And I doubt if they ever will. They are just too dumb to manage the whole thing smoothly. By linking the transit with the tista issue, they showed the sheer level of their stupidity.

This will take time.

If you want a serious deal, I'd suggest involving private organizations in Bangladesh and abroad with government support. Banks in Bangladesh are pretty good even in the event of the global financial problems. Doing so with only government (both BNP and AL) will only result in political and project bottlenecks. They just don't know how to manage the whole thing. That's from my observation on past projects.


Seems like Hasina's insanity is becoming contagious!

So Khaleda Zia is like:

"If she can do it, so can I!"

And the cat fight starts!

Sigh, there we go again. Deja Vu.
Between themselves, the two "Battling Begums" seem to have hurt Bangla Desh far more than anybody else on this planet can!
Correction ... 7.5 billion usd. Obviously lots of project worth billions of dollar is going on but bd has a limited resources... It needs to give priority to the projects which are badly needed instead of building transit infrastructure for India from east to west. Instead north to south connectivity and increase of power generation is more needed then your free transit.

Are you indeed building an airport or some secret spaceport.

A good point to start. Both sides should sit across the table and negotiate it. India should get a good deal and tie all loose ends.

Instead of BD members whining, I would suggest people to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. India is not going to get away with free transit and what India wants is a reliable mechanism of transit. This trial transit is just a prove out and once people see the value add / benefit in using BD for transit, money should start poring in to BD. One thing of concern for India will be the quality of roads. If BD does not have the money to build world class infrastructure then they can forget about charging money as quoted in the image above. It is unlikely that anyone will pay so much for transit but for roads that are comparable to the ones in France and UK. If BD can build such roads, :tup: I wont think twice in paying well.
Are you indeed building an airport or some secret spaceport.

Not really... it is not a big amount now a days. A tiny country like qatar is building an airport worth 11 billion usd which has a population less then 1.5 million. It is not a big amount if you compare the population of Bangladesh 160 million.

The other thing is that it will be built on the basis of build, operate and transfer basis. So you can say it will be a foreign investment on Bnagladesh and BD government will not have to invest bulk of the amount. Building the airport on the south has been made to elevate the economic status of the 21 south east and south western districts. The other thing which has been kept in mind to make Bangladesh the regional aviation hub in a decade or 2 cause of its close proximity to china, india, middle east amd south east asia. To become a regional hub like Singapore or Thailand one should have a world class infrastructure/airport.

The other untold reason is in Dhaka high rise building is not allowed to build beyond 150 ft though up to 20 or 25 story buildings has been built and obviously without permit for the upper flore. All these cause of the present airport. Then from the apartment builders government is also under pressure to relocate the airport so that more high rise buildings can be built beyond 20 or 25 story. This will reduce the housing problem and will reduce the price a bit.

Cause of all these government has decided to build the airport. Whether they will be able secure the financiers it is a different issue. Provide this amount also include a metro rail connection from the airport to Dhaka as the airport is expected to be 50-60 km away from zero point of Dhaka.
Not really... it is not a big amount now a days. A tiny country like qatar is building an airport worth 11 billion usd which has a population less then 1.5 million. It is not a big amount if you compare the population of Bangladesh 160 million.

The other thing is that it will be built on the basis of build, operate and transfer basis. So you can say it will be a foreign investment on Bnagladesh and BD government will not have to invest bulk of the amount. Building the airport on the south has been made to elevate the economic status of the 21 south east and south western districts. The other thing which has been kept in mind to make Bangladesh the regional aviation hub in a decade or 2 cause of its close proximity to china, india, middle east amd south east asia. To become a regional hub like Singapore or Thailand one should have a world class infrastructure/airport.

The other untold reason is in Dhaka high rise building is not allowed to build beyond 150 ft though up to 20 or 25 story buildings has been built and obviously without permit for the upper flore. All these cause of the present airport. Then from the apartment builders government is also under pressure to relocate the airport so that more high rise buildings can be built beyond 20 or 25 story. This will reduce the housing problem and will reduce the price a bit.

Cause of all these government has decided to build the airport. Whether they will be able secure the financiers it is a different issue. Provide this amount also include a metro rail connection from the airport to Dhaka as the airport is expected to be 50-60 km away from zero point of Dhaka.

For us its really is a big amount. Your logic of having a 7 billion airport bcs you have a 160 million population makes no sense. Its as if this entire 160 million people is going to use this airport and this airport alone.

Also dude just bcs you have an airport in your city, it does not prevent you in building highrises. For more information on how to land planes in a high rise city refer to Hong Kong,New York,Singapore airports. The height of the buildings are set by the local authorities based on a lot of factors ranging from the equipment available for construction to the readiness level of local Fire Service.

Not really... it is not a big amount now a days. A tiny country like qatar is building an airport worth 11 billion usd which has a population less then 1.5 million. It is not a big amount if you compare the population of Bangladesh 160 million.

Total foreign exchange reserves of Bangladesh is around 10 Billion dollars and you are expecting us to believe that 7 billion is a small amount for BD ? Please save all this talk that makes no sense.

The other thing is that it will be built on the basis of build, operate and transfer basis. So you can say it will be a foreign investment on Bnagladesh and BD government will not have to invest bulk of the amount.

So are you saying India or China or ADB will invest because I cant see the money with Bangladesh! If it was your money then the amount would be far lesser than 7 billion. For example : In India a proposal to build a fast Bangalore-Chennai Expressway project,
is estimated to cost 4 Million per KM. Unless Bangladesh plans to build 1750 KM of Expressway it sounds a bit too pricy!

Reference : The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Project report on Bangalore-Chennai Expressway may get ready by March

Building the airport on the south has been made to elevate the economic status of the 21 south east and south western districts. The other thing which has been kept in mind to make Bangladesh the regional aviation hub in a decade or 2 cause of its close proximity to china, india, middle east amd south east asia. To become a regional hub like Singapore or Thailand one should have a world class infrastructure/airport.

The other untold reason is in Dhaka high rise building is not allowed to build beyond 150 ft though up to 20 or 25 story buildings has been built and obviously without permit for the upper flore. All these cause of the present airport. Then from the apartment builders government is also under pressure to relocate the airport so that more high rise buildings can be built beyond 20 or 25 story. This will reduce the housing problem and will reduce the price a bit.

Cause of all these government has decided to build the airport. Whether they will be able secure the financiers it is a different issue. Provide this amount also include a metro rail connection from the airport to Dhaka as the airport is expected to be 50-60 km away from zero point of Dhaka.

Let us not bring airport into the mix. You cannot have that in those 7 billion. That requires a different allocation.
Not really... it is not a big amount now a days. A tiny country like qatar is building an airport worth 11 billion usd which has a population less then 1.5 million. It is not a big amount if you compare the population of Bangladesh 160 million.

You are comparing grapes and oranges here.

Qatar is a very rich country. That's because of their oil.

Sorry buddy, but Bangladesh simply isn't Qatar. And yes, $7 billion is a lot of money for any third world country. Especially Bangladesh. Hell, with that kind of money, poor people can be fed for 20 years straight!
You are comparing grapes and oranges here.

Qatar is a very rich country. That's because of their oil.

Sorry buddy, but Bangladesh simply isn't Qatar. And yes, $7 billion is a lot of money for any third world country. Especially Bangladesh. Hell, with that kind of money, poor people can be fed for 20 years straight!

The airport will be built on build, operate and transfer basis... means it will be a foreign investment. From where you are bringing feeding poor people for 20 years? Obviously 7 billion USD is a big amount, if you take into account it to be spent by Bangladeshi Government. But as it will be based on foreign investment obviously it will be a big achievement if Bangladesh government can implement this. When any company/country will invest such a big amount of money definitely they will make sure it remain profitable as it can be hoped that their management will be better then the government operated management. If you look at the most airports those are currently under construction or proposed to be built are in Billions. N another thing this 7.5 billion dollar also include a metro rail connection from the airport to the Dhaka. So deduct it from that. Even Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport cost 5.5 billion USD. But construction material cost increased to a great extent since then. So, this airport if built will be of the level or slightly below the level of Suvarnabhumi Bangkok Airport.
Total foreign exchange reserves of Bangladesh is around 10 Billion dollars and you are expecting us to believe that 7 billion is a small amount for BD ? Please save all this talk that makes no sense.

Foreign exchange reserve has nothing to do with it. We suppose to keep 3 mos worth of import bill as reserve but we are keeping 5-6 mos. That is all. When reserve gone up govt asked private investor to take loan on foreign currency so that they could sell them.

So are you saying India or China or ADB will invest because I cant see the money with Bangladesh! If it was your money then the amount would be far lesser than 7 billion. For example : In India a proposal to build a fast Bangalore-Chennai Expressway project,
is estimated to cost 4 Million per KM. Unless Bangladesh plans to build 1750 KM of Expressway it sounds a bit too pricy!

Basically Narita airport of Japan shown keen interest to invest in that airport. Also Singapore airport a competitor as well. It will not only serve BD passenger and cargoes but also will act as a trnshipment facilities for other air destination.

Regarding Expressways. Its not only the building cost but also land price and rehabilitation cost involved. Land price is too high, as well as you have to relocate too many people for every road you construct. It is highly dense. On top of that, you need to build too many bridges in every roads.
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