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India got corridor, not transit: Khaleda

sarat bose and suharwardy didn't gain support neither from congress nor from muslim league. It was wise decision to join union of india as can be witnessed by drastic decrease of minority population in erstwhile east bengal and east pakistan, I'd not want to live under racist and bigoted leaders. How did pakistan period work out for you?

Even today bangladesh is far from being srcular, ask indian bengali muslim sab or amna ali to understand what secularism is. ;)

Very well said !!! At least on this topic Sarat Bose was a naive , idealistic Idiot who had whole-heartedly bought into the Bengali-solidarity campaign championed by H.Suhrawardy .

Suhrawardy was responsible of inaction in the Great Calcutta killings . He was the muslim league's arm against the innocent population who subsequently lost their lives in the course of the Muslim League 's call for "direct Action" .

It was a great blessing that this particular ( ihmo) hairbrained scheme was never carried out else the entire population of Bengalis in West Bengal would have been made homeless and would have bourne the brunt of the league's aggression in 47 and later the Pakistan army's aggression in 71 .

There is no proof of suharawardis involvement in calcutta riot but he certainly can be blamed of being a worthless administrator and even of inaction. He shouldn't have toed ml line and at the same breath keep harping united bengal.

I'd say systematic discrimination was far brutal than 1971, read bangalnama by tapan roy chawdhury, excellent account of those time.
There is no proof of suharawardis involvement in calcutta riot but he certainly can be blamed of being a worthless administrator and even of inaction. He shouldn't have toed ml line and at the same breath keep harping united bengal.

I'd say systematic discrimination was far brutal than 1971, read bangalnama by tapan roy chawdhury, excellent account of those time.

Almost every account during those times accused him of being a dual-faced character . Thanks for the source.:tup:
There is no proof of suharawardis involvement in calcutta riot but he certainly can be blamed of being a worthless administrator and even of inaction. He shouldn't have toed ml line and at the same breath keep harping united bengal.

I'd say systematic discrimination was far brutal than 1971, read bangalnama by tapan roy chawdhury, excellent account of those time.

There is good novel by Gouri Kishore Roy called Nodhi if memory serves me correct. That novel won some best prize in India. This will tell you the political ans social dynamics of early 20th century Bengal.

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 AM ----------

Almost every account during those times accused him of being a dual-faced character . Thanks for the source.:tup:

Every incident needs a scape goat.
He shouldn't have toed ml line and at the same breath keep harping united bengal.

There was backgroud for Fazlul Haque and Sohrawardy to join ML. The had to join ML.
I would advise my Bangladeshi brothers not to trust the indian state, it is a neo-colonial and hegemonic entity.

Rafi's brain farts and he has fans also,oh god!

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:06 PM ----------

Didn't the ML do Direct Action day in Calcutta,i think that killed any ounce of credit they ever had.That tells us who were more desperate.
Every incident needs a scape goat.

The Chief Minister of Bengal province, controlling subjects like civil administration , Bengal police is no powerless spectator in rioting.

The intensity of Direct Action Day was at its worst in the capital Calcutta. Suhrawardy owned up his responsibility [In the presence of Gandhi & before the people of Calcutta during Gandhi's stay at Beliaghata in August 1947 just before independence] for both orchestrating and not taking steps to prevent the carnage and for trying to suppress the news of the same from the media. Suhrawardy ordered the goons of Calcutta to murder any hindu who would dare open his shop/store or come out into the streets disregarding the Muslim league's call for 'Bandh'/'Direct Action'. This was carried out with perfection and soon the skies of Calcutta echoed with the death screams of thousands of Hindus.

And he was Jinnah 's protege , probably one of the most powerful in the League hierarchy .I don't think he was any scape-goat, but a self-professed communalist who admitted because no one was powerful enough to bring him to book for his crimes.

Gandhi was an idealist who believed in forgiveness and peace. The Hindu communal organizations where based in Maharasthra mostly . The British were eager to retreat from their created mess and had little patience to sort out the issues plaguing the newly created domains.

Thanks for the book name.
What??? In 2010 Kokata served only close to 40000 MT of cargoes whereas in 2008-9, Dhaka served 169000 MT of cargoes which should be now more than 200,000 MT.
Besides Dhaka serve most of the international passenger and charge every passenger 120 dollar per departuare whereas Kolkata serves domestic passenger, can charge passenger close to nothing.

Bangladeshis and their unsubstantiated BS. All those MT of cargoes, ripping off passengers by charging 120 dollar per departure. Yet total annual profit generated by CAAB's all international airports(Dhaka, CTG, Sylhet) and domestic ones combined, is less than that generated by Kolkata Airport alone:rofl:


CAAB's(all airport) annual profit for year 2010-2011- 239,942,000 Takas---3163544.82 USD--> 3.1 Million USD

AAI's Kolkata airport annual profit for year 2010-2011-850,000,000 INR----17410920.75 USD--> 17.4 Million USD

"In 2009-10, the airport handled 80 lakh passengers. Post upgrading, it would be able to handle two crore passengers annually," he said. "The Airport Authority of India (AAI) earned a revenue of Rs 85 crore from the Kolkata airport last fiscal".
^bla bla bla, like I said before let the airport to be build first, gache kathal aar gophe tel deoar dorkar ki? And I was talking about metro connectivity of calcutta airport idiot.

@iajduni: dhaka airport traffic is about 5 million per year and calcutta will probably touch 10 million bar this year. Busted.


You were right. God knows where these people pull out their figures from. Only if they understood that its the profit/revenue earned, which matters at the end of the day, and not the type of passengers.(International/Domestic)
There was backgroud for Fazlul Haque and Sohrawardy to join ML. The had to join ML.

Fazlul Haq yes, Shurawardy joined ml much earlier when hindu mahasava didn't yield any power in congress.
It is better to invest in our land routes to the north east states.......its not insurmountable in current age.

With regard to Bangladesh, we should put three layers of barb wires with mines in between.

Let them leave in their paradise.

Dude, many of you do the same mistake by suggesting that the chicken neck will serve your NE in a way that you will not need BD transit route. Look at the map, Shiliguri will certainly serve western Assam and Meghalaya, but this route will hardly serve other parts of that region lying east and deep south. Only BD land transit via many points can do that.

However, these points need developed. But, the way this govt is mishandling the entire thing it is creating doubts among the BD population about the intention of India and AL. AL govt has recruited some India sympathizer Adviser in its Cabinet who is trying to steam roll the entire process without a proper and objective analysis of the issue.

He is making things difficult for the AL govt because he and some others are trying to do things without a transparency that creates confusion and doubt. Even the bureaucrats are not willing to accept AL way of pushing things from top. I doubt that AL will not be able to deliver things because people are wary of a hidden agenda whenever the govt opens mouth on this transit issue. Begum Zia is only consolidating her position by reading the people's mind.
There is a good article on direct action day in pak tea house, comments are more interesting, specially the ones made by user vajra who goes by joe shearer forum handler in pdf.
Bangladeshis and their unsubstantiated BS. All those MT of cargoes, ripping off passengers by charging 120 dollar per departure. Yet total annual profit generated by CAAB's all international airports(Dhaka, CTG, Sylhet) and domestic ones combined, is less than that generated by Kolkata Airport alone:rofl:


CAAB's(all airport) annual profit for year 2010-2011- 239,942,000 Takas---3163544.82 USD--> 3.1 Million USD

AAI's Kolkata airport annual profit for year 2010-2011-850,000,000 INR----17410920.75 USD--> 17.4 Million USD

Bhartis lie you always have a big mouth and master of manipulation and lie. That is why you have posted some figures without citing its source and changed the term revenue to profit.

It is not likely that you do not know the differences unless your intention was to bluff over here. Here, we were talking about passenger handling capacity and how much cargo it handle. From there you have brought the manipulating term profit which in reality is revenue from the source that you have posted.

Now this revenue does not depends only on this handling of cargoes but also on many other factors. These are for example... Embarkation Fees, Landing Charges, Parking and Housing Charges, Boarding Bridge Fees, Security Charges, Charges for flights beyond, notamised hours of operation, Route Navigation Charges etc.

Now the total revenue depends how much Civil Aviation Authority is charging.... N if any one compare the two between Bangladesh vs India the real picture emerges. If we compare the fees it can be clearly seen that India charges 2 to 5 times more then that of Bangladesh on most of the occasion. That is for the international flight. For the domestic flight India just ripped off the domestic flights. One can say it is robbery.

The fees structure for Bangladesh and India can be seen here:


.:Route Navigation Charges::..



Below is the fees for Route navigation charges for both India and Bangladesh including landing charges. This is an example of fees comparison.

For Bangladesh:


For India:


As India serves more passenger and impose fees couple of time more then Bangladesh it is not unusual that India is collecting more revenue. This is simple math. The fees structure of Bangladesh is always very generous. N the main topics of discussion here is that passenger handling domestic and international and cargo handling capacity. So, you can keep your revenue with you.

Your attempt to post some random figure without source has been busted. Next time come with something new.

Still if we go by your source for Bangladesh we see that in 2011-2012 there is a rise of revenue by around 4 times. It is indicating that the flight, passenger serving and cargo handling has increased to a great extent.

---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------

Who is this moron??? By any chance is it your portrait???
Only fools would act this way to a far more powerful neighbour who is extending their hand in friendship and promoting mutual-interest projects.

India can flourish without Bangladesh, not true the other way round.
Only fools would act this way to a far more powerful neighbour who is extending their hand in friendship and promoting mutual-interest projects.

India can flourish without Bangladesh, not true the other way round

Can you explain the marked line to me please?? Bangladesh's export to India is mare 500 million where as India export to Bangladesh legally and illegally is from 5 to 10 billion usd. Still bd is exporting 22 billion usd worth product and achieving 6-7% growth. So, keep all of your rant with you.
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