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India gets joint Special Forces operations division

why india is talking so much about imf? some of your members explained things like india is great.india can do this blah blah blah but they also said that due to imf,pakistan is weak economically.are you really trying to become stronger in front of us just because of our weak pint imf? i mean this type of mentality can't win you battles.it's pathetic.
Then why do you care if our SF has food or not...trolling will only result in further trolling
Then why do you care if our SF has food or not...trolling will only result in further trolling

mighty india is using pakistani imf weakness as a reason to attack? is this true? only weak can do this.both sides troll each other.at least we don't talk about religion here.look at your indian defence forum.look at their language.
mighty india is using pakistani imf weakness as a reason to attack? is this true? only weak can do this.both sides troll each other.at least we don't talk about religion here.look at your indian defence forum.look at their language.
You have serious comprehension issues. Your statements are totally unrelevant and out of context to what I'm saying
You have serious comprehension issues. Your statements are totally unrelevant and out of context to what I'm saying

you will not understand.i am sick and tired of this imf debate by indians.some say imf,others say 23 may.lets see.
So what do you suggest ??? India should also allow violent radicals and armed elements manifest out of control so that our special forces can also gain the much needed battle hardness, huh ??? :azn:
first time ive seen you on here @Tom M since the febuary spanking PAF gave your boys in Kashmir.
first time ive seen you on here @Tom M since the febuary spanking PAF gave your boys in Kashmir.

That's your problem buddy. I was always here. But yeah, be sure to enjoy petty successes ove isolated skirmishes completely while we enjoy complete victory like in 71, 84.:woot:
So what do you suggest ??? India should also allow violent radicals and armed elements manifest out of control so that our special forces can also gain the much needed battle hardness, huh ??? :azn:

More like India should hope that it doesn't share a thousands of KM long mountainous, porous border with a state like Afghanistan that is then invaded by the US and is still not under control --- that India does not have to host millions(!) of refugees from said country who then indulge in all manner of illicit activities --- and, finally, that India can elect a non-terrorist to lead it into greener pastures!

One last thing --- I do suggest "a little less conversation, a little more action." Talk is cheap. 6x bigger and can't take an inch. Let's analyze the recent skirmish too based on the facts that both sides agree upon (the F16 downing and the Su30 downing is claimed by each and rejected by either side, so we'll leave that out):
-no losses

-6x KIA
-1x captured
-1x helo down
-1x jet down

The problem with you guys is that you've bought your own fantasies that the West has willingly promoted since it needs you as a buffer against growing Chinese influence in the region. That is why your own sponsorship of (Baloch/Tamil, etc.) terrorism is brushed over. But don't fool yourselves, please. The problem is that while your aspirations are that of a developed country, your mentality is still that of a village idiot. Immature, childish, irresponsible. The chest thumping on display in your frenzied media during the escalation literally put the Nazi propaganda machine to shame.

Anyway, long story short --- talk is cheap. We're right here. Send your fancy equipment and fancy new spec ops command over. Peace.

@Areesh @War Thunder @Windjammer @RIWWIR @CriticalThought @beijingwalker
why india is talking so much about imf?
Just showing the mirror to the trollers.
Why do u get worked up so much if someone tells u about IMF....is it because this is the 14th in 30 years?

at least we don't talk about religion here.
Man everytime is see a post filled with religious hatred i am gonna tag u so u can see for urself...

you will not understand.i am sick and tired of this imf debate by indians.some say imf,others say 23 may.lets see
Do u know how u can make sure these statements stop? by not trolling.
Every operation is considered to be daring given the risk involved, even operations conducted state police and paramilitary forces in deep jungles which are naxal strongholds are as risky as any other cross-border operations because these naxals know the forests in and out and they're completely mined and ready to ambush the forces. But the forces did a successful job by eliminating them, now that the naxals are in insignificant numbers
Perhaps these reads will put things in perspective and convey what I am trying to say
Operation Gibraltar: The Pakistani troops who infiltrated Kashmir to start a rebellion - BBC News
1965 War Operation Gibraltar Role of SSG Para Commandos
1965 war: Fateful Pakistani SSG assault
An amazing chapter in 1965 war that both India and Pakistan agree on
Regarding joint SF teams, our forces wanted to form their own SF teams specializing in their area of expertise and terrain but now MoD wants to form something on the lines of US Navy SEALS where SF operatives from existing commands can apply, but I'm not sure if NSG is allowed since they're under Home Ministry
the whole purpose of joint command is to have a unified operational readiness ...... Americans learned via trial and error and everyone followed pursuit but Pakistan Army( by fateful planning )from the very beginning had a unified command ...... even today unlike many other militaries like yourselves who have different Special groups in different Arms ...... Pakistan still has a mostly unified command
If u are using these operations to brag about the success of ur forces, Dude u gotta read them to see how they ended.
If u are using these operations to brag about the success of ur forces, Dude u gotta read them to see how they ended.
sir are you just jumping in or watching the conversation from the start ..............
Success of SSG has been consolidated and needs no bragging ...... the above links merely posts a picture of their journey as they describe poor operational planning in their early days .........
as for the the OP SSG remains (maybe) only special forces to have created as a single command rather than merging into one like yours or others.
kindly do read the whole conversation before jumping in

We already have a JSOC type Structure. @R Wing
yes we do ..... from literally the beginning
That's your problem buddy. I was always here. But yeah, be sure to enjoy petty successes ove isolated skirmishes completely while we enjoy complete victory like in 71, 84.:woot:
what happened in 84? :lol:
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