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India gears up for maiden 'Slut Walk'

Just when there isn't enough trouble already. Haven't these stupid feminists got a better way of tackling rape and all without pointing hate towards all men? Feminism is just as bad as Talibani male chauvinism. And the funny thing is, we actually allow these lunatics to misbehave and abuse all men all over. Reservations, special areas and other such things are given for women and feminists still blame all men as the same.

Feminists: a bunch of fools who couldn't get a date all their lives. :lol:
A couple of analogies:

You walk around a crime-ridden part of town at night flashing a gold watch and expensive jewelry.

You cross the street at the zebra crossing without looking left/right first because the traffic light is red and you have the WALK signal.

In both these cases, you are 100% right and your assailant is 100% wrong and, in a perfect world, you would not be harmed. But the world is not perfect, and people have to use common sense. Most people above the age of five figure that one out.

Yeah, but it's the responsibility of the police to rid the town of crime. They can't shirk their responsibility of protecting you and ask you to carry a gun at all times. That's what's happening here. The outrage is against the POLICE for shirking their responsibility. If the city has the HIGHEST figures of sex related crimes in the country, clearly there is a fault in law enforcement. It's not as if Delhi women are wearing more revealing clothes as compared to, say, a mumbai or bangalore.

So coming back to the your analogy, if your town is crime infested, doesn't the fault lie with the law enforcement? Wouldn't you complain if you could not wear your gold watch in public? THAT'S what this protest is about.
Why do they have to call it slut walk, can't just call it women's march or something less demeaning sounding?

It started at a anti-rape rally where some idiot Toronto police constable made an off the cuff remark, saying " there wouldn't be so many rapes if you girls didn't dress like sluts"

The young people's reaction to take back the world "SLUT" and disassociated from its negative connotation, dressing provocative and spreading awareness.
I love me some peaceful protest for a good cause with some nice ladies :D

We should introduce this in Germany!
I love me some peaceful protest for a good cause with some nice ladies :D

We should introduce this in Germany!

As this statement shows, The slutwalk has not been a well though out plan.

As this statement shows, The slutwalk has not been a well though out plan.
Oh come on. why so serious?
Am I not allowed to enjoy the company while raising awareness against sexual violence?
I srsly think it is a good message against the "blame the victim" mentality.
Oh come on. why so serious?
Am I not allowed to enjoy the company while raising awareness against sexual violence?
I srsly think it is a good message against the "blame the victim" mentality.

lol sorry just picking you for a bit, my real point was that the slutwalk might produced mixed results. Besides I think most reasonable people understand that blaming the victim of rape is an asinine thing to do.
Its not that i dont agree with them , rape is heinous crime and should be stopped..... but i cant agree with the stupidity of their proposed solutions

What do you understand is the solution they are proposing? They are just trying to show that there is a problem.
If a policeman thinks like that, imagine what ordinary folks think about rape.
That is inspite of so much research that has gone into it to find out patterns and reason for rape.
What do you understand is the solution they are proposing? They are just trying to show that there is a problem.
If a policeman thinks like that, imagine what ordinary folks think about rape.
That is inspite of so much research that has gone into it to find out patterns and reason for rape.

well,send some of that research to fems...They cant change a man's gene code..Its programmed into us that a naked woman arouses us.
I think i am repeating myself over and over again...
Nevr mind.....
"I will wear the skimpiest of my skirts," said the 27-year-old. "I want to a snook at all the male chauvinists out there who think of women as sexual objects and nothing else."

isn't that counter-intuitive?

NEW DELHI (AFP) – Skimpily dressed women will take to the streets of New Delhi later this month for India's first "Slut Walk", a global phenomenon to protest sexual violence.

Why are they "gearing up" for this? :confused: this is their lifestyle

Anyways why would anybody want to watch indian girls do this. :sick::sick::sick::sick:
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