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India gears up for maiden 'Slut Walk'

Man i just posted it from Yahoo. But do any of the Indian members here live in Delhi? Tell us about it.
NEW DELHI (AFP) – Skimpily dressed women will take to the streets of New Delhi later this month for India's first "Slut Walk", a global phenomenon to protest sexual violence.

The capital is India's most dangerous city for women where leering and harassment are a daily menace and a woman is raped every 18 hours or molested every 14 hours, according to the latest police figures.

A government-backed UN survey last year said about 85 percent of Delhi's women are perpetually scared of being sexually harassed.

"The purpose of a slut walk is to bring to the attention of society that the problem is not what we do, but what is done to us," Umang Sabarwal, a Delhi University student and the organiser of the June 25 protest, wrote on her Facebook page.

Slut Walk was first held in Toronto this year after a police officer caused outrage by stating that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised" during a speech to university students.

The protest soon spread to over 60 cities where women joined in huge numbers to challenge the mindset that victims of sexual assault should be blamed for the crime against them on the grounds that they were "asking for it".

Sabarwal said although the concept had originated in the West, it held a lot of relevance in a city like New Delhi.

"The woman is always blamed for bringing on the rape. 'What was she doing alone at night? Why was she wearing a skirt? Why did she not have a male companion with her? Why was she driving alone?

"We cast aspersions on the character of the woman, and her morals. It has to be her fault, doesn't it? The men are not at fault."

The event has already generated interest in the Indian media and on social networking websites where some have called it a "walk for liberation" and others deriding it for being silly and provocative.

Dimpy Verma, who works for in the insurance division of a multi-national bank in the city, said she was excited about taking part in the walk along with her mother.

"I will wear the skimpiest of my skirts," said the 27-year-old. "I want to a snook at all the male chauvinists out there who think of women as sexual objects and nothing else."


India gears up for maiden 'Slut Walk' - Yahoo! News

isnt it 18 minutes and 14 minutes?
Those feminists and their ways of protest..They are hell bent on making women an object of sexual enjoyment and just that..
Any man will love to see so many scarcely dressed women prancing around..Thankyou feminists..You may be making a point to chauvinists but giving a great time to perverts..
isnt it 18 minutes and 14 minutes?
Those feminists and their ways of protest..They are hell bent on making women an object of sexual enjoyment and just that..
Any man will love to see so many scarcely dressed women prancing around..Thankyou feminists..You may be making a point to chauvinists but giving a great time to perverts..
The whole point they want to make is, it is not the victims fault for wearing provocative cloths, it is the rapist fault always.
Sex should be consensual, even with your wife.

Many rapists seem to use the character assassination as a way to blame the victim. You should get the same punishment for raping a slut too.
The whole point they want to make is, it is not the victims fault for wearing provocative cloths, it is the rapist fault always.
Sex should be consensual, even with your wife.

The thing is that its natural for a man to be sexually aroused by looking at a nude woman..Not pimping rape here..

Fems ask men to be saints while women ca do whatever they want..Unfair for men..Women should share some responsibility of safeguarding their dignity...
The thing is that its natural for a man to be sexually aroused by looking at a nude woman..Not pimping rape here..
But now they ask men to be saints while women ca do whatever they want..Unfair for men..Women should share some responsibility of safeguarding their dignity...

OK, we're not talking of NUDE women here.

Anyways, to your point, of course it is natural for men to be aroused. But it is HIS responsibility to control his arousal. He cannot go ahead and blame the female if he fails to control his urges and assaults her.

What you are basically saying is, if you forget to lock the door in the night and someone comes in, shoots you in the head and loots your house, then it's your fault for not locking your door.
Many rapists seem to use the character assassination as a way to blame the victim. You should get the same punishment for raping a slut too.

A husband should be charged and crucified for rape,if he had sex with his own wife.....This feminist farce has distorted the definition of rape to the point of no return.
OK, we're not talking of NUDE women here.

Anyways, to your point, of course it is natural for men to be aroused. But it is HIS responsibility to control his arousal. He cannot go ahead and blame the female if he fails to control his urges and assaults her.

What you are basically saying is, if you forget to lock the door in the night and someone comes in, shoots you in the head and loots your house, then it's your fault for not locking your door.

And her responsibility to cover up...A man whore will perv on just about anything that moves..but for a normal man its is helpful if women feel their responsibility of covering up,and not throwing all the responsibility on men.
Yes an open door is no excuse for burglary and a nude woman no excuse for rape..But i dont like fems promoting this idea of "leaving your door open full time"
New Delhi is not particularly safe for women, with most crime against women in India emanating from New Delhi. I would be careful if I were a woman in Delhi, it constitutes a high ratio for rape & other women related crimes in all of India.
OK, we're not talking of NUDE women here.

Anyways, to your point, of course it is natural for men to be aroused. But it is HIS responsibility to control his arousal. He cannot go ahead and blame the female if he fails to control his urges and assaults her.

What you are basically saying is, if you forget to lock the door in the night and someone comes in, shoots you in the head and loots your house, then it's your fault for not locking your door.

It's not as simple as you make it to be. Perhaps a better analogy would be as follows.

If I were to go to Afghanistan or FATA for tourist reason, and then act surprised that I was attacked, then some part of the responsibility lies on me.

In your analogy, the person is FORGETTING to close the door. That's the key difference between your analogy and what's being said. Person forgetting to close the door is analogous, in this case, to a woman covering up properly and still get raped.

If I intentionally left the door open in an unsafe neighbourhood, then some part of the responsibility lies on me. In fact I can imagine a lot of people calling me stupid for doing that in case I was attacked.

Basically, no one understands this idea correctly. The blame does not fully lie on the woman, but she should take some responsibility.
OK, we're not talking of NUDE women here.

Anyways, to your point, of course it is natural for men to be aroused. But it is HIS responsibility to control his arousal. He cannot go ahead and blame the female if he fails to control his urges and assaults her.

What you are basically saying is, if you forget to lock the door in the night and someone comes in, shoots you in the head and loots your house, then it's your fault for not locking your door.

And her responsibility to cover up...A man whore will perv on just about anything that moves..but for a normal man its is helpful if women feel their responsibility of covering up,and not throwing all the responsibility on men.
Yes an open door is no excuse for burglary and a nude woman no excuse for rape..But i dont like fems promoting this idea of "leaving your door open full time"

The main issue that I see with feminists is that man has all the responsibilities while the woman has little to no responsibilities but all the privilidges. I mean imagine this, in UK they recommended government to close down all female prisons. And on top of that, women in pretty much across all feminist-infested countries get considerably less punishment than men for the same time.

It's almost going against their idea of equality since they're saying that women are basically children who shouldn't be held responsible for their actions but men should be held to a much higher standard to accountability.
Delhi is not Toronto. Some basic common sense approah can keep one safe. This event would be a feast for guys trying to look up girls skirt !!!

All started over one stupid Toronto cop's comment... Plenty of real social and gender activists have been telling these girls that this is a horrible idea, and now I hear it's spreading?
Surprise surprise all you guys who wants ticket and visa , let me tell you one thing the show opening will be done by sheila dixit... she is one of the model... :cheesy:

Now how many guys wana come :lol:
The main issue that I see with feminists is that man has all the responsibilities while the woman has little to no responsibilities but all the privilidges. I mean imagine this, in UK they recommended government to close down all female prisons. And on top of that, women in pretty much across all feminist-infested countries get considerably less punishment than men for the same time.

It's almost going against their idea of equality since they're saying that women are basically children who shouldn't be held responsible for their actions but men should be held to a much higher standard to accountability.

Man has same privilege and responsibility as woman. If you are raped (yes a man can be raped) will you blame it on your cloths?

Majority of rape is by somebody you already know, who is tracking you, it does not matter what you wear. Even though as men we feel intense sexual arousal, very rarely that ends up in rape. Take any statistics of any country.

Women are not asking anything special, if you as man can go unmolested in streets whatever you wear, same should be for woman. What responsibility are you talking about.

At personal level, everybody take precautions, women are extremely aware of the vulnerability, issue is rapists routinely use the cloths/slut argument to wriggle out of the hands of law, and many men seem to silently supprt them. That should change, simply because rapist will rape you given a chance, even if you are covered heard to toe.
The crow walked like a swan and forgot his own gait

India should not try to copy western in everything
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