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India gears up for maiden 'Slut Walk'

The crow walked like a swan and forgot his own gait

India should not try to copy western in everything

India moves with time, we dont believe in sitting over old regulations, its good to see the young and vibrant India moving with the world. Really proud to be an India, this is what our democracy is about.
India moves with time, we dont believe in sitting over old regulations, its good to see the young and vibrant India moving with the world. Really proud to be an India, this is what our democracy is about.

Thats all good buddy but the repurcussions could be different too. I don't know why we Indians always try to ape the West, seriously!!!!!!!!!1
isn't delhi the rape capital of india? i will be watching and laughing at how the deprived indian men will physically behave towards these sluts. :rofl:
Yeah, but it's the responsibility of the police to rid the town of crime. They can't shirk their responsibility of protecting you and ask you to carry a gun at all times. That's what's happening here. The outrage is against the POLICE for shirking their responsibility. If the city has the HIGHEST figures of sex related crimes in the country, clearly there is a fault in law enforcement. It's not as if Delhi women are wearing more revealing clothes as compared to, say, a mumbai or bangalore.

So coming back to the your analogy, if your town is crime infested, doesn't the fault lie with the law enforcement? Wouldn't you complain if you could not wear your gold watch in public? THAT'S what this protest is about.

I understand the intent of the protest but it is a completely pointless effort. It is an excuse for people to party, it will attract a bunch of homeless, jobless and dateless losers to ogle the women, along with the usual assortment of 'sensitive' guys scoring a cheap date, but will have absolutely no impact on the actual crime situation.
I understand the intent of the protest but it is a completely pointless effort. It is an excuse for people to party, it will attract a bunch of homeless, jobless and dateless losers to ogle the women, along with the usual assortment of 'sensitive' guys scoring a cheap date, but will have absolutely no impact on the actual crime situation.

yup thats right...i prefer the moonwalk though!!
I understand the intent of the protest but it is a completely pointless effort. It is an excuse for people to party, it will attract a bunch of homeless, jobless and dateless losers to ogle the women, along with the usual assortment of 'sensitive' guys scoring a cheap date, but will have absolutely no impact on the actual crime situation.

Well that is how "All" protests work, gay pride parade was successful. As long as people start talking about it, which is the main point of having a provocative name, mission is fulfilled.
well,send some of that research to fems...They cant change a man's gene code..Its programmed into us that a naked woman arouses us.
I think i am repeating myself over and over again...
Nevr mind.....

You are repeating yourself without reading others comments or reading any article on rape. You are the one who is having fingers in both ears and going La la la la la...
Stupidity , I bet many of these women themselves label other women sluts when they dont like them and they get better boyfriends than these girls.

What is the need for this stupid symbolism ?
some people in India including this sabarwal madam are too obsessed with the West. They blindly follow them thinking everything they do is right .There are better ways of fighting male chauvinism.
There is major porblem in Delhi though which i have not seen in other cities like bombay . Just yesterday i was coming from a mall in saket ,delhi and i took an autorickshaw , a college girl was dressed in shorts revealing just a little part of her thighs . This autowallah started calling her a sl*t right in front of me and abused her ( not on her face ofcourse) . He even had the fu*king audacity to say that women are spoiling india as men here still dress properly ( what a joke) . I felt like strangling him to death.

North India is the most backward and male chauvinistic part of India .Even a city like delhi though thank god most upper middle class and upper class people here dont think that way and women do dress whichever way they like .

But this is no way to fight such people in Delhi . sl*twalk ? This idea suc*s . wont work at all .
North India is the most backward and male chauvinistic part of India
Delhi has a large number of immigrants from near by states. these are the 2-3 states which has almost stagnant economic growth,orthodox culture(including crime,gun culture), but a large number of ever growing population migrating to various Big Metros in India especially New Delhi and Mumbai . this also may have contributed Delhi getting worse in terms of women security. don't want to mention the name of these states ;)

Home minister P Chidambaram today sought to blame migrants to Delhi for crimes like rape, a statement that came under attack from political leaders, following which he withdrew it.

"...nevertheless crime takes place because Delhi attracts a large number of migrants. There are a large number of unauthorised colonies. And these migrants who settle in city's north-west colonies carry a kind of behaviour which is unacceptable in any modern city. So crimes do take place," Chidambaram told reporters on the sidelines of a function.

Condemning the recent rape incidents in the capital, he said steps are being taken by setting up more police stations, recruiting more police men and putting more police vehicles on the roads to improve the law and situation here.
Delhi has a large number of immigrants from near by states. these are the 2-3 states which has almost stagnant economic growth,orthodox culture(including crime,gun culture), but a large number of ever growing population migrating to various Big Metros in India especially New Delhi and Mumbai . this also may have contributed Delhi getting worse in terms of women security. don't want to mention the name of these states ;)
People from Haryana and punjab are no better. UP wala bhaiyas are friendlier than them.
Rape is not a western phenomenon. Did Asians learn rape from the west or perhaps from the invaders who came into the sub-continent? Some of the posts here seem to argue that the protests against rape and women abuse is a western copycat. These women are admirable. You first need to ask yourself whether you would take the negative and condescending approach which you do if your mother or sister or wife was raped on the streets and thereafter accused by the rapist of being provocative because she wasn't fully covered up. Yes it is natural for a man to be aroused by a woman who is attractive to him for any reason. But rape isn't about sexual satisfaction. It is about control over the victim and usually violent control which includes sexual assault. Then again, who can argue against the statement that a man who cannot control his sexual urges and forcibly takes a woman is no better than a dog. After all isn't that one of the qualities which are supposed to seperate us from the animals. Intelligence, empathy and the control of our desires failing which we should be given rabies innoculations and placed in a dog house.
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