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India Gearing Up To Deploy Its Much-Awaited S-400 Missiles By Early Next Year To Neutralize PLAAF’s Stealth Advantage?

F22 as per US official sources will be phased out starting from end of this decade or early next one.

So F35 will be a primary stealth fighter in US inventory until 6th gen comes online by mid or late 30s. So if US is assured of F35 capabilities and not restarting F22 production lines in view of J20 then this implies F35 is more than sufficient to take J20 or whatever coming from Chinese stealth tech. In this decade or may be next.
f35 is short legged while the J20 carries an almost 300km stick to beat the living lightening outta the f35! picking up the f35 on electro optical sensors hundreds of miles away isn't an issue for China. do your homework before making a fool outta yourself.
F22 as per US official sources will be phased out starting from end of this decade or early next one.

So F35 will be a primary stealth fighter in US inventory until 6th gen comes online by mid or late 30s. So if US is assured of F35 capabilities and not restarting F22 production lines in view of J20 then this implies F35 is more than sufficient to take J20 or whatever coming from Chinese stealth tech. In this decade or may be next.
You can simply think that the F22 and F35 are crap. So the US is betting on the 6th generation. At the moment, US is trying to get India to help the US stall China. The US itself says it does not seek conflict.
U.S. tells China it does not seek conflict; but will stand up for principles, friends
f35 is short legged while the J20 carries an almost 300km stick to beat the living lightening outta the f35! picking up the f35 on electro optical sensors hundreds of miles away isn't an issue for China. do your homework before making a fool outta yourself.

Sure beleive crap posted by you over rapidly inducted F35s by US navy, USAF and USMC 🤣🤣🤣
You can simply think that the F22 and F35 are crap. So the US is betting on the 6th generation. At the moment, US is trying to get India to help the US stall China. The US itself says it does not seek conflict.
U.S. tells China it does not seek conflict; but will stand up for principles, friends

Yes its all about Principles and Friends 😁
Of course, we all know the history of Americans treating friends and principles. They are absolutely trustworthy. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Sure take your own advice then do you trust this statement too "US does not seek conflict ..." 🤣😂🤣
Sure take your own advice then do you trust this statement too "US does not seek conflict ..." 🤣😂🤣
We don't believe it. We think they're not ready.

So we tell the Americans that we are not going to have a conflict control mechanism with the US, and that if the US is going to be hostile to China, we are going to be an enemy of the US in every way. The conflict will not be limited to what Americans want.

Xie Feng: The competitive, collaborative and adversarial rhetoric is a thinly veiled attempt to contain and suppress China
On 26 July, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng said during talks with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman that the Chinese people look at things with eyes wide open. They see the competitive, collaborative and adversarial rhetoric as a thinly veiled attempt to contain and suppress China.They feel that the real emphasis is on the adversarial aspect, the collaborative aspect is just an expediency, and the competitive aspect is a narrative trap. U.S. policy seems to be demanding cooperation when it wants something from China; decoupling, cutting off supplies, blockading or sanctioning China when it believes it has an advantage; and resorting to conflict and confrontation at all costs. It seems that the U.S. only thinks about addressing its own concerns, getting the results it wants and advancing its own interests. Do bad things and get good results. How is that ever possible?
Indian with their confidence thinking J20 was made because of them, they are opening tens if not hundred thread about their spaceship rafael, ultimate shield S400 every day, pls spare us, we are just some humble panda whom only makes some toy jet.
dude...even indians don't care to look at the f35! :lol:
In a few years time, when we will be having a few hundred J20, this guy with his beautiful logic would say, " look, I told you that rafael is such an alien spaceship that Chinese needs ten time the number to counter it".
In a few years time, when we will be having a few hundred J20, this guy with his beautiful logic would say, " look, I told you that rafael is such an alien spaceship that Chinese needs ten time the number to counter it".
india may not even be on the map at that time and he'll still stick with his fart induced logic! :lol:
Even the cruise missles will be taken out
I have always maintained that the combined additions of

S400 @ $5 or 6 billion
36 rafale at $8 billion
Barak 8 at $2 billion

ALL SINCE FEBRUARY 2019 ...........give india quantum leap in options and capability

Naaah ...!
1 - Indian got 'Phalcon' AWACS from Israel - same foolish assumption.
2 - Indian got 'SU30MKI' so called 'Mini AWACS' - same foolish assumption.
Until Feb 2019 happened and all such assumptions gone down the drain.
Now 'S400/Rafael/ETC' Indians are again on the path of foolish assumptions, and the cycle will repeat itself - In-Shaa-Allah. Just a matter of time.
india may not even be on the map at that time and he'll still stick with his fart induced logic! :lol:
I really don't wanna feel IQ superior over any race or countries, but India and it's people just keep jumping in front of my face wanting to proven me wrong.
I really don't wanna feel IQ superior over any race or countries, but India and it's people just keep jumping in front of my face wanting to proven me wrong.
enjoy their idiocy dude...they are cheap entertainers! :lol:
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