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India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan



After reading the first two pages and the last two---I am surprised---no one mentioned about the rest of the world---when you dropped 100 to a 150 nuclear weapons---there will be other casualties as well---depending upon the winds---most of the neighbouring nations will face the nuclear fallout---a very painful death---the cloud may take 6 months to a year to go around the world---it will be total and utter devastation.

If and ever the nuclear war starts, there maybe other players that will jump into the scenario---if china jumped in, then it will totally change the face and the shape of the playing field.

Overall---the world will be seeing the doomsday scenario----the world economy will collapse---trade will come to a stand still---the fear of death and destruction, shortage of food supplies, medicine, warm clothing, lack of medical care in all the nations will create chaos, disturbance and anarchy all over the world.

The worst of the humanity will come to the surface---looters ansd plunderers will take to the streets---the fear of oncoming death by nuclear fallout will make animals out of the civilized human beings in the 'civilized' world.

The world as we may know of---will sieze to exist.

That is the reason why the Americans keep looking for WMD and keep preventing Indo-Pak wars.
And that is why Brig. Amanullah is not in power in Pak. and Indians dont have a Brig. Amanullah, though it is true the people of India, the lay populations even the very educated ones dont bother to even think of the consequenses (what to say of protesting it).

But I dont think there is any need for alarm. What is put out for public consumption may but equally likely may not be the truth.

The source of our Nuke doctrine is Gen. Sunderji and this is what he had to say about Nukes in Subcontinent.

"Possession of nuclear weapons would give Pakistan the confidence to face a larger neighbour with security and honor… This confidence on the part of Pakistan is to be welcomed as it is a positive asset for national sobriety and regional stability."
- General Krishnaswamy Sundarrajan, Indian Army

Let me also add that one of the things I like about PA is that they are going to use Nukes even if the territorial integrity of Pak is comprimised in a conventional war. This is one thing that the Indians dont as yet have but that should be there, vis-a-vis both China and Pakistan.
BTW - that first post was scary wasnt it ??????

but i tell you only american can come up with such bullshit when talkign about - 1000 million people dying.

a nuclear is just not worth it but - you never know - i would hope some of those pakistani and indian- who talk of being nuke power every now n then - should go and read what nuclear weapons are all about.

do they have - nucke war for dummies ?

------ but i think its crazy when - countries like india and paksitan get hold of nuclear weapon - its like - monkey learning how to light a match stick - he will put whole city on fire.
BTW - that first post was scary wasnt it ??????

Scary only if someone has not already given a thought to the issue.

but i tell you only american can come up with such bullshit when talkign about - 1000 million people dying.

Bro Americans have already prevented quite a few wars from turning Nuke. I doubt if the assessment would be entirely wrong.

a nuclear is just not worth it but - you never know - i would hope some of those pakistani and indian- who talk of being nuke power every now n then - should go and read what nuclear weapons are all about.

do they have - nucke war for dummies ?

------ but i think its crazy when - countries like india and paksitan get hold of nuclear weapon - its like - monkey learning how to light a match stick - he will put whole city on fire.

Gen Sunderji thought otherwise. He was a hawk and I tend to agree with his ideas which allowed for the maintenance of capability and the concommitent uncertainity as a disincentive.
typical indian thinking. you will see me protest in Tiananmen if my government refuse to nuke india after such "nuke exchange" with Pak.

we are still waiting for India to come up with any reliable delivery method that can be used to hit our population centers like Wuhan, Chengdu.

I would also urge my government to launch preemptive attacks on indian research centers/factories if they ever dare to work on any delivery method that can reach Beijing/Shanghai/Shenzhen.

A nuke armed india threating the peace of Asia will never be tolerated.
You cannot just propose a nuclear attack on India in an eventuality that India develops a perfect delivery system. It is a recipe of not only your own death, but also of this small planet we call EARTH.

What do you think India will do if attacked that way? They will use up even their unreliable delivery system to destroy your localities and cities. You think an atom bomb only kills instantly. If you are so sure of not being killed immediately, you may die by vomitting blood or you will die with cancer.

You will be lucky if you are below the atmosphere where the bomb will burst. You will die instantly. If you are at a distant of, say, 25 km from the center of burst, then it is certainly possible that your skin will be peeled off your body and your head will become bigger than a football. If you are still alive, you will run for the nearest river to get rid of the intense heat. You jump to the river only to see that the water there is boiling with heat. You die in that boiling water.

If you are near a stoney mountain, you may not live to see, but you will be fully immersed into the molten stone lava. Someone will find you after a million years and your body will be tested to check the result of an idiotic atomic exchange.

If you think you will adore the prospects I have written above, only then go to your Tiananmen square to demonstrate and ask your govt to strike first. Atomic bombs are not a play thing. Every citizen of the world must be aware of the danger of atomic bombings and must show restraint and responsibility.
You cannot just propose a nuclear attack on India in an eventuality that India develops a perfect delivery system. It is a recipe of not only your own death, but also of this small planet we call EARTH.

What do you think India will do if attacked that way? They will use up even their unreliable delivery system to destroy your localities and cities. You think an atom bomb only kills instantly. If you are so sure of not being killed immediately, you may die by vomitting blood or you will die with cancer.

You will be lucky if you are below the atmosphere where the bomb will burst. You will die instantly. If you are at a distant of, say, 25 km from the center of burst, then it is certainly possible that your skin will be peeled off your body and your head will become bigger than a football. If you are still alive, you will run for the nearest river to get rid of the intense heat. You jump to the river only to see that the water there is boiling with heat. You die in that boiling water.

If you are near a stoney mountain, you may not live to see, but you will be fully immersed into the molten stone lava. Someone will find you after a million years and your body will be tested to check the result of an idiotic atomic exchange.

If you think you will adore the prospects I have written above, only then go to your Tiananmen square to demonstrate and ask your govt to strike first. Atomic bombs are not a play thing. Every citizen of the world must be aware of the danger of atomic bombings and must show restraint and responsibility.

for the reasons your wrote above, I see signing the NPT as a must. India's refusal to sign the NPT shows its intention to be the bad guy in this game.

simple and plain.
are you telling me those european countries with stupidly high GDP per capita figures are better than the US?

Yes. Obviously. Social indicators of those European countries with "stupidly high GDP per capita" are better than the US. I would rather live in Switzerland than the US.
indians bhut khush fham hai hum kia kr sakte hain
We will hit india "not tit-for-tat" but , for ever , i repeat for ever eliminate this Baharat Mata.
As for as our concern , what will happened to us , no matter because we have many muslim country also naboughers, we/I will see, from where india get more "HINDO" to cultivate their mother land ?
We will hit india "not tit-for-tat" but , for ever , i repeat for ever eliminate this Baharat Mata.
As for as our concern , what will happened to us , no matter because we have many muslim country also naboughers, we/I will see, from where india get more "HINDO" to cultivate their mother land ?

What a foolish thinking:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Doesn't deserve any reply!
indians bhut khush fham hai hum kia kr sakte hain


Huda .. Stop trolling .. Its a serious debate, if you dont have anthing to contribute just sit back and read posts of other members and secondly one sentence post considered to be a flame ok . So avoid trolling ..
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We will hit india "not tit-for-tat" but , for ever , i repeat for ever eliminate this Baharat Mata.
As for as our concern , what will happened to us , no matter because we have many muslim country also naboughers, we/I will see, from where india get more "HINDO" to cultivate their mother land ?
Other than radiation, atomic bombings also create intense heat. It is about 5000*C. This is the heat our SUN has on its outer surface. The 5000*C heat from Sun becomes only 20*C to 45*C when it hits our EARTH. But, even then we feel it is very hot.

Our planet is 144,000,000 (144 million) km away from the Sun and it takes eight minutes to reach the sunlight here. Can you imagine of your own fate when you will be sleeping only 144 km away from one of those atomic bombing sites? The 5000*C heat will take only 0.00048 seconds to reach you.

Go to a steel smelting shopl and check. It takes only 1600*C to melt steel. So, what do you think your own fate will be. It will be the same fate that you wish the 'HINDOS' to suffer. So, you better do not day dream cool breeze for yourself and a hot Jahannam for the HINDOS.
'India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan'

New York: In the event of a nuclear war with Pakistan, Indian leaders had predicted a bizarre victory, according to former US president Bill Clinton.

Indian officials had calculated that while 300 million to 500 million of their countrymen would die if Pakistani nukes hit India, all 120 million Pakistanis would be annihilated in a tit-for-tat Indian strike, Clinton is quoted as saying in a book.

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch's new book, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, which goes on sale this week, has an unguarded Clinton venting about Indian and Pakistani leaders' so-called willingness to threaten the death of millions in their standoff over nuclear arms.

"Indian officials spoke of knowing roughly how many nuclear bombs the Pakistanis possessed, from which they calculated that a doomsday nuclear volley would kill 300 [million] to 500 million Indians while annihilating all 120 million Pakistanis. The Indians would thus claim 'victory'," Branch has quoted Clinton as saying.

New Delhi is likely to be furious with the observation, which portrays it as a government willing to play fast and loose with its citizens lives to notch up a bizarre win against Pakistan.
Clinton had slapped sanctions on India and Pakistan over the tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998. His successor George Bush lifted those sanctions after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks as a reward, particularly for Pakistan, for offering to support Washington's pursuit of Osama bin Laden.

Branch's 700-page book is the result of his access to Clinton, in 79 sessions, during the two terms of his presidency from 1993 to 2001.

In an interview with USA Today, Branch said Clinton, who had read the manuscript, expressed concern about some details in the book. Branch said he believed Clinton "was nervous" about the book's publication but had not asked for changes.

The Internet is abuzz with a smashed Boris Yeltsin anecdote in the book. Clinton recalled getting a security alert in 1995 that the secret service had found a whisky-tanked Yeltsin, in his underwear, teetering outside Blair House on Pennsylvania Avenue and trying to hail a taxi.

A longtime-friend, Branch quizzes Clinton on his political passions, his marriage and picks at the scabs of the Monica Lewinsky affair. One night in August 1999, six months after Clinton had survived the Senate impeachment trial, Clinton told Branch the Lewinsky affair began because "I cracked; I just cracked."
How can the politicians of both countries reach this conclusion. Do u think that India will give a second chance to pakistan after first strike.
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