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India facing collapse as a nation : Amartya Sen

If the United States regards India as its main competitor, India will surely collapse. Fortunately, there is China.The United States only needs to make a phone call to end India's oil trade with Iran.
We aren't a pushover like pakistan
there have been multiple times US has asked us to do something which we've refused
they even threatened CAATSA for S400 but we still went for it and there was no punitive action.
Washington won't take any actions against India right now both have way better chances co-operating rather than bickering
"The parents of a 16-year-old boy whose tractor was hit by a police bullet at a farmers' protest in Heerenveen on Tuesday will press charges against the police officer who fired the shot. Lawyer Robern Snorn, who represents the family, confirmed that to De Gelderlander. The boy, Jouke, and the police officer will meet sometime next week, Gery Veldhuis, chief commissioner of the Regional Police Unit Noord-Nederland, said to the newspaper."

He is not dead or injured, and the boy's home will not be destroyed for protesting. Read the article, genius. The police says he feels sick about the shooting.

What wonderful news.

The Minor boy who was SHOT by a policeman while driving a tractor at a peaceful protest is not Dead.

Hurrah for 'western values'.

Better still the policeman "feels sick". What a relief.
1. An "out caste" is an outcaste for ever. Unless someone from his caste takes the effort to bring them back into their caste.

That is the warning and price one pays for betraying one's tribe in the uncertain and dangerous past.

Today the caste system exists because it is propagated by the Indian constitution. Not because the public wants it.

2. The double standard it when you defend one grouse over another.

3. " Colonists did not breed us like rabbits" ?

Do you know WHO breeds like Rabits ? The WHITE MAN. From small Europe he has take over 4 CONTINENTS while denying Brown men access to those lands. North America, South America, Australia and Africa.

Yet colonized minds like yours blam the Indians for "breeding like rabbits". (in the words of the vile racist winston churchill)

You think the Islamic and then British Colonists did not corruption ? floods ? droughts ? rapes?

Are you totally devoid of any historic knowledge ?

Corruption exist because we inherited the British executive and a British inspired Constitution written by British educated "leaders" put there by British stooge Gandhi.

Corruption exist because we inherited the british judiciary designed to rule us, not give us justice.

Floods exist because the british deforested the river banks and left us paupers who where then forced to repeat this for survival.

Droughts happened because we were forced into growing crops that did not feed us and when we tried to change that, it took time to raise the productivity of new crops.

India even today has one of the lowest Rape cases in the world. Shame on you for pushing western propaganda.

4. Were you not talking about Atheist and Rationalists ? So how can they be Hindus ? Shouldn't they be targeting ALL religions ? Why this sudden desire to let bygones be bygones ?

I see, the police shot the underage boy because they have rights.

Makes perfect sense.

You can disagree with me as much as you want, but if you want to debate, do it in a civil manner. You dont know diddly squat about me or where my thoughts come from or what i think on a wide variety of topics. Yet you have been calling me a colonial slave and shaming me. Dispense with this name calling. It is very easy for me to descend to the same level and start calling you by names. There are people who take a lot of shit on internet forums and give it back too. I neither take shit nor give it to anyone.
You can disagree with me as much as you want, but if you want to debate, do it in a civil manner. You dont know diddly squat about me or where my thoughts come from or what i think on a wide variety of topics. Yet you have been calling me a colonial slave and shaming me. Dispense with this name calling. It is very easy for me to descend to the same level and start calling you by names. There are people who take a lot of shit on internet forums and give it back too. I neither take shit nor give it to anyone.

I was being civil in the face of you denigrating India.

If you talk like a colonized mind, don't be surprised when people identify you as one.
What wonderful news.

The Minor boy who was SHOT by a policeman while driving a tractor at a peaceful protest is not Dead.

Hurrah for 'western values'.

Better still the policeman "feels sick". What a relief.
It is about universal justice, which is not specifically a Western value. The West is ahead of the rest though. The boy is old enough to get a vehicle license and the police had no way of knowing how old he is, unless he was 10 or 11. Also, the police have a right to protect themselves from physical harm in all situations. You have no point.
It is about universal justice, which is not specifically a Western value. The West is ahead of the rest though. The boy is old enough to get a vehicle license and the police had no way of knowing how old he is, unless he was 10 or 11. Also, the police have a right to protect themselves from physical harm in all situations. You have no point.

Yes, yes.... shooting a minor boy is universal justice.

You win.
Truth wins, you had fake news. You assumed the boy had died and now you are too embarrassed to admit you were wrong. His tractor was hit.

True, a Minor boy was shot by police while doing a peaceful protest.

So I am embarrassed. Its all my fault.
You know the true potential of India's economy compared to downfall over last 10 years, what we say here in Pakistan is true blessing in disguise for Modi coming into power!
You know the true potential of India's economy compared to downfall over last 10 years, what we say here in Pakistan is true blessing in disguise for Modi coming into power!

People started talking about Indians true potential only after Modi came to power.

Before that India was a "LargeMarket".
Just a matter of time, all countries are about to be hit by global recession, famine, wars as per plans of the globalist zionists.
It won’t matter about economics, it’s all going to be irrelevant when food shortages hit. These fragile economies and houses of cards can/will fall easily…..gonna be train wrecks globally
Their plan to eliminate “useless eaters” won’t spare mighty india.
Enjoy the good times while they last……
Only andh Bhakts will think that India is doing well (economically)

“Ek guy ka gobar kohinoor hire se bhi mehenga hota hai” - chief mediaperspn of the ruling party 🤣

I think this by itself shows if India is near collapse or not.
"Noble prize Genius". :lol:


Me seeing you, a new Indian nationalist on PDF :
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Just a matter of time, all countries are about to be hit by global recession, famine, wars as per plans of the globalist zionists.
It won’t matter about economics, it’s all going to be irrelevant when food shortages hit. These fragile economies and houses of cards can/will fall easily…..gonna be train wrecks globally
Their plan to eliminate “useless eaters” won’t spare mighty india.
Enjoy the good times while they last……

I hope you realize India is SELF SUFFICIENT in Food.

Can't say the same about pakistan though.

Me seeing you, a new Indian nationalist on PDF :

Who is this person in the picture ?
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