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India facing collapse as a nation : Amartya Sen

You are wrong. They don't exist in other societies in such large numbers.

And even then, they have good reasons.

But in India these people have no reason but just extreme HATE for Hindus and Hindu though and values. PDF Indians will give you a good example of that.
The Hindu hating types are mostly leftists and dalit activists. At least the Dalits have a historical grouse. Leftists are mostly atheists who can be as painful as religious bigots. In western countries the leftists lie in hibernation because of people have become irreligious or non believers themselves, even if they are not leftists. In India religion still thrives so they have something to hate.

I differentiate rationalists who are important to weed out superstitions and regressive practices. Or even atheists who mind their own business.
The Hindu hating types are mostly leftists and dalit activists. At least the Dalits have a historical grouse. Leftists are mostly atheists who can be as painful as religious bigots. In western countries the leftists lie in hibernation because of people have become irreligious or non believers themselves, even if they are not leftists. In India religion still thrives so they have something to hate.

I differentiate rationalists who are important to weed out superstitions and regressive practices. Or even atheists who mind their own business.

You are wrong on multiple counts.

If Dalits have a historical grouse against caste Hindus, Caste Hindus too have a historical grouse against dalits.

After all they used to be caste Hindus before they were cast out of their caste for whatever reason. (usually eating beef or mingling with muslims etc)

Similarly Hindus too had historic grouse against muslims and Christians. They were the oppressors or people who sided with the oppressors.

So how does one historic grouse becomes acceptable while the other doesn't ? Why such double standards ?

You too demonstrate this same mental colonialism when you say such things.

Also have you ever see these so called "atheists" spew venom against muslims or xtians ? why are only Hindus the target of their "atheism" ? Soft targets ?

You are providing covering fire for these blatant hindumisia with such explanations.

No different from muslms who offer similar explanations for Terrorism.

How many rationalists have you seen attempt to weed out superstitions and regressive practices in islam or christianity ?

Do you see any "Rationalists" here ?

You are wrong on multiple counts.

If Dalits have a historical grouse against caste Hindus, Caste Hindus too have a historical grouse against dalits.

After all they used to be caste Hindus before they were cast out of their caste for whatever reason. (usually eating beef or mingling with muslims etc)

Similarly Hindus too had historic grouse against muslims and Christians. They were the oppressors or people who sided with the oppressors.

So how does one historic grouse becomes acceptable while the other doesn't ? Why such double standards ?

You too demonstrate this same mental colonialism when you say such things.

Also have you ever see these so called "atheists" spew venom against muslims or xtians ? why are only Hindus the target of their "atheism" ? Soft targets ?

You are providing covering fire for these blatant hindumisia with such explanations.

No different from muslms who offer similar explanations for Terrorism.

How many rationalists have you seen attempt to weed out superstitions and regressive practices in islam or christianity ?

Do you see any "Rationalists" here ?

I am an atheist. :D

But I swing from being an atheist and a devout hindu, depending on how much I drink or when that ganja kicks in. :lol:

good to see most hindu indians are in denial..

Congratulations, if your nation had been this farsighted as your are, maybe Imran Khan would have still been your prime minister.
I am an atheist. :D

But I swing from being an atheist and a devout hindu, depending on how much I drink or when that ganja kicks in. :lol:

Its a bit like Jamahir who wants to get out of islam but since he has been fed Hate and contempt for Hindus from his childhood he is forced to become a communist.

Stuck between a Frying pan and the Fire.

Its hard to get rid of the contempt for Hinduism that has been fed into you from childhood.

https://twitter.com/GemsOfBollywood gives you a good insight into how pop culture feeds contempt.
Its a bit like Jamahir who wants to get out of islam but since he has been fed Hate and contempt for Hindus from his childhood he is forced to become a communist.

Stuck between a Frying pan and the Fire.

Its hard to get rid of the contempt for Hinduism that has been fed into you from childhood.

https://twitter.com/GemsOfBollywood gives you a good insight into how pop culture feeds contempt.

Islamist and communism is dangerous mixture, more unstable than a vile of TNT. :lol:
You are wrong on multiple counts.

If Dalits have a historical grouse against caste Hindus, Caste Hindus too have a historical grouse against dalits.

After all they used to be caste Hindus before they were cast out of their caste for whatever reason. (usually eating beef or mingling with muslims etc)

Similarly Hindus too had historic grouse against muslims and Christians. They were the oppressors or people who sided with the oppressors.

So how does one historic grouse becomes acceptable while the other doesn't ? Why such double standards ?

You too demonstrate this same mental colonialism when you say such things.

Also have you ever see these so called "atheists" spew venom against muslims or xtians ? why are only Hindus the target of their "atheism" ? Soft targets ?

You are providing covering fire for these blatant hindumisia with such explanations.

No different from muslms who offer similar explanations for Terrorism.

How many rationalists have you seen attempt to weed out superstitions and regressive practices in islam or christianity ?

Do you see any "Rationalists" here ?

It is not just an oversimplification but inaccurate to say that Dalits were outcast because of mingling with Muslims and eating beef. This may be true for some, but lower castes have been lower castes for centuries. While we have made considerable progress on weeding out the caste system, it is ignorant to pretend that the problem has vanished.

Where are the double standards? Everyone is free to create their own grouse. The entire country is one grouse circus at the moment. Which episode did you miss?

Our problems, on all fronts are self inflicted. Let's stop with the white man's slave narrative please. Colonists did not breed us like rabbits. Colonists don't cause corruption, floods, droughts, rapes and the thousands of other short term and long term problems. We have been independent for 75 years. It is long enough.

I only agree with you to the extent that Hindus have taken a lot of shit talk about their religion and continue to do so. Liberals don't have the balls to call out problems with other religious cultures.

I don't care about personal reform within other religions. Not my problem. If Christians want to faint when a pastor in Kerala raises his hands in circular motion or Muslims believe their religion is perfect and needs no scrutiny, their call. I am not converting to Christianity or Islam. They can believe what they want.
It is not just an oversimplification but inaccurate to say that Dalits were outcast because of mingling with Muslims and eating beef. This may be true for some, but lower castes have been lower castes for centuries. While we have made considerable progress on weeding out the caste system, it is ignorant to pretend that the problem has vanished.

Where are the double standards? Everyone is free to create their own grouse. The entire country is one grouse circus at the moment. Which episode did you miss?

Our problems, on all fronts are self inflicted. Let's stop with the white man's slave narrative please. Colonists did not breed us like rabbits. Colonists don't cause corruption, floods, droughts, rapes and the thousands of other short term and long term problems. We have been independent for 75 years. It is long enough.

I only agree with you to the extent that Hindus have taken a lot of shit talk about their religion and continue to do so. Liberals don't have the balls to call out problems with other religious cultures.

I don't care about personal reform within other religions. Not my problem. If Christians want to faint when a pastor in Kerala raises his hands in circular motion or Muslims believe their religion is perfect and needs no scrutiny, their call. I am not converting to Christianity or Islam. They can believe what they want.

1. An "out caste" is an outcaste for ever. Unless someone from his caste takes the effort to bring them back into their caste.

That is the warning and price one pays for betraying one's tribe in the uncertain and dangerous past.

Today the caste system exists because it is propagated by the Indian constitution. Not because the public wants it.

2. The double standard it when you defend one grouse over another.

3. " Colonists did not breed us like rabbits" ?

Do you know WHO breeds like Rabits ? The WHITE MAN. From small Europe he has take over 4 CONTINENTS while denying Brown men access to those lands. North America, South America, Australia and Africa.

Yet colonized minds like yours blam the Indians for "breeding like rabbits". (in the words of the vile racist winston churchill)

You think the Islamic and then British Colonists did not corruption ? floods ? droughts ? rapes?

Are you totally devoid of any historic knowledge ?

Corruption exist because we inherited the British executive and a British inspired Constitution written by British educated "leaders" put there by British stooge Gandhi.

Corruption exist because we inherited the british judiciary designed to rule us, not give us justice.

Floods exist because the british deforested the river banks and left us paupers who where then forced to repeat this for survival.

Droughts happened because we were forced into growing crops that did not feed us and when we tried to change that, it took time to raise the productivity of new crops.

India even today has one of the lowest Rape cases in the world. Shame on you for pushing western propaganda.

4. Were you not talking about Atheist and Rationalists ? So how can they be Hindus ? Shouldn't they be targeting ALL religions ? Why this sudden desire to let bygones be bygones ?

They have rights in Netherlands so the boy's home will not be destroyed for protesting.

I see, the police shot the underage boy because they have rights.

Makes perfect sense.
I see, the police shot the underage boy because they have rights.

Makes perfect sense.
It makes sense if the police acted in self defence to avoid being hit by the tractor. That is what the court will establish. The driver's age is not relevant, the police have a right to protect themselves from physical harm. The police claims he hit the tractor as a warning shot, but the bullet was too close to the driver. Court will get all the facts ànd everyone's rights will be protected. No one's home will be destroyed.
It makes sense if the police acted in self defence to avoid being hit by the tractor. That is what the court will establish. The driver's age is not relevant, the police have a right to protect themselves from physical harm. The police claims he hit the tractor as a warning shot, but the bullet was too close to the driver. Court will get all the facts ànd everyone's rights will be protected. No one's home will be destroyed.

So the Father lost his minor son for driving a tractor in a peaceful protest.

His HOME is destroyed, but his house will not be.

Wow. This now make more sense.
So the Father lost his minor son for driving a tractor in a peaceful protest.

His HOME is destroyed, but his house will not be.

Wow. This now make more sense.
"The parents of a 16-year-old boy whose tractor was hit by a police bullet at a farmers' protest in Heerenveen on Tuesday will press charges against the police officer who fired the shot. Lawyer Robern Snorn, who represents the family, confirmed that to De Gelderlander. The boy, Jouke, and the police officer will meet sometime next week, Gery Veldhuis, chief commissioner of the Regional Police Unit Noord-Nederland, said to the newspaper."

He is not dead or injured, and the boy's home will not be destroyed for protesting. Read the article, genius. The police says he feels sick about the shooting.
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