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India eyes Pakistan for access to Afghan mine bonanza

wait and watch.. when indian truck roll past your house be sure to wave the tricolour..... and we are just doing business . not setup a military like chinese to ocupy you.

thats why we want a route through pakistan

this guy has stupid dum wet dreams for sure
wait and watch.. when indian truck roll past your house be sure to wave the tricolour..... and we are just doing business . not setup a military like chinese to ocupy you.

Why ask if you can take it lol. Do you Indians have a lot of wet dreams?? Why are you so insecure and insignificant?
You will take nothing without Pakistani permission through Pakistan
absolutely, we are not thieves to walk into neighbours house uninvited. You will give us the rights to passs thru

Why ask if you can take it lol. Do you Indians have a lot of wet dreams?? Why are you so insecure and insignificant?
just being nice and polite.. something u guys dont understand.
indians dont kill muslims in kashmir, unless they are from outside to kill indians,
And you can watch when we get the transit just like you are watching us take the MFN status and export and do honest business with you guys. you will then realise that we are the good guys in this story.

Do we want a situation where we can be constantly blackmailed or threatened to cut off transit if we do not for eg. agree to the 38 X 10 times demands- I think no we do not. India would have factored in the non availability of transit thru' Pk much before it went into or invested in Afg. India has already conducted trial runs by sea and land routes to Afg thru' Iran.

We don't want a situation where Pk says that we never asked them for transit and did not allow Pk to get involved in the trade when we look like fools going all around to reach Afg when Pk could have easily facilitated the transit. It gives plenty of leeway to facilitate and chalk out alternative routes thereby undermining Pk's importance in the matter. I would be really surprised if Pakistan does provide transit facility though.
wait and watch.. when indian truck roll past your house be sure to wave the tricolour..... and we are just doing business . not setup a military like chinese to ocupy you.

thats why we want a route through pakistan

to shi* in you pants when taliban cuts your heads you isi can help yo mate to the same in india happy shi*ing
Do we want a situation where we can be constantly blackmailed or threatened to cut off transit if we do not for eg. agree to the 38 X 10 times demands- I think no we do not. India would have factored in the non availability of transit thru' Pk much before it went into or invested in Afg. India has already conducted trial runs by sea and land routes to Afg thru' Iran.

We don't want a situation where Pk says that we never asked them for transit and did not allow Pk to get involved in the trade when we look like fools going all around to reach Afg when Pk could have easily facilitated the transit. It gives plenty of leeway to facilitate and chalk out alternative routes thereby undermining Pk's importance in the matter. I would be really surprised if Pakistan does provide transit facility though.
they will provide. their civilian govt will.. army will try to deny. eventually they will realise the profit form it.
A win-win India-Pakistan project - Rediff.com India News

The proposed transportation route shows that the Afghan situation need not be judged as a zero-sum game between Pakistan and India, but instead could be transformed as a 'win-win' situation.

More important, if the two countries begin working together on a 'slurry pipeline' tomorrow, they could as well begin work on a gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan to India the day after tomorrow
no matter how much Pakistani members deny and ridicule this, but even they have to agree that they are in need of money. The ongoing energy-crisis, the floods and the deteriorating relations with the US have made that quite clear. Pakistan needs a new source of money- and fast. Wether the populace finds this favourable or not eventually evrybody will have to consider it.
to shi* in you pants when taliban cuts your heads you isi can help yo mate to the same in india happy shi*ing

Im afriad the taliban have killed more Pakistanis and we always backed the Northen Alliance even before 9/11
to shi* in you pants when taliban cuts your heads you isi can help yo mate to the same in india happy shi*ing
taliban ? Ill sh*t on their faces, and use their beard to wipe my@$$. if you love them so much you can help them out.
India wants access via Pakistan? 50% ore as a hafta then? :P
they will provide. their civilian govt will.. army will try to deny. eventually they will realise the profit form it.

I would much rather like it not going thru' Pakistan, to save us some real big head aches and black mails. Have we not learned anything from the NATO transit yet.

The civilian govt will want to, but what about the opposition against the transit from the people of Pk. I can visualize the scenario here...

The press/ opposition will go to town with - The PPP has sold out the nation to the enemy.

We are granting MFN / Transit to our enemy who is not giving us water/ Kashmir etc.

Our roads and infrastructure will be destroyed. Zardari and co would have taken a lot of money to grant this.

Any Party who authorizes this is committing political suicide in PK.
absolutely, we are not thieves to walk into neighbours house uninvited. You will give us the rights to passs thru

just being nice and polite.. something u guys dont understand.

More like timid and subservient.
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