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India expels American diplomat

You must be a retard to keep repeating word idiot like that ...guess that's what your white masters must be calling all the time ....

Didn't you learn anything more... you moron ???

Guess the ones with regression of mental milestones like you can't blabber anything more than that ....

spoken like an idiot again!
you can't prove a negative ... absurd claims are just absurd claims. there is vidoe reported that says shows her being cavity searched. But Us since did not say that video is false that does not make it true...
Ok just agree that america behaved stupid and silly with their ego in this case...And go back to ur cave...

You are right I didn't realize that. :)

Stop being dumb.
why was that dumb?

spoken like an idiot again!
post reported again!!!
Okay lets play stupid like you...per your logic . Let's for example pretend : If I find one foreigner who has been say raped in india!
they say " all foreigners get raped in india", now per your logic since the victim said so and then if I find a video of women in india being raped .... Then IT MUST BE TRUE!

right? I have a victim saying so , just like you do, and I have some obscure video , just like you do... what's the difference?

LOL.....what bizarre analogy....:lol:

Firstly, the Indian diplomat didn't claim that all Indian diplomats have been cavity searched, she is speaking for herself based on her own experience.....so your analogy doesn't hold...

Secondly, in your example, if the rape victim says that all foreigners are raped in India then it can be contradicted by facts as there are foreigners in India who are not raped, but that doesn't mean that she is not raped....
If you find ample videos on the net about foreigners getting raped in India and a foreigner complains about getting raped than for a leyman it is absolutely logical to assume that there is some truth in her complaint, but if you straightaway deny her claim based on NOTHING then you're being illogical...
what no war analogies to go with it, idiot? :rofl:
ur still abusing. still u have not anyhing to say.i think u still didn't get the mood of the real indian people after reading so much post.i think overseas chinese people are more faithfull than u people, its quite clear ur people post u can bend to any level to please but the real indians cannot.
An Amazing article over the end of the Indo-US impasse by MADHUR BHANDARKAR --- The guy I ve persistently hated for years because of his pessimistic real-politik observations about India.

This one however is commendable. Some optimism at last.


The denouement of the Devyani Khobragade affair has all the trappings of a ’settlement’ between Delhi and Washington. Of course, the exchange of Devyani with the faceless Counsellor in the American embassy in Delhi did not take place a foggy morning on a remote tarmac at Vienna airport or at Checkpoint Charlie as dusk was falling.
But the ‘body language’ already shows that the American diplomat was not an ordinary run-of-the-mill functionary. The CNN commentary is livid (here). It virtually asks, How dare you, you upstarts, touch our man in Delhi?
Clearly, after inter-agency consultations, Delhi zeroed in on an appropriate retaliation and had a response ready up the sleeves in anticipation of the possible flow of developments. Presumably, we are getting rid of a US operative who has been on the radar of our agencies for a while. That is indeed smart thinking on Delhi’s part.
The Ministry of External Affairs gives no details regarding the expelled American diplomat. The MEA press release stuck to the facts regarding Khobragade’s transfer to India, but, notably, made it clear that her stance enjoys strong backing of the government.
The FOAs [Friends of America] in our media and think tanks are heaving a collective sigh of relief that the diplomatic row has ended. But, has it really ended? Such episodes in inter-state relations leave residues, inevitably.
The bottom line is that the US’ demand to Delhi to withdraw Khobragade was a pro forma requirement once they decided to grant her diplomatic status when a case is pending against her. On the other hand, Delhi’s decision to ‘retaliate’ is a considered decision taken at a level not less than — at the very minimum — External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid.
And, Delhi would know well enough that the US does not take kindly to expulsion of its diplomats by foreign countries. To add to it, the diplomat expelled from Delhi also happens to be a key operative in their intelligence set-up, possibly its very head. But Washington should also take note, in all fairness, that Delhi behaved with exemplary restraint — it is merely expelling the US counsellor without subjecting him to cavity search, et al.
What lies ahead? The irreducible minimum is that the MEA should not roll back its stance that the US-India diplomatic ties ought to be in the spirit of strict reciprocity. This is not only a matter of self-respect but also ensures a fair deal from the American side for our diplomats posted in the US. Above all, the US itself is a great stickler for diplomatic reciprocity and it insists on such conduct even with its tiny neighbors in Central America.
Meanwhile, so many unsavory details have emerged in the past few weeks regarding the functioning of the American embassy in Delhi. How is it that the American embassy could become a law unto itself? Certainly, South Block knew all along that the US embassy was misusing diplomatic privileges and breaking Indian laws with immunity? If so, why did MEA look away?
Some serious introspection is needed — by the political class, principally. There was no conceivable justification for a deputy prime minister to mess around with issues that are best left to the Delhi Police. It betrays an attitude of mind.
There must be clarity that when one of the country’s diplomats is arrested, detained with criminals and subjected to humiliations, it is nothing but an insult to the nation. That is the quintessence of the Vienna Convention. No need to beat around the bush here. At least on this score we all must agree — FOAs included. Simply put, no one will tell us this, but it is a fact of life that others lose respect for us when they see pusillanimity in us.
Looking back, Delhi handled this affair brilliantly. The South Block kept up the pressure on Washington — and calibrated it day by day with precision — to make it clear that India won’t take lying low this despicable and barbaric behavior by the Americans and the broader relationship between the two countries would get seriously damaged. The firmness — without an ounce of grandstanding involved — paid.
The US did say that video was fake.

Strip-search video of Devyani Khobragade fake, US says - Times Of India
Does that mean she was not strip-searched?....

I don't know why people are only emphasizing on what U.S is saying not what the Indian or India is saying......colonial hangover may be....:undecided:......afterall majority of Americans are white and are of European descent...
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Does that mean she was not strip-searched?....

I don't know why people are emphasizing on what U.S is saying not what the Indian or India is saying......colonial hangover may be....:undecided:......afterall majority of Americans are white and are of European descent...
Some converted americans tend to prove that america is correct...
Dont take them seriously...
Does that mean she was not strip-searched?....

I don't know why people are emphasizing on what U.S is saying not what the Indian or India is saying......colonial hangover may be....:undecided:......afterall majority of Americans are white and are of European descent...

What are you ranting about in your reply to me?

There was a fake youtube video of something that happened in 2006 that started circulating claiming it to be that of DK.
lol...so easy to make them confess...
dont argue with@jayatl what he thinks, dont argue with him,these type of people can stoop to any level but we cannot,it's not in our culture.even after reading so much post he cant grasp what we are against from real indian people, but we do represent our country not some random nri .it's known fact in india those who go to usa and europe are rich people who can guarantee 30 lakh rupee in bank,it's not our forte.to preserve thier creditial they can go to any level no mater what.no shame but overboard chinese people are better than overseas indians.
An Amazing article over the end of the Indo-US impasse by MADHUR BHANDARKAR --- The guy I ve persistently hated for years because of his pessimistic real-politik observations about India. This one however is commendable. Some optimism at last.
If you've hated him for years but you like him now, don't you think you should have second thoughts about your own convictions?
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