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India expels American diplomat

If you've hated him for years but you like him now, don't you think you should have second thoughts about your own convictions?
now i think people like u zionist are creating bad name for peaceful jews are creating bad name for isreal.if people like u are more in isreal then it's better not have friendship .we can sustain but u can't.
Tit for tat Part 2.

India to arrest a homosexual US foreign office personnel and figure his behind. Gays like to be fingered. And Indians love to do the fingering. It is a win-win.
State Dept. conference, Dec 19th: link
But nowhere did they confirm Indian claims as false....

Solomon is subtly trolling. :lol:

I can't believe he said diplomatic immunity makers her immune to Indian law as well, has to be some sort of joke. :cuckoo:
India did push her status to UN mission later and UN did say they could grant it if US state dept. agreed. And the US state dept, which has apologized for the " changing into jail uniform, what is erroneously being termed as a strip ' search'., was excessive and did grant her UN mission immunity. But did not apologize( rightfully) for for the ' crime she was indicted for'.
She was on temporary assignment to UN from September till Dec 31 due to UN session. India converted it to full time (which needs US permission) to continue previlage...
Tit for tat Part 2.

India to arrest a homosexual US foreign office personnel and figure his behind. Gays like to be fingered. And Indians love to do the fingering. It is a win-win.
but chinese like u like to suck from front or from behind they are equally good at that, whether be it usa or canada.just ask any us or canadian people who they like most chinese or indian,u will get ur answer and the u can whine but u can't stop indian influence.
A criminal already out of the US, She back home and Indian welcome a criminal home with a medal of honor for continue India tradition of slave trade and human trafficking abroad.
now i think people like u zionist are creating bad name for peaceful jews are creating bad name for isreal.if people like u are more in isreal then it's better not have friendship .we can sustain but u can't.
I'm not an Israeli. I do see nations that only follow moral principles if it is no skin off their nose as fair-weather friends: they've sacrificed the meaning of true justice.

And I don't apologize for that, as I judge myself by the same yardstick. Should that instill hatred in your heart for Israel, or reconsideration of your own deeds, hates, and loves?
A criminal already out of the US, She back home and Indian welcome a criminal home with a medal of honor for continue India tradition of slave trade and human trafficking abroad.
sorry it ain't cummunist china it's democratic repuplic of india,we are free to express ourself not like u bonded labourers.
But nowhere did they confirm Indian claims as false....
Talking about the Indian claim Khobragrade had U.N. immunity all along? The U.S. wouldn't know if the Indians submitted the request to the U.N. if the U.N. never passed it on to the U.S.

I saw a purported copy of the Indian request on firstpost's website. It was illegible. Perhaps it was a provisional request, to take effect only when Khobragade actually started working for a U.N. agency or India's Permanent Mission? Then the U.N. would not have forwarded the request to the U.S. until the appropriate time.

The U.S. says it received the request from the U.N. on December 20th. The U.S. doesn't say when India actually submitted the request to the U.N. And as far as I know, the U.N. itself isn't talking.
sorry it ain't cummunist china it's democratic repuplic of india,we are free to express ourself not like u bonded labourers.

Feudal combine with pseudo democracy make India the rapist capital of the world.
I'm not an Israeli. I do see nations that only follow moral principles if it is no skin off their nose as fair-weather friends: they've sacrificed the meaning of true justice.

And I don't apologize for that, as I judge myself by the same yardstick. Should that instill hatred in your heart for Israel, or reconsideration of your own deeds, hates, and loves?
i am an indian and i think shit of skin colour,me as a indian ,my ancestors have always taught to be humble to others irrespective of caste,color,religion and creed.that value always remain in me no matter what u think.i am from a very respectful family in kerala who donated thousands of acres of land and built schools from our own money for adivasis(if don't know adivasis search google) in malabar region and then government of kerala (india)aided it and he never took any benefit.he is very respectful man even today,if u pm me i can give his name since i don't like boast on internet.that's not my style.
i am an indian and i think shit of skin colour,me as a indian ,my ancestors have always taught to be humble to others irrespective of caste,color,religion and creed.that value always remain in me no matter what u think.i am from a very respectful family in kerala who donated thousands of acres of land and built schools from our own money for adivasis(if don't know adivasis search google) in malabar region and then government of kerala (india)aided it and he never took any benefit.he is very respectful man even today,if u pm me i can give his name since i don't like boast on internet.that's not my style.
Is this inherited karma?
Feudal combine with pseudo democracy make India the rapist capital of the world.
ur country may be having more rapes than us it's a hush hush affair,ur's a cummunist country which likes to hide every thing from ur people may be knowing it.may our's is a free and liberal media,everything comes out in the public.u can just whine butu cannot get freedom like us.if u like, u can do poll in whole world and u will get ur answers instantly,who can express freely without any fear-chinese or indian

Is this inherited karma?
no it's the teachings and blessing from elders which unfortunately u didn't get.
Okay lets play stupid like you...per your logic . Let's for example pretend : If I find one foreigner who has been say raped in india!
they say " all foreigners get raped in india", now per your logic since the victim said so and then if I find a video of women in india being raped .... Then IT MUST BE TRUE!

right? I have a victim saying so , just like you do, and I have some obscure video , just like you do... what's the difference?

the difference is, you say - "all foreigners are raped in india"

while no one said - "all diplomats are strip searched in USA"

so your comparison is not up-to mark.
no it's the teachings and blessing from elders which unfortunately u didn't get.
Possibly. However, as near as I recall Judaism teaches that G-d judges a person by the deeds he commits in his own time, not those of his ancestors and certainly not the deeds that may be committed by his descendants.

If you're angry at Jews as a people because you feel you don't measure up to your ancestors, that's the same as condemning an entire people because they're too good, isn't it?
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