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India English growth 'too slow'

Well it is similar to the Pakistani Accent now is it not! After it is the subcontinent effect - I have stayed in Canada for more than 4 years so please I know what the reality is and I am PROVIDING YOU WITH A FIRST HAND ACCOUNT!

Actually, no. English inflection and enunciation as spoken by Indians is very different. There is a distinct lilt which is uniquely indian. I am not talking about whether it is a good or bad thing, but there is a marked difference for sure.
It is a normal custom in a good cultures that when in presence of a guest, one should not speak in a language that the guest does not understand. Are you sure that the incident that you mentioned was not out of a little respect for your presence as a guest (if you were really there) rather than being a "look down" act????

I didnt observed their action. I have been to india many times to teach fresh indian employee japanese and IT, and I asked one of my students that like "your english is very good, do you talk with the other indian with hindi?", he answered me he dont make friend with people who cant speak english, so he always speak enlgish with the other indian. So, I got my point which are quoted by you.
I didnt observed their action. I have been to india many times to teach fresh indian emplyee japanese and IT, and I asked one of my students that like "your english is very good, are you talk with the other indian with hindi?", he answered me he dont make friend with people who cant speak english, so he always speak enlgish with the other indian. So, I got my point which are quoted by you.

I too have encountered many fools like the one whom you met...
Was it in Bangalore?... bcoz, I find most of these fools are in bangalore.. half educated....
Actually, no. English inflection and enunciation as spoken by Indians is very different. There is a distinct lilt which is uniquely indian. I am not talking about whether it is a good or bad thing, but there is a marked difference for sure.

Yeah sort of, as in Pakistan they mix up both the urdu & punjabi assent with English. Also there is lack of vocabulary.

But in India in many places there is regional language assent with English but when it comes to mastery or clarity its way ahead of other countries.

Learning is in our culture we love to learn new things.
wrong buddy...
Please come up with some positive criticism....

I am not criticising anything ,just saying the fact,it's very hard to understand indian's colloquial english,and this comparison is so silly
i think it is Beijing.

we need to accept the reality....
We have that tendency to think that English is a big thing... its not....
I dont say that english is not essential, it is essential because we in india have lot of languages and english has become our common language... this doesn't mean that we should disrespect our languages...
If you are a Bangalorean.... go to any shop in MG road and talk in a local language or in hindi.... see the response of the shop keeper... then try with english and see the response... I hope you understand...
I like the Chinese people because they really are proud of talking in their language...

If you are not a Bangalorean, then come to B'lore and see the problem..

We need to understand that the languages of India are very precious... we should not give up on these...
???????What's wrong with you? , have you even read previous post in this thread before starting trolling? Do you wann tell us 1INR=45USD again just like you did in your previous post? :lol

When u say people from Bangalore half educated its right as per u, but when i say same for Beijing then mine is troll what type of argument is this.

And you are over obsessed with me that's why you rant that crap of yours.

As a small kid can understand that its a typo the figure is correct but 1US$ = INR45.

Since u got nothing to say you just post troll and off topic in every thread and thinks that you can escape as you are chinese.
When u say people from Bangalore half educated its right as per u, but when i say same for Beijing then mine is troll what type of argument is this.

And you are over obsessed with me that's why you rant that crap of yours.

As a small kid can understand that its a typo the figure is correct but 1US$ = INR45.

Since u got nothing to say you just post troll and off topic in every thread and thinks that you can escape as you are chinese.

He didn't say that "half educated" I said that.... That one was to those fools I mentioned in my earlier post....
BTW Iam a Bangalorean local...
When u say people from Bangalore half educated its right as per u, but when i say same for Beijing then mine is troll what type of argument is this.

And you are over obsessed with me that's why you rant that crap of yours.

As a small kid can understand that its a typo the figure is correct but 1US$ = INR45.

Since u got nothing to say you just post troll and off topic in every thread and thinks that you can escape as you are chinese.

:rofl:Are you sick? You should check who said that is deesu, not me and his point is some indian who look down upon people who cant speak english is half educated. And what I post is very related to the topic. I seriously think you should see eyes doctor or psychologist.
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