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India English growth 'too slow'

India is falling behind countries such as China in its attempts to increase the use of English among its population, a new report says.

The study by the British Council says a "huge shortage" of teachers and quality institutions is hampering India despite a growing demand for English skills.

The study says China may now have more people who speak English than India.

India's emergence as a major software and IT hub has in part been possible due to its English-educated workers.

'Poor English'

The study, English Next India, by British author David Gradoll says English is a "casualty of wider problems in Indian education".

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India English growth 'too slow'

who cares!!!!!!we have a billion people and we have ample number of people who can speak english well- for the jobs that require english.we dont have to become england or something....we have more that enough people for the job
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