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India English growth 'too slow'

this shows your cheap mentality and Hen chauvinism.

Dun deny that!!! Indian likes to speak English and ditch your own language....

I pity your ancestors... Thought the language of your master is superior to your own language...
Can you tell me what doese your "Hen" mean?

I for one seriously do not mind the growth of English in China. It will be in general good for the democray there. With the growth of the language, the populace of China will be less susceptible to the government propaganda and will have a wider and more realistic perspective of the world. Not just the fish bowl view that they are being offered by the heavily censored vernacular media.

Re the growth of English in India, English is a widely spoken language in India and the World and with the growing literacy rate in the country, it will continue to grow and that too at an ever growing pace...... The best thing going for this in India is there is no fear of the increased use of the language for the Government and they will always propagate the language ....
Dun deny that!!! Indian likes to speak English and ditch your own language....

I pity your ancestors... Thought the language of your master is superior to your own language...

We don't had any masters. We kicked out invaders.

And i pity same your ancestors, what a small island country like japan have done to u people. remember Nanking Massacre.
Not funnier than the Chinese accent!

What do you think Indians talk in English within their homes as well!

Its the universal language in todays day and age and the Indians recognized that much before the Chinese did!

Indian movie also shows that Indian speaks English in between.... Indian always brag they can speak English..

Why should all the Chinese speaks English?
We don't had any masters. We kicked out invaders.

And i pity same your ancestors, what a small island country like japan have done to u people. remember Nanking Massacre.

You had masters... Read your own History...

Nanking Massacre is real.. I do not deny it.... We are master over Japanese for thousand of years..... Anyway, it ok to lose in Japan in a few years...
U see.. Indian are proud to show that they are good in English...

Well its a debate.... so while debating you cannot cry like a child that look hes baragging about his english. this topic say That "Indias English growth is slow" we are just trying to disprove it, if u cannot digest Go sit and watch the debate
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