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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Dirt road they call highways.

Incredible India !View attachment 415296

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Indias developments in vehicle making industry are truely admirable. But the promo video has western music in background for the glorification of a thing that India makes. Why not a traditional music? And this is with all countries who were once British colonies. We dont value our own languages, culture. India will never be a developed country until she adopts hindi for research and education. Translation is the first step.



Look at the above button and cove of storage speace. Above button in TATA naxon is 3 drive mode. If you want economy, put it into economy mode. Fuel efficiency shall rise by 8 to 10%. If you want to drive in city, Put in city mode and torque will increase and you will not need frequent gear change. If you want outright power, put it into sports mode and car shall Zoom. Only TATA provides this highly advance feature in their vehicle and nobody except TATA does that. One more exceptional feature provided is a CAR watch. Just tie it like a wrist watch and you do not need key. You can open/Close Doors and start stop car with it. Exceptional, isn't is in a MUV bellow 10K USD. Bloody nobody except tata can offer it. Look at Touch screen and 10 speeker Harmon system. Awesome in just 7 to 10 lakh Rupee isn't it?
@Bombaywalla, thanks for the pic.

Now I can connect the visual with family vested property interests on both sides of said IGI versus the new Jewar airport in UP which obviously still a ways off. Personally, good that IGI will keep going on and on for a long time yet.
  • Not that I support the idea, in my opinion large land tracts in Delhi like Maruti factory, Hero factory, Escorts factory, Poosa Agri. Institute, IIT, AIIMS, Safdarjung airport and Delhi Cantonment and related defence and state lands like Police lines, Railways lands and by extension also IGI may be effectively moved out to the periphery of the recently defined Delhi NCR; Vs. the time when said lands were allocated during colonial times and it was unforeseen how India an its will rocket to the top of the economic
Upto Rs. 18 Cr.'s $ 3.3 Million per flat, Gurgaon



The value of said lands can fund said institutes and institutions, rationalise land in Delhi for real estate development and bring rapid development to the periphery of NCR; however - I personally stand to gain from IGI expansion and improvement meh!
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Very interesting short film on Carbon emission. Hope it educates people of South Asia.


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