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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Not trolling but is this 3D image of some building??


it appears to be an animation because those benches don't have any shadow , because their entire perimeter is lit from underside .
see this

it's a real pic . it appears 3D rendering of a poorly designed video game because it has no shadow as the sun is directly above it

+1 to that. Also shadows at wrong spots can also cause confusion, like below lady appear to be riding Alladin's Carpet.

Several new IT and business districts have sprouted across India eg. Gurgaon. Southern India is specially noticeable re. giant IT and biz parks eg. above and below posts. I'd say the biggest upgrade of office and commercial space anywhere in the world, ex China ... maybe.

Congress raj, IT boom and Indian Vs. Global boom/gloom contrast was the main reason, however many think the best of Modi and specially his infra. man Gadkari will bring forth a new era.

Already, Indian roads and vehicles thereof look far, far more slick then people, sorry to say; Indian or not. Same with many buildings. Indian products also have gone through massive upgrade. Waiting for social, ethical and moral upgrade. Also, India's foreign reserves are far more compatible with it's massive infra. roll-out loans of $ 1-3 Trillions, plus it may be aiming for a foreign reserves position of $ Trillion in the next 3-5 yrs.

I am positive re. Gadkari's Bombay style works where he built his reputation, and if so, the next wave will be nothing short of breathtaking, comments?
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lol the way you tagging everyone it seems that india has made her own site which has overtaken FB, anyways congrats now india has become the biggest user of an American social site:tup:
India has such a large land area which can be used for agriculture so don't feel too good about yourself. Also, how is more facebook users a good thing? The less cancerous, uneducated Indians spreading malice, falsehood and propaganda on the web the better.
Good news - India has committed nearly $ 100 Billion in PPP or $ 10 Billion in nonsense nominal terms on metro rail ramp up across metros. After all, metro rail is the best of patronage work - labour, sand, cement, steel rebar, aggregate or stone etc. plus low to medium end machinery which are all local inputs. Only thing foreign is the funding;) More:
Good news - India has committed nearly $ 100 Billion in PPP or $ 10 Billion in nonsense nominal terms on metro rail ramp up across metros. After all, metro rail is the best of patronage work - labour, sand, cement, steel rebar, aggregate or stone etc. plus low to medium end machinery which are all local inputs. Only thing foreign is the funding;) More:

Actually PPP is far more nonsensical than nominal. It's 10 billion all right, not 100 billion. It's good to be optimistic and patriotic, but this just fake news and fanboy talk. Your rationale for quoting this absurd figure is probably that everything costs less in India. But apart from labour, that won't be the case here. Prices of Iron, steel, cement etc are more determined by market prices and are more or less same across the world. Being in India won't buy you much more steel for 10 billion than what you would get in the US or Europe. Yes, it might buy you 10 times the amount of labour, but again doesn't take into account productivity. Due to the technology, procedures, physical fitness and skill of labour in developed countries like US, Canada etc, a single Canadian or American handyman can probably accomplish the same amount of work in one hour as 3-4 badly paid, thin, demotivated, malnourished indian workers working without protective boots, clothing etc in the extreme heat.
What's with the personal attack?
  • 'Fanboy'.... 'patriotic', you ok?
PPP is set by the UN and accepted and applicable Globally.
You are welcome to live in your own cuckoo world - free world, wot :-).

Another shot of above dlf area, Gurgaon

(c) http://www.hindustantimes.com/rf/im...veen_01ed49ce-7225-11e7-a55a-ab3ca1304be3.jpg

Technically speaking, as in licenced engineering contractor, India has skilled and qualified labour, also unknown millions of unskilled labour force.

I repeat that inputs like steel rebar, cement and sand are way cheaper in India. And if the same combo can work on major sub k's of some of the most prestigious contracts Globally like the Burj Khalifa or Qatar Olympic infra. presently; where do you come up with the idea that metro type projects cannot employ folks on skill and merit, boots/clothing or not.

Heat is an issue agreed, for Indians to build stuff like infrastructure is no news like the Grand Trunk Rd. or the world's largest irrigation canal network's all over India/Pakistan. Indians along with others built the railroads in Canada, Africa and S. East Asia, Indians built much of the modern day Middle-East like the 'Highway of Heroes' in Iraq, Kuwait and famously Dubai, but Indians also built Taxila, Konark and Taj in India!

Therefore, with the kind of funding, machinery and IT available today; rest assured India will surpass the Gulf, S. East Asia and even Pakistan's infrastructure (till a generation ago better then India); my peeve is that India is not pushing the envelope on infrastructure technology.
For eg. Solar roads, electro-magnetic propulsion for it's massive train network and specially metro rail networks or standing room type cheap air travel.
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