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India Developing, but still a long way to go

new built temples ( beautiful architecture
Birla Temple, Kolkata.

Work began in 1970, and was completed in 1996 after 26 years.

Swaminarayan Temple, Rajkot, Gujarat

Sri Dharmachakra Prabhav Tirth, Nashik, Mah.

Akshardham, New Delhi

Sripuram Lakshmi Narayana Koil ( gold temple)

Bhadreshwar Jain Temple, Kutch, Gujarat. This temple was destroyed in the 2001 earthquake. It is being reconstructed

ISKCON temple, Bangalore
How India is preserving the rich historic literary wealth of the subcontinent

National Mission for Manuscripts (National Mission for Manuscripts), established in 2003, works in the field of restoration and conservation of Indian manuscripts, and their digitization. It runs a network of 32 conservation units across the India, known as Manuscript Conservation Centres (MCCs). It has also established Kritisampada, the National Database of Manuscripts, a digital archive at its website.

Till date, they have digitized over 70,000 manuscripts with over 1 crore of pages.. (read here: Welcome)

I believe that one of the signs of a maturing developing country is its ability to allot resources for preserving its historical and cultural artifacts. Such conservation programs need to go hand in hand with new development projects, if we are to become a truly confident and developed nation...
Brookings video on Indo-Pak, Shareef's decency re: nuke war, Mushy's double game-Fail and Af-Pak. etc.

I have a feeling India is on to something.

With 1000's of yrs. of historical burden behind,
the Congress or BJP have their task cut out.

India's having a moment. Exports, remittances and Global goodwill translates into an economic boom.

The Congress party skews this natural organic, long time coming boom to also swing the polls with a view to carrying the minorities along, never a bad idea in modern, practical real-politics.

The BJP will do the same more sharply by co-opting the majority. The BJP is India's 'Bhoomiputra' party, all they have to do is stop minorities antagonism.

The long and short of it is, India's arrived like it never had for the past 1000 yrs. Economy may be a big word, but it still isn't everything. Big, huge India Vs. small minded past India.

India was big in the old days, 25-30 % of the world economy, but the benefits went to either the Mughals, or the Company in the past 1000 yrs.

Entropy, time to return to natural, organic Global order, God's will for the world.
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it is absolutely nuts to place flower pots along the side of the road! brilliant cheerleaders!
Look like some 2nd tier Chinese cities in early 1990s。

It looks like Shanghai in 1990s not some 2nd tier city of China. Yes you are right. The amount China has invested in infrastructure if immense and can't be compared with any nation on Planet. Avoid trolling.
Hi Guys, The pictures you posted are from cities only. The development taking place in villages around the surat is amazing. I hope I will be able to post some photographs of that some day. You will be amazed to see that.
What a messy city planning! I would say about the level of our 4th / 5th tiers at best
it seems their mayors have to do nothing
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