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India Developing, but still a long way to go

shuttler, djsjs welcome and thanks, pls. bear with rude forumers.

Your posts and all know China pulls off fab infra. China's banks and govt. are beyond rich.

India has massive immediate infra. backlog to be cleared, so naturally China should profit by adopting official policy of :hehe: 'collaborating' or 'helping' India. Maybe this is happening.

I don't know, but I notice some mainland, and Sing. and HK Co.'s investing ooops, 'helping' or collaborating in mega Indian projects.

Can you explain why not, we know politics is bs in front of profit; profit & politics are like Master & Slave?

OffTopic, Youtube Find

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What a messy city planning! I would say about the level of our 4th / 5th tiers at best


Zhengzhou, Henan province




Taicang, Jiangsu (3rd tier city)


Foshan, Guangdong (3rd~4th tier)




Jiangyin, Suzhou (4th tier)


Zhenjiang, Guangdong (4th~5th tier)


this thread is about what is going on india , no need to show ur hate and stupidity here. pls we know china is supa dupa , if u wanna show ppl what china have pls go and open new thread , and stop being smartass in indian thread

veekysingh, looks like someone is flaming by proxyusing China as excuse,
Chinese are genuinely ahead and humble, not boastfull, or condescending.

I feel this is Pak jealousy and he just gotcha ;).

Don't feed troll.

Punjabi Anyone?
- Baap re, what a lady!

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veekysingh, looks like someone is flaming by proxyusing China as excuse,
Chinese are genuinely ahead and humble, not boastfull, or condescending.

I feel this is Pak jealousy and he just gotcha ;).

Don't feed troll.

Punjabi Anyone?
- Baap re, what a lady!

buddy Its just sad to see that mods do nothing cause its PDF and if u r anti-indian , u r free from rules.
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it seems their mayors have to do nothing

The indian city as featured is one of the largest in india
cant believe it is so messy

Mods and trolls, what would life be without.

Re: roads, I noticed India's new road infra. is thankfully and hopefully being built per need.
So they tackle the massive backlog first fanning out from cities rather then the other way around. India is not a motoring country and many hope it doesn't turn into one.

There's city driving for the well heeled middle class but its still expensive fuel-wise.

It is a fully a bus and specially train country though. Last mile is locally made buses, jeeps and now mini vans on share or outright hire for the mass public. Of course local make taxi and 3 wheelers are available in metros and everywhere else.p

What about Pakistan?
One would think its a river boat nation, anyone?

I often feel Pak. ppl don't travel much or it's because of sad loss of train culture.
nobody anti India here,though some members gave pertinent but hurt evaluation.we all hope India better ,or else we could say nothing.to be honest,India cities indeed lack of plan.

Ok point noted
Anything else Valuable & Useful you might want to add
nobody anti India here,though some members gave pertinent but hurt evaluation.we all hope India better ,or else we could say nothing.to be honest,India cities indeed lack of plan.

can you read the thread title? is says '' still a long way to go'' , do understand it meaning? don't make it india vs china thread. don't be a 二逼。
can you read the thread title? is says '' still a long way to go'' , do understand it meaning? don't make it india vs china thread. don't be a 二逼。
oh,crazy.you will surely be banned if @mods understand your words.
not compared to our cities,if you open your eyes and have a look at all other countries/cities,i'm sure yours are at bottom.take Vietnam for example,which has similar per capita GDP with you,though they don't have big cities as you have,their cities are much better planned,we can foresee their cities will look like ours in a decade,but yours will forever be bottom if every Indian is of your kind,.
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oh,crazy.you will surely be banned if @mods understand your words.
not compared to our cities,if you open your eyes and have a look at all other countries/cities,i'm sure yours are at bottom.take Vietnam for example,which has similar per capita GDP with you,though they don't have big cities as you have,their cities are much better planned,we can foresee their cities will look like ours in a decade,but yours will forever be bottom if every Indian is of your kind,.

thank u so much for being so worried about us. but I think 1.2 billion Indians are enough to make whatever india can be. pls form now only post something if its according to thread title. or if u still want to tell us that our cities are worst in the world u r free to open a new thread. again i m saying pls do not ruin this thread.
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