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India Developing, but still a long way to go

To all chinese members ( @djsjs , @cirr)

We didn't asked for your advice on this forum on how to improve our country. This is a thread meant for Indians and people who love India to view what is going on in this country.

Now what will you do if Indian's start teaching you democracy and freedom of expression? I think the CPC is an evil organization which should be disbanded to make 1.3 billion people of China free from oppression.
Now how do you feel? Ofcourse now you are going to tell me that how democracy is not suitable for China and how freedom of expression is useless and this and that....... blah blah blah.

That's exactly how we feel when you give your 'expert' opinions on how to improve India. You see we do know the problems with our country(and are ashamed of them) but we are never ashamed of our country. We know we have to improve ourselves so that our country achieves it's rightful place in the world(which is the top place).

But what we don't like is foreigners like you telling us what to do with our country. Please keep your opinions to yourselves or better, use them to improve China but let us do our work,our way.
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Re: common ppl., I read N. America's top vehicle by sales is the the Ford-150 @ 105000 this yr. or last.
Next is Dodge Ram @ 90,000-100,000 and third was Honda Civic.

I feel in the Indian context, a marginal farmer or semi-skilled contractor's Hero, Bajaj, Yamaha, Suzuki, TVS or Honda is his pick-up :woot: , sure it's a stretch and as I said, India. Combined with a cell phone and not the Bajaj 3-wheeler pick-up.

The top 3 had sales of over 1 million each/yr. The sector sold around 4.5 million/yr.

That's more than 10 times the 'pick-up' trucks.

Pick-up = Tool; not luxury vehicle.

Something's going down.


TATA Prima

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Look like some 2nd tier Chinese cities in early 1990s。

well i have to agree with you i am active member on skyscrapercity and i cant agree more the condition of indian cites are really pathetic .

it is absolutely nuts to place flower pots along the side of the road! brilliant cheerleaders!

well our bureaucrats keep on inventing new ways for corruption

CHINI guy ...you are talking about Bangalore (IT Capital City of INDIA).

thats the most sad part here ,even the IT capital of INDIA is poor in infra compared to 3rd-4th tier chinese cities ,here in this thread people post pics about some nice clean areas/roads and we get happy but the harsh reality is india has a really poor infra + even those nice clean roads are spoiled by our people because as they say india mei sab chalta hei

if you get free time visit this link Mainland China Forums 中国大陆论坛 - SkyscraperCity you will understand india has a very very very long way to go
well i have to agree with you i am active member on skyscrapercity and i cant agree more the condition of indian cites are really pathetic .

well our bureaucrats keep on inventing new ways for corruption

thats the most sad part here ,even the IT capital of INDIA is poor in infra compared to 3rd-4th tier chinese cities ,here in this thread people post pics about some nice clean areas/roads and we get happy but the harsh reality is india has a really poor infra + even those nice clean roads are spoiled by our people because as they say india mei sab chalta hei

if you get free time visit this link Mainland China Forums 中国大陆论坛 - SkyscraperCity you will understand india has a very very very long way to go

At the root of all evil in India, there is only and only one cause. THE GANDHI FAMILY.
Which has continuously looted india and kept it backward for its own gains. This country had a lot of potential. :(
well i have to agree with you i am active member on skyscrapercity and i cant agree more the condition of indian cites are really pathetic .

well our bureaucrats keep on inventing new ways for corruption

thats the most sad part here ,even the IT capital of INDIA is poor in infra compared to 3rd-4th tier chinese cities ,here in this thread people post pics about some nice clean areas/roads and we get happy but the harsh reality is india has a really poor infra + even those nice clean roads are spoiled by our people because as they say india mei sab chalta hei

if you get free time visit this link Mainland China Forums 中国大陆论坛 - SkyscraperCity you will understand india has a very very very long way to go

Damn Damn Damn
I just saw the page & The Chinese are ahead of us very Ahead of us
I Recommend every buddy to see this
is Bangalore one of the best cities in India?

yes it is :(

difference between china and india

china-you guys plan and then build happy story
india-we plan and makes more plan then change the plan then back to original plan then we have to get clearances from 10-15 authorities which again takes a looonnnggg time then getting land problems etc then finaly we stand but now some authority gets some problem then their NGOS who have problems and story goes on and on
comparing India and China is not right. China is now in different league and some of its cities are even better than developed countries
Guys don't stray off the thread. Agreed that china is ahead of us and we have a long way to go before we even begin to think of playing catch up. But at least we are trying and lets not bring any comparisons in this thread. We had love to know about china's progress but in some other thread.

So guys keep posting pics and this thread rocks.
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