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India Developing, but still a long way to go




Mega Textile market under construction in surat.
True. When we shall get a chance, we shall learn from Chinese.

After posting 47000 psot here, your posting is very amusing. It seems that you are not a small guy in size but with a very narrow mind as well.

I too bought a Nissan car few months back.

Chhathe pe aa gayi ab to.

Yes, in my city. May friend has booked many offices there.

Very Good.

I am a ‘Humanist’ as well and in my view progress is not only material and economic well-being. Human Development Index is equally important if not more so. I was too young when Gandhi ji was alive. After hearing Martin Luther King while I was in the US (1970 /1971) saying that he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, I made a special effort to read about him and about India under Pundit Nehru.

IMO Indian social values have since regressed, especially under the sectarian gov’t of the BJP. To quote a very recent example,


Suspected vigilantes killed a Muslim man transporting two cows in India on Saturday, just over a year after a similar attack highlighted the growing influence of pro-Hindu fringe groups.

Police in the north-western state of Rajasthan said a group of five to seven people surrounded the man, identified only as Akbar, as he led the cows to his village in nearby Haryana state and thrashed him to death on suspicion of smuggling the animals.
“We are investigating the incident and will make arrests soon,” said Shyam Singh, a police official in Alwar district.

The incident took place soon after midnight, triggered by the suspicions of a few nearby villagers that the 28-year-old man was smuggling the cows, Singh said. Akbar belonged to the farming community in adjacent Haryana.


If this was not bad enough.


Now, BJP MLA Defends And Encourages Lynching- Says Won’t Stop Until Cow Gets Status Of ‘Rashtra Mata’
He recently said the holy Quran was responsible for the spread of terrorism.

Hyderabad, July 24

Incidents of lynching will not stop till the time cow gets the status of “Rashtra Mata”, a BJP MLA from Telangana has said, amid the outrage over the killing of a Muslim man over suspicion of being a cow smuggler in Rajasthan’s Alwar.

T Raja Singh Lodh, the BJP MLA from Goshamahal here, said in a video message on a social networking website on Sunday he does not want “Khoon-kharaba” (bloodletting) on the issue, but if it has to stop, cow must be declared the Mother of the Nation.

In the 7-minute clip, the lawmaker also urged MPs to make such a demand in Parliament.



Alas as long as BJP is in power, Joe public in India will remain in the dark ages. India may possibly become the largest economy in the world, but as long as it does not attain at least ‘Top 20’ status in the HDI terms as well, it would always have a long way to go.

You are welcome to think otherwise but in my view Narender Modi Sarkar in a Hindu version of Taliban gov’t.
Some Indian Exurbs in Her Megacities







Modi Would Transform India's Economy

I disagree with your ideas on India. As mass shootings in America, or bomb blasts in Pakistan, sensational atrocities, however wrong, are no cause for generalisations on India or Modi.

Modi has shaken up a corrupt and degenerate India to a ramrod strong military-economic-political power. Strong unpopular decisions like demonitisation, GST, Ram-Rahim's jailing were pulled off by the Modi govt. Demonitisation was a wake up call for the corrupt, GST is goign to double govt. revenue and expand payments to states by an extra Pak. Rs. 46,500-93,000 Crores/state (INR 25,000-50,000 Crores).

Indian exports on the up with technology exports 77 % of India's total exports. ITES like software, support process centers, editing, animation, engineering design specifically modifications etc.). Other exports are diamonds, media like Bollywood, small bikes, auto-rickshaws, cars, trucks and tractors plus their parts. Pharma and HR are also exports. All are growing Globally with little competition for India. Above forms is 90% of India's exports.

Alltogether, the rest of the 10 % approx. of India's experts are the competitive textiles like jeans, Iranian carpets, linen, agri. and mineral resources think tea-paan-basmati and aluminium for beer-&-pop cans or bulk Rum re: sugarcane, fisheries and small farm pumps and motors; leather goods, refined crude oil and electronics.
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Very Good.

I am a ‘Humanist’ as well and in my view progress is not only material and economic well-being. Human Development Index is equally important if not more so. I was too young when Gandhi ji was alive. After hearing Martin Luther King while I was in the US (1970 /1971) saying that he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, I made a special effort to read about him and about India under Pundit Nehru.

IMO Indian social values have since regressed, especially under the sectarian gov’t of the BJP. To quote a very recent example,


Suspected vigilantes killed a Muslim man transporting two cows in India on Saturday, just over a year after a similar attack highlighted the growing influence of pro-Hindu fringe groups.

Police in the north-western state of Rajasthan said a group of five to seven people surrounded the man, identified only as Akbar, as he led the cows to his village in nearby Haryana state and thrashed him to death on suspicion of smuggling the animals.
“We are investigating the incident and will make arrests soon,” said Shyam Singh, a police official in Alwar district.

The incident took place soon after midnight, triggered by the suspicions of a few nearby villagers that the 28-year-old man was smuggling the cows, Singh said. Akbar belonged to the farming community in adjacent Haryana.


If this was not bad enough.


Now, BJP MLA Defends And Encourages Lynching- Says Won’t Stop Until Cow Gets Status Of ‘Rashtra Mata’
He recently said the holy Quran was responsible for the spread of terrorism.

Hyderabad, July 24

Incidents of lynching will not stop till the time cow gets the status of “Rashtra Mata”, a BJP MLA from Telangana has said, amid the outrage over the killing of a Muslim man over suspicion of being a cow smuggler in Rajasthan’s Alwar.

T Raja Singh Lodh, the BJP MLA from Goshamahal here, said in a video message on a social networking website on Sunday he does not want “Khoon-kharaba” (bloodletting) on the issue, but if it has to stop, cow must be declared the Mother of the Nation.

In the 7-minute clip, the lawmaker also urged MPs to make such a demand in Parliament.



Alas as long as BJP is in power, Joe public in India will remain in the dark ages. India may possibly become the largest economy in the world, but as long as it does not attain at least ‘Top 20’ status in the HDI terms as well, it would always have a long way to go.

You are welcome to think otherwise but in my view Narender Modi Sarkar in a Hindu version of Taliban gov’t.

That’s OK but you selecrively excludes all atrocities committed by Muslims including cleansing of Hindus from many parts of India. As usual all atrocities committed by Muslims is always beyond the perview of any human right. A Muslim is very sensitive even a single Muslim is killed by a Hindu or Jew but of they selectively choose to remain silent if lakhs of Muslims are killed by Muslims or others are killed by Muslims.
That’s OK but you selecrively excludes all atrocities committed by Muslims including cleansing of Hindus from many parts of India. As usual all atrocities committed by Muslims is always beyond the perview of any human right. A Muslim is very sensitive even a single Muslim is killed by a Hindu or Jew but of they selectively choose to remain silent if lakhs of Muslims are killed by Muslims or others are killed by Muslims.

Hon Hariprasad.

Are we discussing the killing of Muslims by Hindus versus killing of Hindus by Muslims? Certainly not. The topic under discussion is “ India developing but still a long way to go.”

Human development is defined as “ Development of the population in social, cognitive, intellectual and perceptual context. This includes improved health as well as emotional growth.

I am neither ignoring Muslim atrocities nor condemning the killing of Akbar. However, it appears that you are also in the same camp as the BJP MLA because instead of agreeing that this was a criminal act, you seem to be justifying the incident as ‘tit for tat’ killing of Hindus by the Muslims. My only comment is that “Two wrongs” don’t make a right.

I may be anti BJP but being ‘Pro Pakistan’ does not automatically make me anti-Indian. If Akbar had broken any law by transporting the cows, he should have been tried in a court of law and if the punishment for the crime was death, I would also go along with it.

I quoted this example to stress that the country where a BJP Law Maker instead of condemning an out & out extra-judicial murder, is exonerating the vigilante criminals who took the law in their own hands, is obviously “Rationally” back-ward.

I sincerely hope along with the economic & industrial development, Indians also become rational and emotionally stable, where no member of the minorities is killed by vigilantes on false rumours.

I maintain that any country where an elected member of the ruling party condones a blatant criminal act; has indeed a long way to go. I have nothing more to say on this subject.
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Hon Hariprasad.

Are we discussing the killing of Muslims by Hindus versus killing of Hindus by Muslims? Certainly not. The topic under discussion is “ India developing but still a long way to go.”

Human development is defined as “ Development of the population in social, cognitive, intellectual and perceptual context. This includes improved health as well as emotional growth.

I am neither ignoring Muslim atrocities nor condemning the killing of Akbar. However, it appears that you are also in the same camp as the BJP MLA because instead of agreeing that this was a criminal act, you seem to be justifying the incident as ‘tit for tat’ killing of Hindus by the Muslims. My only comment is that “Two wrongs” don’t make a right.

I may be anti BJP but being ‘Pro Pakistan’ does not automatically make me anti-Indian. If Akbar had broken any law by transporting the cows, he should have been tried in a court of law and if the punishment for the crime was death, I would also go along with it.

I quoted this example to stress that the country where a BJP Law Maker instead of condemning an out & out extra-judicial murder, is exonerating the vigilante criminals who took the law in their own hands, is obviously “Rationally” back-ward.

I sincerely hope along with the economic & industrial development, Indians also become rational and emotionally stable, where no member of the minorities is killed by vigilantes on false rumours.

I maintain that any country where an elected member of the ruling party condones a blatant criminal act; has indeed a long way to go. I have nothing more to say on this subject.

Thank you very much sir for giving me such respect. Here people abuse each other but do not respect.

No Sir actually I was no mood to differentiate but all examples you cited were the incidents where the Muslims were lynched by Hindus. There are many examples contrary to that. Had cited that also in the links, believe me I would not have responded at all. Citing one sided view often creates a wrong picture far from reality. I will tell you the difference of what is actually the situation. In an another incident in Zarkhand, A Muslim was beaten. He was perfectly all right and gave interview to media also. However , he died after few days in police custody. State government form a special court which delivered a judgement in less than a year convicting some 10 people for life imprisonment. So crime will happen in a country of 1.3 billion people. It is less than anywhere else. DO not try to attach politics and communaliism every where.
Imran Khan's Youtube interview with Julian Assange of Wikileaks is sensational.
  • Govt. of Pak. budgetary allocation is Pak. Rs. 1.1 per capita annually
Per Imran, Pakistan's debt. payments are approx. $ 5 Billion, Pak. Faujj grabs another $ 5 Billion out of a total $ 15 Billion annual budget.

I am sick and tired of Pakistan's establishment and it's paid media's bull-shit India poverty narrative. Compared to Pakistan, India is never mind poor, but far ahead in opportunities also. India reportedly mints 1 new $ Billionaire per month. India's long booming economy is the bedrock for said opportunities.


(c) embedded

Shamefull compared to India's mapping Punjab, Haryana and Gujarat states where instead of poverty it's prosperity, even if Punjab has suffered much re: internal strife. Shame on Pakistan, a mere 70 yrs. ago Pak Punjab and Sindh were Richie-rich parts of then Colonial India. Today Pakistan Punjab is hooked on drugs. There's no drinking water-electricity-medicines or primary education for the majority of Pakistanis. Learn from India where everything is set or the public demands for the same through agitation and even violence, and India has a long history of Gandhi style agitation going back to Colonial days.

Poverty is everywhere, I have seen poverty in the richest states in the US, EU even Gulf. Pakistan pumping India's poverty - poverty - poverty has come to bit it hard ... poetic justice ?

For eg. tens of 1000's of Amazon, Flipkart, Zomato and myriad other delivery 'executives' many on modded pedal bikes, make Pak. Rs. 50,000 to 90,000/ month! Don't ask me what skill levels, anybody can guess not much. Uber, Ola and other Co.'s drivers make over 1 Lakh minimum.

My advice to all Pakistanis - get busy, go fix Pakistan because your 100 pound Gorilla neighbour India will get so far ahead and pin and lock you down so good that nothing in the world will get you out of the squirm.

Payback's gonna be a bi*ch Pakistan. Or follow Altaf and other Mohajirs, ... ditch Pakistan. The Punjabis, Sindhis, Baloch, Kashmiri, Ismaili, Ahmediyya and Christian already have strong Global diaspora and support structures.
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High Speed Train being the topic, the issue is obviously delimited and constrained by flight times. Delhi - Mumbai is shaping up to be a Global Top 10 flight corridors.

I calculated that above being the focus, a Made in India train Vs. Japan Shinkansen can do 200 Vs. 350 Kms average. Indian engineers have routinely demo-d that average already re. Gatimaan express. Indian contemporary rail tech can do Delhi- Mumbai in 7.5 hrs. Investment in Indian tech. may improve it to 7, then 6, and more over the yrs.

Bullet Train India | Mumbai-Ahmedabad Hi-Speed Rail Corridor

Japanese Shinkansen and other HSR's can do Delhi - Mumbai in 3-5 hrs. right now.

Indian tech. is good enough to invest in already and will improve if the politicians back it up with Indian homegrown pride. However, Global players specially Japan are proud of their R&D and uphold their scientists and engineers to the extent of practically pushing their R&D to India for 0.01 % loan over 25-30 yrs. This will kill Indian R&D support, growth and future prospects for Indian rail tech.

Sadly, Indian politicians are only interested in labour-reta-Zaria-cement congrats for their contractors and party goons, and since the game is free; selling out Indian tech. developers and he entire eco-system of R&D, professors, technicians, scientists is no big deal for Indian politicians.

Money talks. Contracts and patronage is the name of the game.
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I was hoping and anticipating new tech. from India's billionaire making small tractor narrative.
Escorts electric tractor | India's First Electric Tractor Concept | Farmtrac battery powered tractor

Mahindra Launch Auto Driving Tractor in India
Rich India
  • With a national growth rate of more than 7 percent, Indian cities are the major contributors of the capital to the nation’s economy and following are the top-10 richest cities of India with respect of GDP
India is the third largest country in the world in terms of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) with value of $9.49 trillion. With a national growth rate of more than 7 percent, Indian cities are the major contributors of the capital to the nation’s economy.

1. Mumbai MMR

The capital of Maharashtra has an estimated GDP of $310 billion. The financial and commercial capital of country contributes more than 6 percent of nation’s GDP, 10 percent of factory employment, 60 percent of customs duty collection, and 30 percent of income tax collections. Mumbai is ranked sixth among the top ten cities with most billionaires; the city has presence of 28 billionaires.

Mumbai houses the headquarters of a large number of major Global Indian companies like Tata Group, Reliance Industries, Aditya Birla Group, Larsen & Toubro, Godrej Group, and Hindustan Petroleum among others. The city is also headquarters Reserve Bank of India, National Stock Exchange, and Bombay Stock Exchange.

2. Delhi NCR

The Indian capital has an estimated GDP of $293.6 billion. The service sector contributes more than 75 percent of Delhi’s economy. The largest cities in North India have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. Retail, information technology, telecommunication, hotels, media, banking, power, construction and real estate are key sectors which contribute to the city’s economy. Delhi is home to 18 billionaires.

3. Kolkata

The capital of West Bengal has an estimated GDP of $150.1 billion. Kolkata was the capital of British India and houses India’s oldest stock exchange. More than 83 percent of city’s population is employed in tertiary sector. Kolkata is the third richest city in South Asia after Mumbai and Delhi. Kolkata is house of many Indian corporations like Coal India Limited, ITC Limited, Britannia Industries, Allahabad Bank, National Insurance Company and United Bank of India among others. Kolkata is home to 4 billionaires.

4. Bengaluru

The capital of Karnataka has an estimated GDP of $110 billion. Many of the biggest IT-firms are located in Bengaluru which earned this southern city the name ‘Silicon Valley of India’. Bengaluru contributes more than 35 percent of India’s IT exports. The city also houses some major manufacturing industries like Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Bharat Electronics Limited, and Bharat Earth Movers Limited among others. Infosys and Wipro have their headquarters in Bengaluru. The city is home to 8 billionaires.

5. Chennai

The capital of Tamil Nadu has an estimated GDP of $78.6 billion. Chennai’s economy is driven by automobile, financial services, healthcare, software services and hardware manufacturing. The city contributes 14 percent in the country’s information and technology services making it second largest exporter in the IT and BPO sector. The city is home to 40 percent of India’s automobile industry which earned Chennai the nickname ‘Detroit of India’. The city is home to 4 billionaires.

6. Hyedrabad

The joint capital of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh has an estimated GDP of $75.2 billion. Hyedrabad is also known as ‘City of Pearls’ for its famous trading centre of pearls. More than 90 percent of city’s population is employed in tertiary sector. Hyedrabad contributes one third of India’s bulk drugs and 16 percent of biotechnology products which earned city the name of ‘India’s Pharmaceutical Capital’. The city is home to 6 billionaires. Major IT firms like Microsoft, IBM, Google, Samsung, Dell and others have presence in Hyedrabad.

6. Pune

The second largest city of Maharashtra has an estimated GDP of $69 billion. Pune is well known for its automobile industries and educational institutions. The automobile manufacturing, IT and BPO exporting are major contributors in the city’s economy. Automobile manufacturers like Volkswagen, Tata Motors, Mercedez Benz, Renault and others have presence in the city. Pune is home to 5 billionaires.

7. Ahemadabad

The largest city of Gujarat has an estimated GDP of $68 billion. The western city of India is also known as ‘Manchester of the East’ for its textile industry which is a major contributor to the economy. The city houses some of the major Indian companies like Zydus Cadila and Torrent Pharmaceuticals, Nirma Group, Adani Group among others.

8. Surat

Surat has an estimated GDP of $59.8 billion. The city is well known for its diamonds and textile industry. Surat is the largest diamond cutting and polishing hub in the world. Surat accounts 90 percent of the world’s diamond cutting and polishing exports. Major companies like ONGC, GAIL, Ambuja Cement, Ultratech Cement, Reliance Industries and others have a presence in the city.

9. Vishakhapatnam

Vishakhapatnam has an estimated GDP of $43.5 billion. The port city of Andhra Pradesh houses heavy industries like GAIL, Hindustan Shipyard, and Vishakhapatnam Steel Plant among others. The city has a presence of software, textiles, drugs and pharmaceuticals industry.

Mumbai and Delhi singularly exceed GDP @ ~ $283 Billion,
as of this year re. since the quoted data is dated last year; moreover both the size and speed of he gap is widening. Expect another couple of Indian cities to make it and personally, for me it was eye opening to realize that the incredible yr.-on-yr. wealth of Indian cities is the bedrock of incredible, not incremental infrastructure spends.

Tags assigned to this article:
indian economy gross domestic product growth purchasing power parity Richest Indian Cities
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You are welcome to think otherwise but in my view Narender Modi Sarkar in a Hindu version of Taliban gov’t.

You are one of the most respected Pakistani member in this forum. But don't you think the above statement is a bit overstretched?

I agree there had been a bit of regression and a few (probably tens) of minority members had fallen victim to vigilantism, which is really really bad. But comparing to Taliban govt.??? Where they had shot and beheaded hundreds, if not thousand, within few months openly in public squares and got away with it. Repressed education/ women/ singing/ dancing/ vaccination, destroyed historical monuments to name few... Really @niaz sahab??

For comparison, those responsible for mob lynching are arrested and under judicial proceedings now.
Simply put, the press was originally runout of Fleet St., London. Then Australians hijacked the news business. Both had a simple bash India agenda. IT was the bad old days of the Cold War and India was a left of the Globe place. Pakistan was an 'ally' in the Cold War. So the 'Western' media went crazy on knocking India, often Hinduism but not Pakistan, not Islam. All throughout Pakistan had bogus, state run bs media and Indian media was leftist, anti Western in orientation and a whole lot free then the majority of countries in Globally, in Asia and specially S.Asia.
  1. Pakistan basically has never had a free media, even today Pakistan run's a rigged media. Inversely, Indian media has gone from it's anti-West agenda to a hedonistic Western world obsession even needless Globalisation

  2. These two very different media narratives shape the minds of educated, middle-class Pakistanis and Indians. Both a bigoted, hypocrite son-of-a-gun types, but the Pakistani mind is limited by the multi-generational exposure that the Indian mind has been exposed to

  3. It was not until American news, and specially digital news media like Twitter, Google, Yahoo etc. came along that India started to get more balanced exposure, and the world went crazy this time on Islam and then Pakistan
I believe one way to move from decadent, semi-formal and superstition laden society to a progressive one is through left wing humanitarianism. In the Indian context, enter Gandhi. Enter Indian left-of-center Socialism. Long time. Contrast it to Pakistani feudalism. Imran Khan maybe a feudal, but is more left wing Islamo-Socialist humanitarian a la Hindu left wing, liberal Socialist humanitarian Gandhi. Is Imran's Pakistan really where Gandhi's India was, never mind Made-In-China mobile phones ?

Point being, expecting a balanced viewpoint form Indians, Pakistanis and anyone else is hehe ... too much but sadly, more so from Pakistanis because civil society issues like a free press or lack thereof. Older Pakistanis are innocently lost on all their neighbours starting with India, but also Afghanistan and Iran. but the new gen. Pakistanis are sadly insidiously anti Indian and best naive re: Afghanistan and ignorant re: Iran.
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International Tech. Park by Banglore

Embassy IT Park

Hijewadi, Pune

Some Chennai IT Park

TCS Powai

International Tech. Park by Ascendas, Gurgaon - Delhi NCR

The last one above is an almost complete
  • 7 million sq. ft.
development on India's Globalisation poster city Gurgaon's Golf Course Extension Rd.

The above are a glimpse of India's middle class @ work in it's new age and Global IT industry. 1.2 million are with the Top-5 IT firms, altogether 4.5 million work in this vertical and if one includes IT enabled BPO and related play brings the total is up-to 10 million.

- Check next post re: India's middle class and it's # 3 Global buyer position
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