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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Hyderabad metro

Hyderabad metro

Hyderabad is a nice city to live in. Much lesser traffic jams compared to other big cities, but still needs a solid public transport.

Had it not been the Satyam fiasco, the Hyderabad metro would have operationalized the first phase. Anyway, L&T is doing a decent job now, so let's hope they meet the current deadline of 2015 for the first 30 km.
Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number which the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue for all residents (and not just citizens) in India. The number will be stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information – photograph, ten fingerprints and iris – of each individual. It is easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way and will help check corruption and pilferage of public funds.

It is already the world's largest biometric database... already larger than the population of US

Status Tracker that gets updated almost daily!:

You can click on the chart to drill down the data as well...
New Patna World City, Patna
Proposal for Riverfront Development




Whoa, seriously is that what they plan for Patna - as in Bihar???

NEW DELHI, JUN 29 2013, 03:03 IST

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Friday set a target to roll out projects worth Rs 1.15 lakh crore in public-private-partnership mode by the end of this calendar year, including setting up 60 airports and upgrading Bhubaneswar and Imphal to international status at a cost of Rs 20,000 crore.
The other major projects include monitoring the construction of Mumbai’s Rs 30,000 crore elevated rail corridor and power and transmission projects worth Rs 40,000 crore.
The targets were set at a meeting called by Singh to finalise infrastructure projects for 2013-14. It was attended by Finance Minister P Chidambaram, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia and ministers of power, coal, railways, roads, shipping and civil aviation.
However, for the second straight year, the Prime Minister’s infrastructure review did not set a target for the road sector, which failed to reach its goal of 9,500 km for 2012-13.
No need to post pictures of every small exhibition that happen in the country.

Development doesn't just mean buildings n highways. There has to be cultural and social development as well. This forum is to highlight development and I think it makes sense to also show what we are doing to preserve and promote our cultural heritage.

In the subcontinent, apart from all the destruction, Muslims brought a lot of art, music and poetry. While we still have miles to go in preserving that heritage, at least we are trying to cherish and promote that history... Unlike most muslim countries who do have a good cultural heritage, but are now confused about whether they should promote it or just go the way of Taliban where all such arts are considered a sin.

Also, any artist, be it Hindu or Muslim is highly loved in India, unlike many other countries where artists from other faiths may not even get a chance to make their mark.
Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number which the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue for all residents (and not just citizens) in India. The number will be stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information – photograph, ten fingerprints and iris – of each individual. It is easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way and will help check corruption and pilferage of public funds.

It is already the world's largest biometric database... already larger than the population of US

Status Tracker that gets updated almost daily!:

You can click on the chart to drill down the data as well...

I am very much disappointed with the Aadhar card.. Photos are so dark.. Some companies visiting card is more thick than the this.. If this card get wet, its all gone..
I am very much disappointed with the Aadhar card.. Photos are so dark.. Some companies visiting card is more thick than the this.. If this card get wet, its all gone..

Dude, the card itself is not important. What is important is the no. If you have the no., then u can do anything required since you just need to provide your number and any agency wanting to do verification will scan ur retina or fingerprint. The card is just for u to know the number.

This approach is different from the traditional approach where the card is more important since there is no other way of verifying the data in the card. Now, with Aadhaar, the card loses its over-importance since the data is actually stored elsewhere and can always be verified by showing ur fingerprint or eye...

That is what is so good abt the Aadhaar program. Anyone who doesn't even carry any documents or cards can be identified through his biometrics and be given the benefits...
mind your language fool. dont show how failed your parents have been in raising a clown like you.

BDW most of your posts on this thread is pain in the @ss idiot.


'Fool, fail, clown, idiot' ...
personal attacks like that are not welcome nor tolerated on this thread. Not your type of thread, sorry.

We are reporting you to the mods.

'Fool, fail, clown, idiot' ...
personal attacks like that are not welcome nor tolerated on this thread. Not your type of thread, sorry.

We are reporting you to the mods.

everything aside just a humble request. STOP POSTING YOUR BULLSHIT renders on this thread. that unnecessarily waste space and many of them are not even realized. your posts most of the time are obstacle to the series of beautiful development pics of my country.

Development doesn't just mean buildings n highways. There has to be cultural and social development as well. This forum is to highlight development and I think it makes sense to also show what we are doing to preserve and promote our cultural heritage.

In the subcontinent, apart from all the destruction, Muslims brought a lot of art, music and poetry. While we still have miles to go in preserving that heritage, at least we are trying to cherish and promote that history... Unlike most muslim countries who do have a good cultural heritage, but are now confused about whether they should promote it or just go the way of Taliban where all such arts are considered a sin.

Also, any artist, be it Hindu or Muslim is highly loved in India, unlike many other countries where artists from other faiths may not even get a chance to make their mark.

just like we don't post every 10 floor or 12 or 15 floor buildings being constructed all over the country similarly it would be good if we not waste space on every small exhibition that happen in the country. if something is global and huge like IITF or Auto Expo then its justifiable else in my opinion is just waste of space. last thing we want are flyover construction pics like the ones we see in BD and Pak section.
everything aside just a humble request. STOP POSTING YOUR BULLSHIT renders on this thread. that unnecessarily waste space and many of them are not even realized. your posts most of the time are obstacle to the series of beautiful development pics of my country.

Woah you need to calm the hell down buddy

patentneer contributes a lot to India specific threads in a positive way ok
Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number which the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue for all residents (and not just citizens) in India. The number will be stored in a centralized database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information – photograph, ten fingerprints and iris – of each individual. It is easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way and will help check corruption and pilferage of public funds.

It is already the world's largest biometric database... already larger than the population of US

Status Tracker that gets updated almost daily!:

You can click on the chart to drill down the data as well...

Yet another mega project that gets overlooked by most. The AADHAR/UDAI project really is a game-changer for India and WILL add 100s of billions to the Indian economy annually once it is all set up. This project is being run excellently (thanks to it being run by an autonomous body that is headed by IT entrepreneurs).

UDAI is going to change the face of modern India and will do untold good for India.
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