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India Developing, but still a long way to go

Yet another mega project that gets overlooked by most. The AADHAR/UDAI project really is a game-changer for India and WILL add 100s of billions to the Indian economy annually once it is all set up. This project is being run excellently (thanks to it being run by an autonomous body that is headed by IT entrepreneurs).

UDAI is going to change the face of modern India and will do untold good for India.

I am very satisfied with UIDA work culture . You don't need to worry to the delivery of your AADHAR CARD you can download through their site & don't need to worry about losing it and you can easily update your information through online or by post . I also satisfied with IT department of finance ministry . They provide PAN or TIN without any bureaucratic hurdeles .
But getting other department's documents is more tough than war :devil:
mind your language fool. dont show how failed your parents have been in raising a clown like you.

BDW most of your posts on this thread is pain in the @ss idiot.

right...dont want to make this a complain post but 80% of what patenteer talks about is not understandable and most of it are renders which are not even passed projects.

and about that exhibition post...well its just their seclurabaazi you know ;)
right...dont want to make this a complain post but 80% of what patenteer talks about is not understandable and most of it are renders which are not even passed projects.

and about that exhibition post...well its just their seclurabaazi you know ;)

I disagree on the secularbaazi..since lucknow is a mughal hub of culture..regarding state sponsoring such exhibitions and take political mileage out of it..every party does that..anyways on the topic..guys keep the nice pics coming..thanks
Yeah, fab. thread and keep it coming, never mind trolls, nasties and politicos.

I predict this thread will go nuts after elections next yr. come what may.

Nilekani's I'd project might win Congress the election. They are pumping money to the masses. Cash! Straight into their accounts.

All re: 'subsidy' mgmt. Interesting they didn't call it Nehru-Gandhi Aadhar/UIDAI ;) .
New Patna World City, Patna
Proposal for Riverfront Development




It would be amazing to see Patna(Pataliputra) get back it's thousand year glory. The capital of the Nandas, Mauryas, Sungas, Guptas, Palas, etc.!
10 Co.'s or more in the Delhi-Calcutta belt can execute said Bihar project for profit.

Also, 25 or more others from across India can execute it.

Even Global Co.'s already in India and outside.

For Eg. Rama Krishna Group Project in Delhi NCR

Who-What group?

A project worth closely tracking... the Nalanda International University

(apologies if u r not interested to read abt projects at conception stage on this forum)

ASEAN countries have agreed to re-establishing the Nalanda University which was one of the oldest ancient center of higher learning established originally in 5th century AD and attracted the best minds from ASEAN countries.

This is not just another university, but a 'non-state', non-profit, secular and self-governing international institution with a continental focus, that would bring together the brightest and most dedicated students from all countries of Asia. It will be hosted in India, but has all ASEAN nations as stakeholders.

To maintain its global stature, Indian govt. has given privileges to the university never heard of for any other university in the country. The University, its assets, its income and other property shall be exempted from all direct taxes, customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports for articles imported/exported for its official use.

Check this out: Nalanda University

It is backed by people like APJ Abdul Kalam, Amartya Sen and many others. This will hopefully bring back the lost glory back to the sub-continent as the education hub. Hope similar plans are made for Taxila University
India’s first navigation satellite soars to success
SRIHARIKOTA, July 2, 2013

India’s first dedicated navigation satellite, the IRNSS-1A, developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation, was successfully put in orbit on Monday night. The launch vehicle, PSLV-C22, bearing the 1,425-kg navigation satellite, blasted off the launch pad at the Satish Dhawan Space Centre here at the scheduled lift-off time of 11.41 p.m.

As the PSLV-C22 tore into the night skies and set off four stages of ignition and separation, all the while gaining in altitude and velocity, down on earth, twitchy mission controllers at the command centre awaited the final confirmation of the mission’s success.

About 20 minutes after the lift-off, the PSLV-C22 completed its task of injecting the IRNSS-1A into a sub geosynchronous transfer orbit with a 284-km perigee (nearest point to the Earth) and 20,650 km apogee (farthest point from the Earth).

The IRNSS-1A is the first of the proposed seven satellites in the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System. Apart from India, its benefits would extend to a range of 1,500 km in the region.

The system is similar to the global positioning system (GPS) of the US (24 satellites), Glonass of Russia (24 satellites), Galileo of Europe (27 satellites), China's Beidou (35 satellites) or the Japanese Quasi Zenith Satellite System with three satellites.

India plans series of satellite launches by March 2014

The Indian space agency has lined up a series of launches for this fiscal, including the silver jubilee flight of Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle-C25 (PSLV-C25) carrying the Mars orbiter, a top official said.

"The Mars mission will be anytime after October 21 this year. As per plans after the ejecting the orbiter, it will start its Mars voyage around November 28 or 29," Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman K. Radhakrishnan told reporters here Tuesday.
So very silly- today's CGs are tomorrow's future realities.


Specially in India.

One pays for CG in advance, it's a sunk cost.

Everything else is funded and amortised re: India's 5-7 yr. $ Trillions PPP infra push.

India is in top 10 Globally in ... ? Check:

1. India ranks first in the world in number of billionaires, new Forbes list shows (2008)
2. India ranks second in total agricultural output 28525 billions$
3. India ranks first in production of mullets
4. India ranks second in production of rice
5. India ranks second in production of wheat
6. India ranks second in production of sorghum
7. India ranks first in production of Dry beans
8. India ranks first in production of Chick peas
9. India ranks second in production of cauliflower and broccoli
10. India ranks second in production of Brinjal
11. India ranks first in production of Mangos
12. India ranks first in production of Banana
13. India ranks first in production of Papaya.
14. India ranks first in production of Lemon
15. India ranks second in production of Sugarcane
16. India ranks second in production of Cashewnut
17. India ranks second in production of Pepper
18. India ranks first in production of Ginger
19. India ranks first in production of Chilli pepper
20. India ranks first in production of cow milk
21. India ranks second in production of Tea
22. India ranks second in production of Cotton
23. India ranks first in production of Jute
24. India ranks second in production of Silk
25. India ranks first in irrigated land area 2,770,980 km2 (2003)
26. India ranks second in cultivated land area 1,535,060 km2 (2003)
27. India ranks sixth in production of electicity using fossil fuels
28. India ranks sixth in production of electricity using renewable fuels
29. Indian Students ranks first in attempt of giving GMAT, TOEFL exams to Study in USA (2011)
30. India ranks nineth in by total military expenditure
31. India ranks first in total import of military equipments
32. India ranks first in production of buffalo milk
33. India ranks first in largest headcount of catte including cow and buffalo 281 million heads
34. India ranks first in most universities8,407
35. India ranks first in largest freshwater withdrawal 645.84 km³/year
36. India ranks first in Largest tiger headcount, 3750 tigers
37. India ranks first in Largest producer of films in the world, 2961 films including 1288 feature films[
38. India ranks first in Highest number of doctors and engineers
39. India ranks first in Fastest growing rate of millionaires, 20.8% increase per year
40. India ranks first in Most culturally diverse country, nearly 3500 languages and nearly all of the major world religions
41. India ranks first in Largest Hindu population in the world
42. India ranks first in Largest Sikh population in the world
43. India ranks first in Fastest growing IT sector
44. India ranks first in Lowest consumption of beer per capita
45. India ranks second in population 1,210,193,422 (2011)
46. India ranks seventh in total area 3,287,263 sq km
47. India ranks twelveth in total forest area
48. India ranks fourth in largest railway network
49. India railways is second largest commercial or utility employer with more than 1.36 million employees
50. In 2003 the Kalka Shimla Railway was featured in the Guinness Book of World Records for offering the steepest rise in altitude in the space of 96 kilometre
51. India ranks first, second and third with most densely populated administrative subdivisions Marine lines is first.
52. India ranks first in exporting generic medicines (2010)
53. India ranks third in coal production
54. India ranks fifth in electricity consumption
55. India ranks fourth in total energy consumption
56. India ranks sixth in total energy production
57. India ranks thirteenth in uranium reserves and is fourteent in uranium production
58. India ranks fifth in total coal reserves
59. India ranks fourth as coal importer
60. India ranks fourth in oil consumption
61. India ranks seventh in hydroelectricity production
62. India ranks seventh in foreign exchange reserves
63. India ranks first in gold consumption for many years, with change from 2009 to 2010 is 69% increase from 449 to 745 tons
64. India ranks seventh in official gold holding by government
65. India ranks third in largest muslim population
66. India ranks fourth in iron production
66. India ranks seventh in aluminium production
67. India ranks third in bauxite production
68. India ranks seventh in manganese prodcution
69. India ranks fifth in total steel production (2010)
70. India ranks third in total salt production
71. India ranks seventh in total car production
72. India ranks second in total cement production
73. India ranks sixth in total zinc production
74. India ranks eleventh in number of broadband users
75. India ranks eight in number of landline telephone users
76. India ranks second in number of mobile telephone users
77. India ranks fourth in number of television broadcast stations
78. India is third in largest road network
79. India is second largest english speaking population
80. India is nineth largest economy by nominal GDP
81. India is fifth by average values of incremental nominal GDP
82. India is fourth largest economies by average values of GDP (PPP)
83. India is third largest economies by average values of incremental GDP (PPP)
84. India ranks fourth by largest investment
85. India ranks fifth by gross national savings
86. India ranks eleventh in import
87. India ranks second by largest labour force
88. India ranks top in large countries in road per sq km as 129 compared to USA (68) and China (39)
89. India is ranked sixth largest consumer market
90. India is fourth largest in tomato production
91. India is seventh largest in number of heliports
92. India ranks first Passenger-km of rail transport per year
93. India ranks second Passengers carried in rail transport per year
94. India ranks tenth by Industrial output in 2011 (Nominal)
94. India ranks fourth by Freight rail by billions of tonne-kilometers
95. India ranks third by total road network length 3,320,410
96. India ranks tenth by Industrial output in 2011 (nominal)
97. India ranks third by Industrial output in 2011 (PPP)
98. India ranks eight in number of immigrants coming to india
99. India ranks third in active military manpower
100. India ranks fourth in total number of aircrafts
101. India ranks fourth in total aircraft strength
102. India ranks second in total number of land weapons
103. India ranks fifth in total number of tanks
104. India ranks second in towed artillery
105. India ranks first in anti tank weaponery
106. India ranks second in total logistic power vechicles
107. India is seventh largest country in world
108. India is the world's premier center for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.
109. India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.
110. India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002 production of 1.7m units
111. The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE
112. India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA
113. India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world.
114. India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.
115. Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires.
116. India tops global remittances with $58 billion followed by china $57

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...uestions-regarding-india-9.html#ixzz2XrnCEbPu

Construction of the new Nalanda University will not get underway before the end of this year but its design has already started creating a buzz in Bihar.

The design finalised for the upcoming centrally-sponsored Nalanda varsity.
The architects of Ahmedabad-based firm, Vastu Shilpa Consultants, which had bagged the contract for developing the architectural design and master plan for the upcoming mega institution, have come up with a novel concept of open campus that will have no restrictions on entry of the villagers living around the university. It would be designed in such a way that anybody can walk across the campus in just 20 minutes.

Primarily designed on the principles of the ancient Nalanda University, the new institution will have a huge library with an estimated 20 lakh books. It will make use of 70 per cent of its 446-acre campus for agricultural research and will have natural air-conditioning using energyefficient desiccant evaporative (Devap) air-cooling system. An artificial lake would also be developed at the centre of the university. The university will use biofuel to light up the campus at night and only battery-operated vehicles would be used for the elderly and the physically challenged persons. The students and teachers would be encouraged to walk across the campus.

The estimated cost of construction would be Rs.500 crore and it is likely to be completed in two years. The centrallysponsored university will start its academic session from 2014. If the university comes up exactly the way the designers have envisaged, it will certainly be a monument of our times.l
Nalanda University will have these seven schools:
  • Historical Studies
  • Ecology and Environment Studies
  • Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Comparative Religion
  • Languages and Literature
  • International Relations and Peace Studies
  • Information Sciences and Technology
  • Business Management in relation to Public Policy and Development Studies





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