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Kohinoor Square today...

cc: me
A project worth closely tracking... the Nalanda International University

(apologies if u r not interested to read abt projects at conception stage on this forum)

ASEAN countries have agreed to re-establishing the Nalanda University which was one of the oldest ancient center of higher learning established originally in 5th century AD and attracted the best minds from ASEAN countries.

This is not just another university, but a 'non-state', non-profit, secular and self-governing international institution with a continental focus, that would bring together the brightest and most dedicated students from all countries of Asia. It will be hosted in India, but has all ASEAN nations as stakeholders.

To maintain its global stature, Indian govt. has given privileges to the university never heard of for any other university in the country. The University, its assets, its income and other property shall be exempted from all direct taxes, customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions on imports and exports for articles imported/exported for its official use.

Check this out: Nalanda University

It is backed by people like APJ Abdul Kalam, Amartya Sen and many others. This will hopefully bring back the lost glory back to the sub-continent as the education hub. Hope similar plans are made for Taxila University

This was actually a central initiative forcefully pushed by Nitish when he came to power. Only issue is that when the idea was taken to other Asean countries Budhist monks etc. were very particulaR on philosophical studies. I think it should have the new stuff- engineering, medicine etc. in heavy doses.
A Taxi guy once told me that this one is the 'bhanja's' ATM machine.

Cabbies are usually full of sh*t but not this time, if I've understood you correctly. Can't stand the sight of any of the Ts, especially the youngest, who was 3 years my junior in school. Talk about Marathi pride and the like. Pffff
Why do you guys need taxiwallahs to know that, don't you have news papers? It is not some secret deal. Even if it was some secret deal, the location and and name are enough to know.

No one needs a cabwallah to know what the Ts are upto, but the fact that even your otherwise normally disinterested everyday cabbie knows the gory monetary details of the Kohinoor mill complex sale and that sh*t's hit the fan with regard to the Ts, is in itself a bit of a shocker. Every Bombayite has unfortunately at some point, been forced to ride a cab (usually after a night out on the town) and as a consequence, has been all ears to all the non-factual BS and loose talk they (the cabbies) are known to spew.
And all South Bombaywallahs are also not angels, neither all their wealth earned in a glorious way.

LOL of course not, mate, but neither are they sh*t stirring hypocrites with inferiority complexes greater than the cores amassed in the Kohinoor land deal.
India's illiterate, semi literate city folks connect with the literate layer above with heresay, 1 liners and the word on the street. Sad.
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