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India Developing, but still a long way to go

I can't understand why is there lots of hues and cries over Dharavi Rehabilitation Program.

For starters, it was/ is supposedly one of the biggest slum in the world & got some attention through BBC & the movie "Dharavi" :D

Secondly, there are suspision of corruption in design & engineering of the proposed new residencial apartment. Also, there are doubts that the ones who gets one of those new apartment will rent it out and go back to live in other Slam area.

And thirdly, after the relocation was declared, thousands of new slum dwellers had arrived & been living in Dharavi, which makes it difficult to cover entire Dharavi populace by the rehabilation programme. And also, it makes the dream of wiping the slum out of Mumbai's map seems a tad difficult.

It would require some harsh decisions, which, no political parties would risk taking..

My two cents..
Nice views of developed Bus services. I liked them. But still there is lot of corruption as i have seen lot of problems which are being faced by poor Indian public in Indian Media
For starters, it was/ is supposedly one of the biggest slum in the world & got some attention through BBC & the movie "Dharavi" :D

Secondly, there are suspision of corruption in design & engineering of the proposed new residencial apartment. Also, there are doubts that the ones who gets one of those new apartment will rent it out and go back to live in other Slam area.

And thirdly, after the relocation was declared, thousands of new slum dwellers had arrived & been living in Dharavi, which makes it difficult to cover entire Dharavi populace by the rehabilation programme. And also, it makes the dream of wiping the slum out of Mumbai's map seems a tad difficult.

It would require some harsh decisions, which, no political parties would risk taking..

My two cents..

So this means that slum dwellers are themselves not saints. I heard stories of some slum dwellers who make enough money that in any other country they would be classified as Middle Class but they are happy to live in the slums as their utility bill as well as tax to Govt is zero. Sometimes I think we implement Chinese Hokuku system in India atleast for the low paid workers.

Road development in Dehli

When the hell we will learn to drive in lanes??? I'm outside India for 3+ years and I shudder at the thought of driving in Indian traffic when I'm back in India, at least for first week or so, till my old self starts to kick in..

Traffic mannerism requires a huge boost in India. It (or the lack of it) starts with faulty & corrupted driving license granting.
Nice views of developed Bus services. I liked them. But still there is lot of corruption as i have seen lot of problems which are being faced by poor Indian public in Indian Media

Foreigners , especially Pakistanis & Chinese, are quick to diss India for our corruption problem, but what they don't realize that it is a 'problem' bcs our media as well as people like Anna Hazare are highlighting it.

---------- Post added at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ----------

When the hell we will learn to drive in lanes??? I'm outside India for 3+ years and I shudder at the thought of driving in Indian traffic when I'm back in India, at least for first week or so, till my old self starts to kick in..

Traffic mannerism requires a huge boost in India. It (or the lack of it) starts with faulty & corrupted driving license granting.

For this first you need good driving schools, which we have none. Personally I did not went to any driving school and took my driving test on the family car.
So this means that slum dwellers are themselves not saints. I heard stories of some slum dwellers who make enough money that in any other country they would be classified as Middle Class but they are happy to live in the slums as their utility bill as well as tax to Govt is zero. Sometimes I think we implement Chinese Hokuku system in India atleast for the low paid workers.

You are right. Honesty ain't every Indian's cup of tea, at least not yet & corruption starts right at the bottom of the ladder to the very top..

Unfortunate, but true..
For this first you need good driving schools, which we have none. Personally I did not went to any driving school and took my driving test on the family car.

Me neither & learned driving all by myself. A lot of road attiquettes & rules were not known to me when I was driving in India (and I drove there for a good part of 19 years)..

Just have a look below.. The whole freakin road is empty, still they will drive on the edge or middle of the lanes..


High traffic is unavoidable because of our obvious high population of cars. But unrully traffic makes it more difficult. Look at the difference below..

India Jam


Outside Jam

You are right. Honesty ain't every Indian's cup of tea, at least not yet & corruption starts right at the bottom of the ladder to the very top..

Unfortunate, but true..

True..just last week Kerala Govt found out that 25,000 state employees got themselves BPL ration card so as to avail Govt freebies. This is just the tip of the iceberg showing how poverty is being 'exploited' in India for their own benefit. Bcs of these people India has to live with the shame of having 'more poor than Sub Saharan Africa'. I have seen that except in times of marriage proposals to say that one is well off is a taboo.
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