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India Deployed Combat Jets Mistaking Migratory Birds for Pakistani Drones

And I say you are wrong. Grossly wrong. It has everything to do with radars.

I will clear this up and if the Indian members here are smart, they should remember/save what I say to spare themselves and their country some embarrassment.

Birds, insects, and flora are called 'volumetric targets' in radar detection.

A 'volumetric target' is a radar target that is composed of many individual members/contributors whose individual radar reflections interacts with each other to create a radar return that is calculated to be a monolithic body.


Target Interaction and Image Appearance | Earth Sciences

Volumetric scattering...multiple bounces and reflections from different components within the volume.

If a single bird drops out of the flock, the target's radar return is decreased slightly but the bird itself WILL NOT be detected. There are radars designed specifically to detect individual bird or even an airborne bee but that is for a different subject. But for what we are talking about here, the individual bird or bee or leaf will not be detected when that component is separated from the mass.

There is nothing out of the ordinary about this event. It is funny but ultimately harmless and perhaps even a credit for the Indian defense because it shows they are alert.

Its funny that many "ignoramuses" are posting their usual garbage on this thread, @gambit. Radar can pick up flocks of birds, as a matter of fact there are even Radars that have been designed to pick up flocks of birds. On long-line Fishing Boats/Purse Seiners at Sea, one Radar is monitored to pick them up, since these birds are usually flying low over large shoals of fish. The Radar cannot determine whether they are birds or not, its only their speed which may indicate that they may be birds. I've experienced this on Marine Radars esp. in the X-Band (9Ghz).

Now all that said and done. I'd say that the Radar Operators of the IAF are certainly not sleeping at their jobs, nor are their Eqpt. Kaputt!

Certainly the same cannot be said of a certain Air-Force in the neighborhood where intruders crossed over the border, played Merry Hell and then returned over the same borders, and then after some time Fighters were scrambled on the other border!!! :rofl:
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That much sensitivity...will only take their sleeps.......and they will be reacting on each bird flying on their border....:omghaha:

While you guys just blissfully sleep through every intrusion by Helicopters,Aircraft and get Droned the hell out of you. :lol:
Now was that not why your 'poor guys' at Salala got massacred?
Which is why there is the saying in English: "Let the sleeping dogs lie". :D


Impressive birds. The guy at the bottom has his legs wrapped around the other guy's bird. That's a pretty gay bird.
Indians' incompetence is beyond comprehension. Time and again Indians have reinforced the fact that they are a joke. Well done in parading your idiocy to the world.
Migratory birds coming from Russia all the way to Pakistan's sind province and then going back, you dont see russia, china, pakistan and other countries inbetween mistakingly deploy their jets...Just 100% pure idiots mistake them for drones...:lol:

P.s: I hope the operators didn't pissed their pants looking at hundreds of drones approaching:lol:
i'm impressed by the alertness of IAF.we dont take a chance unlike some country who wakes up next morning to the news that some foreign marines entered their soil with chinooks only after watching the TV.
Because they are not sensitive they are malfunctioning. What exactly is the worth of a radar which can't differ between a bird and a plane? There are also reports where they mistook planets for UFOs (mind it not spread by foreign media but reported primarily in Indian media). Though you are right about the second part about quick response.

It must be a 100% Indigenous Indian radar. It can detect literally anything even micropscopic organism.
The only thing two incidents show is you're sh0106¥73t scared of anything flying, moving or stationary. No other country on the planet mistakes venus for a drone or scrambles jets to "shoot down" migratory birds to show the world how prepared/alert it is. You indians wet your pants at the drop of a hat don't you.

The world is afraid that it will be the Indians who will start world war 3 :

Now there is one big problem with paranoid Indians.....now what if India detects something flying in the air and they assume it is an ICBM fired from either China or Pakistan. And then India decides to retaliate with Agni Missiles tipped with a nuclear war head.
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