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India Deployed Combat Jets Mistaking Migratory Birds for Pakistani Drones

can you believe these guys? US invades their airspace regularly and kills a bunch of people, not to mention the osoama incident. and they make fun of india which is so alert that it tracks birds? pakistanis are funny guys :lol:
^^^^ It is the collective immaturity of majority of posters that makes Pakistan Defence Forum what it is. :)

POints to be noted - the news is reported by IBTimes.co.uk by Vasudevan Sridharan. I have written to him asking for verification of this story and what are his sources. His story mentions REPORTS by IAF as cited by INDIAN EXPRESS. (This is what I call 2nd hand stale news being re-hashed to be sold again ).

Most important point - with migratory birds especially those that are studied for their migratory patterns, are mostly clipped (on their legs) with metal sensors to pinpoint their geographic locations. So for examples, cranes that fly from Russia are regularly tracked by conservationists using hand held radar signals and proper count of birds is taken.

It could be that these metal sensors clipped on the wings of the birds were tracked by IAF ? And add to that the violation of Indian air space by Pakistani drones gave enough reason for the commanders to scramble jets in the air?

All in all, it speaks of preparedness of the men in IAF and it bodes well if they are on their toes even in times like these.

So all you Anti-Indian bashers who think we are over hyping our enemy threat preparedness in the air, learn some basics around a reported case . Unless of course, your side of the border thinks it is ok to leave migratory birds alone - regardless of being bombed to smithereens by drones of US or not.

Seriously guys, are you that immature?

It is good the IAF is this alert. Any UFO needs to be identified and a response needs to be given. You gyus try to mock the high-levels of preparedness the IAF clearly maintain? Considering that over the past few years there have been numerous intel inputs of jihadis launching micro-light suicide attacks in India, it makes sense to check these things out right?
Please stop trying to pass yourself off as someone who know what he is talking about.

In radar detection, a 'false alarm' is a statistical event. If the system marked a return as a valid target, whatever it is passed the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) criteria. In this event, the individual birds were never detected so as discrete components, each bird would never reach the threshold in order to enter the CFAR algorithm.

Do you really know what you are talking about? Why didn't you say the earth obits the sun to earn some credits?
We're talking about the militants mistook the birds as drone, who care about its a single bird (can be 10cm to 1.5m) to a group?

wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_false_alarm_rate]Constant false alarm rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Please, don't quote wiki when you're pasting technical stuffs from internet. It's banned by real technical guys.

All echoes must pass through the CFAR filter.

The system was designed, as most do, to consider individual birds as part of background clutter. But when there are enough of them and if they fly close enough in order for their individual reflections to interact -- constructive interference -- the sum of these interactions will pass the CFAR threshold, meaning the mass/flock will not be consider an anomaly from background but as a valid return.

At the operator level, what constitute a 'false alarm' depends on the recognition protocols enacted by the organization. At this level, how a target behaves to mark it as a man-made object or something of nature depends on experience and records, and in order for a target to be opined by an operator as nature made its behavior must be consistent with what was observed before.

You just learned something new through your reply ---- you have no advantage over any other posters here. A kid from childcare can fake his homework by searching internet nowadays.

Flocks of birds rapidly changing directions have been VISUALLY mistaken as UFOs before.

Try this...

caelestia.be/birds.html]CAELESTIA Birds

It would be no different on a radar scope. If a target exhibits flight behaviors consistent with the profile of a slow moving aircraft, there is no way the operator would know that he is looking at a flock of birds.

/abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=4438277]Bug-Spotting Radar Saves Aircraft From Bird Strikes - ABC News

As highlighted, such pulses are discernible only if the individual birds are sufficiently spaced apart while flying in formation, large birds like pelicans or the smaller gulls will, but with certain smaller species like martin or sparrow, the birds will so quickly gathered that no discrete pulses will be produced for long.

You only looked for the stuffs to support your biased assumption. That's not a technical guy. You just ignored (or don't know) the difference the radar bouncing between living things and non living things. The reality that the case of this topic is rare happened in other country using the same radar, 24/365....

I know you are desperate to laugh at the Indians, but be intellectually honest enough to admit that you do not know what you are talking about. Until more information with sufficient technical details come out to say otherwise, I stand by my opinion that this is a valid response.
I never laughed at Indians. "Laugh at Indians" was spoken by you only.

Any human beings make mistake, even NASA sent HST to space with a wrongly grinded lens.

It's very funny, (now I knew) a retired Vietnamese, the no.1 anti-China guy on this forum talking about technics in any Chinese involved case.

BTW, why is your post always so long? Not everyone have such plenty time to read.

Next time, please understand the contents first and squeezed to your own languages before you press Ctrl+V.

The longer you posted, the lower IQ you contained. They are inverse to each other.
Do you really know what you are talking about?
Yes, I do. From a combined military and civilian experience of nearly 19 yrs in aviation.

BTW, why is your post always so long? Not everyone have such plenty time to read.
There we have it, folks. Typical of the Chinese and their suck-ups. If an explanation is more than two paragraphs long, it throws their brains into a protective infinite loop, shutting out any information that will contradict their made up minds about any subject, especially those subjects that they have no experience.
In May 1997, an Indian Air Force Mikoyan MiG-25RB reconnaissance aircraft created a
furor when the pilot flew faster than Mach 2
over Pakistani territory following a
reconnaissance mission into Pakistan airspace.
The MiG-25 broke the sound barrier while
flying at an altitude of around 65,000 feet, otherwise the mission would have remained
covert, at least to the general public. The
Pakistan Government considered the breaking
of the sound barrier was deliberate to make
the point that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) had
no aircraft in its inventory which can come close to the MiG-25's cruising altitude (up to
74,000 feet). India denied the incident but
Pakistan's Foreign Minister, Gohar Ayub Khan,
believed that the Foxbat photographed
strategic installations near the capital, Islamabad

However, from one of PAF's Forward Operating
Bases, radar traced the intruder and the F-16As
scrambled. Sources in the PAF said that there was
no need to intercept a plane flying at the altitude
of 65,000 feet as the F-16 can reach an operating
ceiling of 55,000 feet.

have you ever heard of RB-57F which Pakistan used for the purpose of strategic reconnaissance over Indian air space as early as 60s, it had a service ceiling of 80,000+ ft, & you need to educate yourself PAF have flown F-16 over 60,000+ ft ....
Yes, I do. From a combined military and civilian experience of nearly 19 yrs in aviation.
Really? Or just a last chain technician doing the maintenance, like washing and pumping the fuel?
Aviation maintenance is highly regulated, you should know this is a conventional human mistake, if you are really who & who.

There we have it, folks. Typical of the Chinese and their suck-ups. If an explanation is more than two paragraphs long, it throws their brains into a protective infinite loop, shutting out any information that will contradict their made up minds about any subject, especially those subjects that they have no experience.

You are really sick, old man.

Go and see a Chinese doctor to release the fa*t inside your brain.
have you ever heard of RB-57F which Pakistan used for the purpose of strategic reconnaissance over Indian air space as early as 60s, it had a service ceiling of 80,000+ ft, & you need to educate yourself PAF have flown F-16 over 60,000+ ft ....

Perhaps with wrong altimeter readings of the F-16 ;)
may b they were kabotaars flown by LeT to provide support to jihad in kashmir ;) ...
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