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India cut out of Turkey talks

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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India cut out of Turkey talks

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is reported to have asked Turkey for assistance in dealing with Pakistan, according to a Turkish diplomat quoted in a state department cable published by WikiLeaks.

Seeking Turkey's help would be a unusual move by India as it has always balked at a third party involvement in solving its problems with Pakistan, which are hinged on Kashmir.

Turkish president Abdullah Gul was in India for a five-day state visit in February, just a week before the US embassy in Ankara sent this cable home on a series of meetings held by visiting undersecretary of state William Burns.

In one of the meetings on Afghanistan and Pakistan, Turkish foreign ministry official Engin Soysal told Burns of Prime Minister Singh's request to President Gul during the latter's visit.

"Acting on that request, Gul had phoned Pakistani President (Asif) Zardari, who was skeptical of Indian intentions," Soysal is reported to have told Burns according to the leaked cable.

At the same meeting in Ankara, Soysal told Burns that turkey had kept India out of a "neighbours' summit" to keep Pakistan happy. Also adding Pakistan understands it's a mistake to keep India out of any such regional grouping.

India cut out of Turkey talks - Hindustan Times
Pakistan and Turkish friendship stands for decades and nothing can change that. The people of one country that really love Pakistanis are Turks and many on visits to Turkey have shared that. India can do whatever it can, but the ultimate win in Afghanistan will be for Pakistan because the Pashtuns are the majority of the population in Afghanistan and they share their language, culture, traditions, relationships and religion with Pakistan. These are things that India or its $$s will never be able to match.
Pakistan and Turkish friendship stands for decades and nothing can change that. The people of one country that really love Pakistanis are Turks and many on visits to Turkey have shared that. India can do whatever it can, but the ultimate win in Afghanistan will be for Pakistan because the Pashtuns are the majority of the population in Afghanistan and they share their language, culture, traditions, relationships and religion with Pakistan. These are things that India or its $$s will never be able to match.

Why not divide Afghanistan into different ethnic parts per majority by ethnicity that way Pakistan will get its way and majority of region is Pashtun dominated? This theory is well accepted by Pakistan which believes in dividing countries by religion, ethnicity.

The only condition will be to let Baloch and Sindh areas also get their respective freedoms, per your own principles.
Why not divide Afghanistan into different ethnic parts per majority by ethnicity that way Pakistan will get its way and majority of region is Pashtun dominated? This theory is well accepted by Pakistan which believes in dividing countries by religion, ethnicity.

The only condition will be to let Baloch and Sindh areas also get their respective freedoms, per your own principles.

Don't twist his words - his contention which I share is that the Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group in Afghan they are also the traditional rulers of that country.

Any settlement will have to make sure that their interests are taken care of, just as india tries to with Lanka because of the Tamils, Pashtuns are an important group in Pakistan with them well represented in govt, and the Armed Forces, Pakistani Pashtuns naturally have some sympathy with their Afghan cousins. :pakistan:
Don't twist his words - his contention which I share is that the Pashtuns are the largest ethnic group in Afghan they are also the traditional rulers of that country.

Any settlement will have to make sure that their interests are taken care of, just as india tries to with Lanka because of the Tamils, Pashtuns are an important group in Pakistan with them well represented in govt, and the Armed Forces, Pakistani Pashtuns naturally have some sympathy with their Afghan cousins. :pakistan:

I think percentage of Punjabis in Pakistan is more than that of Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Punjabis share similar language food and ethnicity with Indian Punjabis as well. So by that logic India have more stake on Pakistan than Pakistani Pashtuns! ;)
Yeah and also about Pashtuns being historical rulers of Afghanistan, well Persians would take offense! Let's ask Ahmed about it! :D
I think percentage of Punjabis in Pakistan is more than that of Pashtuns in Afghanistan. Punjabis share similar language food and ethnicity with Indian Punjabis as well. So by that logic India have more stake on Pakistan than Pakistani Pashtuns! ;)

Pakistan got the lion share of Punjab and Punjabis :pakistan: I am a proud Pakistani Punjabi Jatt :pakistan: by the way. Pakistani Punjabis are ok with indian Punjabi but we do not have a sense of kinship that Pakistani Pashtuns would naturally have with their Afghan cousins, hope that answers your question :cool:
Pakistan got the lion share of Punjab and Punjabis :pakistan: I am a proud Pakistani Punjabi Jatt :pakistan: by the way. Pakistani Punjabis are ok with indian Punjabi but we do not have a sense of kinship that Pakistani Pashtuns would naturally have with their Afghan cousins, hope that answers your question :cool:

That's good, but do Pakistani Punjabis consider themselves to be sole representative of Pakistan because of their lion share of Pakistan's population? ;)

If not, why should that be the case in Afghanistan with Pashtuns?
That's good, but do Pakistani Punjabis consider themselves to be sole representative of Pakistan because of their lion share of Pakistan's population? ;)

If not, why should that be the case in Afghanistan with Pashtuns?

you misunderstood what I was saying, Pakistani Punjab is the lion share of undivided British Punjab before partition and it was in that context, that I was referring to lion share.:pakistan:

My fellow Pakistani citizens mean more to me, than what similarities or the lack of, we may have other countries.:azn:
Turkey is always helping us... and we can't give anything...

Sometimes I wish we could do more... I really wish corruption did not exist in our country.

I hope Turkey has some patience for us. They will play a part in our future. Ameen
I guess pakistan would be on our side on a 3rd world war :):cheers:

Why wish war upon yourself?

Besides..being a part of NATO....if there is a 3rd WW, Turkey will have to be on the side of NATO and its allies

Unless Pak continues to be a "Non-NATO" ally as it is right now, Im not sure how Pak supporting Turkey is going to feasable....
Pakistan got the lion share of Punjab and Punjabis :pakistan: I am a proud Pakistani Punjabi Jatt :pakistan: by the way. Pakistani Punjabis are ok with indian Punjabi but we do not have a sense of kinship that Pakistani Pashtuns would naturally have with their Afghan cousins, hope that answers your question :cool:

I think i can speak for a fair ammount of Pak Punjabi's when i say this; Your comment felt like a slap on my face. :tdown:
you misunderstood what I was saying, Pakistani Punjab is the lion share of undivided British Punjab before partition and it was in that context, that I was referring to lion share.:pakistan:

My fellow Pakistani citizens mean more to me, than what similarities or the lack of, we may have other countries.:azn:

Isn't it hypocrisy to advise totally opposite of this approach for Afghanistanis? ;)

Anyway I think I got my point across.
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