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India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

Grovelling before China

G. Parthasarathy

The Pioneer – June 15, 2007

A friend of mine from a neighbouring country recently remarked: "India is behaving like a regional bully." My friend was alluding to comments about our policies towards Sri Lanka by National Security Adviser MK Narayanan. When I asked him what he felt were the characteristics he had observed that led to him labelling us as a "bully", he said, "Like all bullies, India growls at its smaller neighbours like Sri Lanka and grovels before its large neighbour, China."

My friend was outraged by Mr Narayanan's response to a question on Sri Lanka's arms purchases from Pakistan or China. The NSA had responded: "We are the big power in the region. Let us make this very clear. We strongly believe that whatever requirements the Sri Lankan Government has, they should come to us. And we will give them what we think is necessary. We do not favour their going to China, Pakistan or any other country. We will not provide the Sri Lankan Government with offensive capability. That is our position".

Mr Narayanan's statement is untenable, apart from being undiplomatic. Under what treaty obligations, bilateral or international, is Sri Lanka required to acquire weapons exclusively from India? If we are the 'big power' in the region, which demands our neighbours must follow this newly enunciated 'Narayanan Doctrine' on arms acquisitions, has he forgotten that our own IPKF was compelled to use offensive helicopter gun ships and tanks to deal with the LTTE? What right have we to ask Sri Lanka not to use similar offensive capabilities, when the LTTE is much better equipped today than earlier? Finally, why should Sri Lanka undermine the effectiveness of its armed forces by buying weapons exclusively from us, if it can get better weapons from elsewhere?

It has taken us years to persuade even anti-Indian parties like the JVP that we stand fully committed to Sri Lanka's unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity. Sri Lanka is a neighbour with whom we enjoy extremely good relations. Mr Narayanan's comments have provoked outrage and anti-Indian sentiments in Sri Lanka. The Pakistanis have proclaimed that these comments are yet another manifestation of India's "hegemonistic" designs. By making unwarranted comments labelled as "growling" by outsiders, we have eroded our capability to influence Sri Lanka on the need for credible devolution of powers to the Tamils.

In contrast to our "growling" at Sri Lanka, how have we approached our relations with China recently? On the eve of President Hu Jintao's visit to India, China's Ambassador to India Sun Yuxi proclaimed: "In our position the whole State of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory. And Tawang is one of the places in it. We are claiming all of that. That is our position." New Delhi developed cold feet and avoided a formal protest.

China has subsequently reiterated these claims by denying a visa to an IAS official from Arunachal Pradesh, claiming that since he belongs to part of China, he does not need a visa to accompany over 100 of his colleagues being sent to China on an official "training" visit. China had earlier refused to issue visas to then Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Gegong Apang and to the Speaker of the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly.

China now appears to believe that it can afford to be more aggressive and tough in its postures on the border and other issues of concern to India. Article VII of the April 2005 'Agreement on Political Parameters and Guiding Principles' to resolve the border issue states: "In reaching a border settlement the two sides shall safeguard populations in border areas." But when meeting Mr Pranab Mukherjee in Berlin on June 6, China's Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi stated that "mere presence" in populated areas would not affect China's claims on the Sino-Indian border. China was thus repudiating the provisions of Article VII of the 2005 Agreement on guidelines the Special Representatives would observe in addressing the border issue, though its apologists would claim that this was merely China's interpretation of that Agreement.

The lone Lok Sabha member from Arunachal Pradesh, Mr Kiren Rijiju, says that New Delhi's weak response is alarming people in that State. Mr Rijiju avers that Arunachal Pradesh is the only State in the North-East where there are no separatist movements and people proudly proclaim that they are Indian. He adds that when the Chinese repeat their territorial claims and New Delhi fails to respond, people start doubting the latter's determination to protect the country's territorial integrity.

Even as Mr Narayanan was meeting his counterpart Dai Bingguo in the border talks this January, the Dalai Lama, speaking in Tripura, endorsed India's claim to the whole of Arunachal Pradesh, including Tawang. This punctures China's claims to Tawang, made on the grounds that it was responding to Tibetan sentiments about their spiritual and cultural links with the monastery town. Surely, the Mandarins in Beijing, who show scant regard for Tibet's cultural and spiritual heritage, cannot claim to be more concerned about Tibetan sentiments than the Dalai Lama!

China has recently taken positions on Pakistan-sponsored terrorism that have serious implications. When Lashkar-e-Tayyeba changed its name to Jamat-ud Dawa, the US moved the UN Security Council to declare Jamat-ud Dawa as an international terrorist organisation under UN Security Council Resolution 1373. China has blocked passage of this resolution. Besides, Beijing does not accept the widely endorsed position that incidents of violence in Jammu & Kashmir are acts of terrorism. China's assistance to Pakistan's nuclear, missile and conventional build up continues unabated. One, therefore, wonders how our Prime Minister could honestly tell President Hu Jintao that the people of India regard China as their "greatest neighbour".

New Delhi has to respond firmly to China's strategic containment of India. We should invite Ministers from Taiwan and establish joint mechanisms to promote economic ties with Taiwan, in line with the policies followed by many South-East and East Asian countries. New Delhi should also facilitate wider publicity for the Dalai Lama's views on the Sino-Indian border. Strategic ties with Vietnam should be strengthened with military supplies, including Brahmos and Prithvi missiles and a Plutonium Research Reactor.

Finally, the India-Russia-China triangular cooperation has to be complemented by strengthening the proposed US-Japan-India partnership. China respects power and firmness. It has contempt for actions perceived by others as Indian "grovelling" while dealing with a powerful neighbour.

India wants hegemony over the region: says BD newspaper
DHAKA, Jun 18, (APP): A leading weekly newspaper of Bangladesh "The Akaler Katha" in its latest issue has strongly criticised India for its negative behaviour with neighbouring countries.The newspaper in its editorial said India extremely violates all norms of peaceful coexistence.In its June 17-23 issue, the weekly wrote, "Instead of coexistence with its neighbours with equal status and sovereignty India wants to forcibly realize submissive loyalty from its neigbours."
India shows such attitude, as if, other sovereign countries of South Asian region will have to act on whatever India may dictate them to act and they will formulate their internal and external policies, even defence arrangements, according to India's will and whims."

The weekly says, India desires its neighbouring counties will obey and do whatever and whenever India asks them to do. "It means the expansionists of New Delhi will determine the extent of independence and sovereignty their neighbouring countries will enjoy," it said.

Referring the recent comment of M K Narayanan, the weekly alleged, "India very recently bid to set such an example. India unjustifiably rebuked and scared Sri Lanka when she (Sri Lanka) expressed her desire to collect traditional, but effective, radars and other smaller equipments from Pakistan and China due to inability and failure of India-origin radars to detect air attacks of Tamil rebels."

"Ignoring and reputing Sri Lanka's sovereign and independent status, and violating all limits of shamelessness, M K Narayanan, India's National Security Advisor, on May 13, 2007, thundered out like a so-called superpower declaring, "We are the big power in this region. Let us make it very clear. We strongly believe that whatever requirements the Sri Lankan government has, they should come to us. And we will give them what we think is necessary. We do not favour their going to China or Pakistan or any other country.

"M K Narayanan more nakedly said, we will not give such strong deterrents and arms to Sri Lanka that will ensure superiority of the Sri Lankan Armed forces over the Tamil guerrillas. It means, India wants to continue Sri Lanka's war with the Tamils so that India can sell arms both to both the parties."

The weekly asked, "In what power and sense India expresses its intention to impose such disgraceful and shameful precondition on Sri Lanka that she will not be able to collect arms from other sources according to her own requirements and policy."

"India's such audacious threatening is also an awful warning to other sovereign and independent nations of the region. If the adventurous and audacious precondition that India designs to impose on Sri Lanka is not responded befittingly with equal tone, India will tomorrow dare to impose such preconditions on other counties of the region as well," the weekly warned.

Referring to the urgency of defence factor among the neighbouring countries of India, the weekly suggested, "To deter India's aggressive attitude, all other countries of the region immediately should form a strong forum with strong military might. It is imperative to develop such strong and effective defence arrangement, so that India does not dare to extend its paw on any country of the region."

Moreover, to make international community aware of the situation, the issue must be raised in the international forums uncovering India's hegemonic designs that may irk unrest and violence, even war in the region, the weekly warned.

"No nation having minimum sense of prestige will tolerate or consume such insulting deliberation. So it is the responsibility of the international community to take initiative to bridle the expansionist paw of India and compel India to shun her aggressive and hegemonic design so that no evil shadow can overcast the region. No country in the region will accept the roar of so-called big power, named India," the weekly opined.

The daily said, the concerned countries of the region have already made it clear that they will not accept such bully in the region. "Sri Lankan government itself officially conveyed the message to India and all concerned that Sri Lanka reserves the freedom to acquire necessary and suitable equipments from wherever this was available, particularly in view of the

fact India was unable to meet Sri Lanka's perceived needs.""The spokesman of Pakistan Foreign Ministry said, Pakistan would not accept the hegemonic tendencies from any country in the region and added, the matter primarily for Sri Lanka to decide," the weekly quoted Pakistan's reaction.

The weekly said, India's statement virtually questions India's attitude and policy to its neighbouring countries. "It is hoped good sense will develop in the mindset of Indian leadership. India for her own interest will shun its expansionist mentality and attitude and follow the policy of peaceful coexistence."

"Otherwise India will have to compensate heavy price for its policy," the weekly cautioned and added, "India should keep it in mind, the independent nations of this region will never accept Indian supremacy, i.e., slavery under any circumstances."
'Hindu Al Qaeda Training Suicide Bombers In Nepal'

NEWSPOST India - 20th of June 2007

A band of former soldiers, ex-police personnel and victims of Maoist guerrillas have united in Nepal to form a Hindu army with suicide bombers to fight Islamic and Christian zealots as well as communists.

Called the Nepal Defence Army, the group is headed by a former policeman who says he joined the Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist as a schoolboy but has now begun waging war on his former comrades.

The ex-cop, who today calls himself 'Parivartan' (change), claims his band has nearly 1,200 trained soldiers who possess arms and have the expertise to manufacture explosives.

Earlier this year, the Nepal Defence Army made its debut with a couple of blasts, including at the well-guarded office of the Maoists in Kathmandu.

On Wednesday, a Nepali tabloid carried an extensive interview with the shadowy leader, saying he had walked into the tabloid's city office to talk about his organisation.

'Nepal Defence Army has been founded to fight for Hinduism,' Parivartan told Nepali weekly Ghanata R. Bichar. 'Hindus worldwide support us, including the families of top Maoist leaders. Our soldiers are being trained across the border in India and we get the ingredients for manufacturing explosives from India.'

However, the new revolutionary said his group had no links with King Gyanendra.

'We are not funded by the palace,' he said. 'If the palace had tried to promote Hinduism and Nepal as a Hindu state, we wouldn't have to wage our war. We don't dabble in politics. Our sole aim is to form a Hindu state.'

Parivartan told the weekly that his party didn't want bloodshed.

'The bombs we threw at the Maoist office were intended as a warning and not to kill,' he said. 'I stopped plans to assassinate Maoist chief Prachanda and Maoist minister Dev Gurung.

'But if the warning is not taken seriously, the eight-party ruling alliance can suffer serious losses.'

The shadowy leader held Maoists as their main enemy.

'During their 10-year war, the Maoists destroyed and desecrated temples and attacked priests,' he said. 'But they never destroyed any church or mosque.'

However, he added that Maoists' families still remained devout Hindus.

'During the civil war, Prachanda's mother would wake up early in the morning and offer water to the sun god to pray for her son's safety,' he said. 'It shows they are Hindus and would support Hinduism.'

Parivartan ended with a dire warning.

'The Maoists had also begun in a small way,' he said. 'We learnt how to make bombs from Prachanda's teachings.

'Now, like the Al Qaeda, we are training suicide squads.

'We have trained five suicide bombers who can go anywhere, including Singh Durbar (the heart of administration in Nepal, where the prime minister's office, key ministries and parliament are located.)'

Gee ... I like the name of the topic...
"India creating Ring of Fire" :D
very filmi ...
I like the name actually,
china string pearls, burned into obivilion by India's ring of fire!!!!!!!!

Maybe he is talking about the Ring from Lord of the Rings
'India's ring of fire burning China's string of pearls' not so catchy yaar. I prefer 'India burns its bridges - no where to go.' I think that has a more Hollywood ring to it. Maybe even, "India burns own feet - can no longer walk' but that probably has a Bollywood (should it not be Mummywood now) sentimentality to it.
Sixty years of independence, 38 per cent of the country up in flames

Rupakjyoti Borah, Merinews

03 July 2007, Tuesday

While India gears up to celebrate 60 years of its independence, almost 40 per cent of the country is reeling under violence. It is therefore time to introspect and take course-correction measures before the situation spirals out of hand.

AS INDIA DECKS up to celebrate the 61st anniversary of its independence from the shackles of British rule, it is a time for us to reflect and ponder over what we have achieved in the last 60 years. These days India is the cynosure of eyes around the world, having been termed as an emerging economic superpower. Besides, it is the world’s largest democracy. But behind the shining exteriors, there are some bitter realities. The internal security scenario is one such bitter reality, which escapes the notice of many who are singing paeans to India’s success story. A study has estimated that almost 231 of the country’s 604 districts are afflicted by militancy, ethnic strife and terrorist violence. Some of the major areas of concern in the internal security front include:


Jammu and Kashmir has been the bone of contention between India and Pakistan right from 1947. The militants are still active and the militancy shows no sign of abating. Since the beginning of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir in 1989, almost 40000 lives have been snuffed out. In 2006 alone, around 1,100 lives were lost in this seemingly unending spiral of violence. The peace process between the two countries has run into rough weather with Pakistan harping on its one-point agenda on Kashmir. The effects of the militancy in Jammu and Kashmir have been felt in other parts of the country too with militants based in J &K targeting civilian populations in cities across the country.


Life in Northeast India has been torn asunder by a series of conflicts that have engulfed almost the entire region. The civilian population in the region has been caught between the proverbial devil and the deep blue sea, being at the receiving end of both the militants’ and the security forces’ ire. States like Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya are reeling under violence. The porous borders between this region and countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and Myanmar have further compounded the problem. Illegal immigration from Bangladesh has upset the demographic balance in many parts of the region especially Tripura and Assam. There is a great deal of unemployment forcing educated young men and women to take to guns. Around 620 people lost their lives in various incidents of militancy-related violence in the Northeast in 2006.


The Naxalites are also proving to be a thorn in the flesh for the government. Almost fourteen states across the country have been affected by Naxal violence. Around 740 people lost their lives in Naxal-related violence last year. According to intelligence reports, Naxals have been working towards establishing a Red Corridor extending from Bihar to Jharkhand, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Some of the recent incidents of Naxal violence stand out for their audacity and brazenness. These include the attack on the Jehanabad jail, where Naxals freed around 340 prisoners including Naxal leader Ajay Kanu, the slaying of the MP Sunil Mahato besides the attack on a police camp in Bastar where they mowed down 56 policemen.


Communal and caste riots have reared their ugly heads time and again. The recent agitation by the Gujjars in Rajasthan and other states has seen the caste-cauldron simmering again. The Meenas and Gujjars are at loggerheads in Rajasthan in their claims for ST status. So is the case in many other parts of the country where people belonging to different castes and tribes are on the warpath against each other.


At least 270 people died in terrorist violence in India in 2006. There were a series of attacks on public and religious places. On March 7, 2006, around 21 people were killed and 62 others were injured in serial bomb blasts in Varanasi. Mumbai was the scene of horrific bomb blasts on July 11, 2006 when around 200 people were killed and over 700 others injured in serial blasts in Mumbai’s railway network, which is considered to be the lifeline of the city. Terrorists have not spared people of any religion. The dastardly bomb attacks of September 8, 2006 at Malegaon in Maharashtra snuffed out forty lives while injuring 65 others. On May 18, 2007, 13 people lost their lives in a bomb blast in Hyderabad’s famous Mecca Masjid and subsequent police firing.


So where are we heading? Is India moving away from “Bharat”? These facts point to some harsh realities, which the government much accept. The political leadership has to wake up to the fact that there are many genuine grievances within its populace, which have been shoved under the carpet. It has in many cases been taking the people for a ride. This is why people need to be educated, not just made literate. Only with the spread of education, will power devolve into the grassroots and it is from the grassroots that a new leadership will emerge which will take the country forward. The criminalisation of politics is a big deterrent to India’s march towards progress. Only with education will people be able to reverse this trend. What is needed is a new approach wherein the ordinary populace is taken into confidence. India’s economy is booming, however this “boom” has completely bypassed a large swathe of this population. Therefore the growth has to be more inclusive. As far as terrorist-violence sponsored by neighbouring countries like Pakistan is concerned, intelligence gathering needs to be spruced up and there should be more vigil at sensitive locations. As they say, the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.

Now I know why you Indian (ABC) are so plucky and over-confident you guys are Remote Viewing me. Man what will RAW think up next!!!! -

RAW and Remote Viewing

Pankaj Kumar

The Truth - July 1, 2007

The last post was more spiritual...
now lets get into some conspiracy...

Most of us would know about these following institutions.

4.ISI-(pakistani intelligence agency)

I believe not many of would have heard of RAW (RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING) of India.
like the fore mentioned intelligence agencies, RAW is also accused of number of terrorising activities in and outside india.
well its upto you to go forth and finding out...

According to india daily......

RAW India's equivalent of CIA has advanced quite a bit in recent days. Sources close to New Delhi report that RAW is using advanced satellite technologies and remote viewing techniques to look into foreign intelligence activities within India. Remote viewing is the paranormal activities with psychics that can sense into the future and unknown. CIA in America has used remote viewing for many years. Many times remote viewing has worked very well for the CIA and the Russian intelligence.

Recent days India has seen a massive amount Pakistan's ISI agents arrested all over the country. The situation has gone so bad for Pakistan and Al-Queda that they are looking for reasons what is really happening. Taking clue from CIA, RAW Indian counterpart started remote viewing techniques many years back. They also tried to correlate the remote viewing readings with high tech feedbacks like satellite sensing and imaging. This is being further validated with the agents' report in the field. The net results for RAW and CBI (Central Bureau of Intelligence - equivalent of FBI) are astounding.

Sources say India has locked in close surveillance over most of foreign agencies within the country. RAW has recently expanded the efforts for strategic intelligence. This include spying over Pakistan, China and the Western nations.

The reason for the success is attributable to traditional Indian cultural richness in spirituality and paranormal activities.

The remote viewing activities are nothing new for India. Indians traditionally have been doing it for thousands of years. But now India is doing it for a reason.

Satellite technologies are also helping understand movement of Pakistan's ISI supported militants in South Asia. Sources close to RAW say Pakistan's ISI is more active in Bangladesh and North East India than Kashmir these days. In the field, the agents are confirming these information.

According to some remote viewers, Bangladesh has recently seen enormous amount of violence related to election. Pakistan's main goal is not Kashmir at this time. It is to hijack Bangladesh again and start a covert front on the east of India.

Remote viewing if applied in a wrong way can cause catastrophe and total embarrassment. An ideal example would be the WMD information in Iraq. Seventy-three thousand pages of secret documents have recently been declassified in the United States. The information unveiled the activity of two special groups that worked with extrasensory individuals. The CIA had to acknowledge that it used remote viewers and other individuals possessing paranormal abilities for intelligence purposes.

According to Pravda.Ru CIA's remote viewers initiated quest for WMD in Iraq. Obviously they were wrong at least based on what we know today.

CIA's remote viewing activities has been not all that failure.

"Psychic spy" Joseph McMoneagle also known as "remote viewing agent #001" was shown a spot on the map of the USSR, where the mysterious secret object was supposedly located, as CIA agents thought. McMoneagle put his finger on the map and described the image that he saw in his mind:

"It is a congregation of low stone and concrete buildings. A huge underground warehouse filled with lethal weapons, not only missiles. There are other square and round items there. I see a very high column of smoke, bearing some semblance to a huge lifting crane, rising above the area (it was most likely the smoke of a nuclear blast). The people inhabiting that place are sick. Their hair is receding, their bones are putrefying. They deliver sick children, and they are still obsessed with some idea."

It was quite an eloquent description for secret agents to understand, what kind of an object was located in Semipalatinsk (which is now a town in the republic of Kazakhstan). Then CIA Director Richard Helms moved the paranormal espionage from the category "Research" to the category "Practice." Joseph McMoneagle's success as a remote viewer increased the funding of such unusual activities, not to mention the improved moral aspect. The US authorities spent about $2 million a year on a rather small group of 20 extrasensory individuals in the 1990s.
Other achievements of American psychic agents include: factories making weapons of mass destruction in third world countries, including Iraq (it is not ruled out that the information about WMD in Iraq sprang from remote viewers.) Extrasensory intelligence officers also developed certain recommendations to recruit CIA agents and rendered some other services too.

India's achievement in remote viewing and use of advanced technologies is remarkable in recent days. According to some international experts what really worked for India is not just remote viewing but the availability of the field agents who could confirm the clues from the remote viewers.

stick on folks... more to follow...
Now I know why you Indians are so plucky and overconfident you are using Remote Viewing on me. Man what will the people at RAW think up next!!!!! –

RAW and Remote Viewing

Pankaj Kumar

The Truth – July 1, 2007

The last post was more spiritual... now lets get into some conspiracy...

Most of us would know about these following institutions.
4.ISI-(pakistani intelligence agency)

I believe not many of would have heard of RAW (RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS WING) of India.

like the fore mentioned intelligence agencies, RAW is also accused of number of terrorising activities in and outside india.
well its upto you to go forth and finding out...

According to india daily......

RAW India's equivalent of CIA has advanced quite a bit in recent days. Sources close to New Delhi report that RAW is using advanced satellite technologies and remote viewing techniques to look into foreign intelligence activities within India. Remote viewing is the paranormal activities with psychics that can sense into the future and unknown. CIA in America has used remote viewing for many years. Many times remote viewing has worked very well for the CIA and the Russian intelligence.

Recent days India has seen a massive amount Pakistan's ISI agents arrested all over the country. The situation has gone so bad for Pakistan and Al-Queda that they are looking for reasons what is really happening. Taking clue from CIA, RAW Indian counterpart started remote viewing techniques many years back. They also tried to correlate the remote viewing readings with high tech feedbacks like satellite sensing and imaging. This is being further validated with the agents' report in the field. The net results for RAW and CBI (Central Bureau of Intelligence - equivalent of FBI) are astounding.

Sources say India has locked in close surveillance over most of foreign agencies within the country. RAW has recently expanded the efforts for strategic intelligence. This include spying over Pakistan, China and the Western nations.

The reason for the success is attributable to traditional Indian cultural richness in spirituality and paranormal activities.

The remote viewing activities are nothing new for India. Indians traditionally have been doing it for thousands of years. But now India is doing it for a reason.

Satellite technologies are also helping understand movement of Pakistan's ISI supported militants in South Asia. Sources close to RAW say Pakistan's ISI is more active in Bangladesh and North East India than Kashmir these days. In the field, the agents are confirming these information.

According to some remote viewers, Bangladesh has recently seen enormous amount of violence related to election. Pakistan's main goal is not Kashmir at this time. It is to hijack Bangladesh again and start a covert front on the east of India.

Remote viewing if applied in a wrong way can cause catastrophe and total embarrassment. An ideal example would be the WMD information in Iraq. Seventy-three thousand pages of secret documents have recently been declassified in the United States. The information unveiled the activity of two special groups that worked with extrasensory individuals. The CIA had to acknowledge that it used remote viewers and other individuals possessing paranormal abilities for intelligence purposes.

According to Pravda.Ru CIA's remote viewers initiated quest for WMD in Iraq. Obviously they were wrong at least based on what we know today.

CIA's remote viewing activities has been not all that failure.

"Psychic spy" Joseph McMoneagle also known as "remote viewing agent #001" was shown a spot on the map of the USSR, where the mysterious secret object was supposedly located, as CIA agents thought. McMoneagle put his finger on the map and described the image that he saw in his mind:

"It is a congregation of low stone and concrete buildings. A huge underground warehouse filled with lethal weapons, not only missiles. There are other square and round items there. I see a very high column of smoke, bearing some semblance to a huge lifting crane, rising above the area (it was most likely the smoke of a nuclear blast). The people inhabiting that place are sick. Their hair is receding, their bones are putrefying. They deliver sick children, and they are still obsessed with some idea."

It was quite an eloquent description for secret agents to understand, what kind of an object was located in Semipalatinsk (which is now a town in the republic of Kazakhstan). Then CIA Director Richard Helms moved the paranormal espionage from the category "Research" to the category "Practice." Joseph McMoneagle's success as a remote viewer increased the funding of such unusual activities, not to mention the improved moral aspect. The US authorities spent about $2 million a year on a rather small group of 20 extrasensory individuals in the 1990s.

Other achievements of American psychic agents include: factories making weapons of mass destruction in third world countries, including Iraq (it is not ruled out that the information about WMD in Iraq sprang from remote viewers.) Extrasensory intelligence officers also developed certain recommendations to recruit CIA agents and rendered some other services too.

India's achievement in remote viewing and use of advanced technologies is remarkable in recent days. According to some international experts what really worked for India is not just remote viewing but the availability of the field agents who could confirm the clues from the remote viewers.

stick on folks... more to follow...

take care

blessed be

Here I got it, MBI Munishi is in reality a RAW agent, Nobody even the so called Indians are promoting RAW, only him......
This is a new RAW ploy to increase its popularity and making people assume they are very powerful by letting people like Munshi write in internet fora's,....
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