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India copying Pakistani/Western Culture

But you are a darkie when you go to the UK.

I am not saying that Indians and Pakistani are lookalike.


Because I don't care.

Looks can be anything, but what is more important is BRAINS.

Exhibit it!

How do you know I'm a darkie when I go to the UK? I'm lighter than a lot of "western European whites". Don't assume things you have no clue about such as yourself being a masterful intellect of Tagore proportions.

I do agree about the looks part, but I would extend it to the brains part. I simply don't care about that either! Just leave Pakistani history alone, and you have your looks and brains, and Pakistan will have its looks and brains! (whether it is less or more). Nuff said.
How do you know I'm a darkie when I go to the UK? I'm lighter than a lot of "western European whites". Don't assume things you have no clue about such as yourself being a masterful intellect of Tagore proportions.

I do agree about the looks part, but I would extend it to the brains part. I simply don't care about that either! Just leave Pakistani history alone, and you have your looks and brains, and Pakistan will have its looks and brains! (whether it is less or more). Nuff said.

Just open your mouth and they will know you are a darkie!

And worse still, they will treat you as one!

Go to the USA. They will see your passport and treat you worse, even if you have the pallor of a ghost!

Forget colour. Be what you are!

I am proud to be what I am.

And I believe in Lord Byron's comments when he was expelled from England.

He said:

If I am not fit for England,
Then England is not fit for me!

I don't go where I am not wanted since that country is not worth my trouble.

You are the one who apparently will do anything to be accepted!

I will be accepted on my own terms!

I am proud to be what I am.

And I beleive in Lord Byron's comments when he was expelled from England.

He said:

If I am not fit for England,
Then England is not fit for me!

I don;t go where I am not wanted since that country is not worth my trouble.

Very philosophical of you indeed.
Very philosophical of you indeed.

Thank you.

Hardly philosophy actually.

I don't find the West to be something that is fantastically new or something that can offer me that I have not got.

I rather visit Pakistan. It has more to offer me.

And even meeting you since I am sure you are a good man at heart!
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This is in reply to Mr RR's post
Dear you have relentlessly mentioned of the "set people" type in your posts and about "set people" type in India.
India, infact, cannot be said to have a set people type as you always mention.This is one of the hailed qualities of India which we refer to as "Unity in Diversity". India is NOT a nation state as we have in Europe (You mentioned Germany).
To project my point in a better way permit me to use an example. you said that Germans have an identifying feature that sets them apart from other nations in Europe. But my dear fella India should be compared with EU (not economically or otherwise but only for the sake of showing "unity in diversity") and NOT with Germany. You can think of India as EU and various states as different European countries. As Germans, French, Portugese, Spanish, Greek differ so much so physically that they can be pointed out, same is the case with various states in India.The difference is even more pronounced. You can point out a Tamil ,Bihari, Keralite, bengali, Manupuri etc. If somebody asks you what is the "set people " type of EU what would you reply. You cannot mention a german as it is only a part of EU. you will have to appretiate the diversity.
Its easy to show a set people type in Pakistan as its not as diverse as India.
Please try an appreaciate the diversity part of India and stop trying to find an Indian stereotype.
Thanx n regards
Every country has an "average population..the "set look". For example, Germany has a set look, but there are many different varied ethnic groups. For the most part, Germany is a Germanic country, just as India is a Dravidian country. This does not mean that you won't find Africans in Germany, or Pakistani looking people in India..they are a minority

This is incorrect. Dravdians comprise only 20-25% of the Indian population.
How do you know I'm a darkie when I go to the UK? I'm lighter than a lot of "western European whites". Don't assume things you have no clue about such as yourself being a masterful intellect of Tagore proportions.

I do agree about the looks part, but I would extend it to the brains part. I simply don't care about that either! Just leave Pakistani history alone, and you have your looks and brains, and Pakistan will have its looks and brains! (whether it is less or more). Nuff said.

History ... History.....

Oh Man... Let

1) From Where Pak History started?
2) When did Muslim Religion started?
3) before Muslim Religion which Religion People Practices
4) Buddhist Statues in Afghanistan in balmiyan proves before Muslims came into that region Buddhist lives their.

5) All part is of India and Muslims came as invaders from Persia which invaded India.

Malaysia was Hindu region before it converted into Muslim, See the temples dated back centuries back .... they still standing and telling truth .

Many things are invented in India and discovered in , gravity , Zero, Decimal , Weather Moon rotated around earth and earth rotates around sun.... its all written ......

and the i will tell you more , how westerner copy Indian culture
History ... History.....

Oh Man... Let

1) From Where Pak History started?

1947 now when was india started same date. There was no such thing as india before 1947 just a collection of loosely controlled states who at different times had different rulers. "India" itself is more of a geographical term than a national one

2) When did Muslim Religion started?

Not a smart theoretical question to ask since the answer wont depend on historical accounts but religious beliefs.

3) before Muslim Religion which Religion People Practices

Due to your lack of grammer I think your talking about which religion existed in india before islam. In this case it was hinduism, buddism, and a whole degree of different religions

4) Buddhist Statues in Afghanistan in balmiyan proves before Muslims came into that region Buddhist lives their.

Agreed but what does that have to do with the topic? Are you saying that present day afghanistan was a part of india because that sure is laughable since afghanistan was mostly a part of the persian empire during most of its time as was most of pakistan. Now where was india? Once again nowhere india was either a loose amount of states or colonies. India wasnt united and never recieved true unity until muslims invaded (turks, persians, mughals, and afghans) a large degree of indian culture and history is due to muslims which pakistan has its identity from

5) All part is of India and Muslims came as invaders from Persia which invaded India.

Maybe its me or your trying to portray muslims as spreading faith by sword if thats what you think then you need to read more into history. The first muslims on the subcontinent arrived from arab merchents who preached peacefully in present days pakistani province of sindh

Malaysia was Hindu region before it converted into Muslim, See the temples dated back centuries back .... they still standing and telling truth .

Dont associate hinduism with india. India is suppose to be a secular state due to its many many subcultures :cheesy:

Many things are invented in India and discovered in , gravity , Zero, Decimal , Weather Moon rotated around earth and earth rotates around sun.... its all written ......

They werent discovered a danm bit by india. They might have been discovered in the present day subcontinent but there surely wasnt a republic of india next to the persian or chinese empire (which are the only nations to exist for more than thousands of years).

and the i will tell you more , how westerner copy Indian culture

Surely westerners run to india in large flocks in search of job, they copy bollywood movies, dress like indians, and follow indian economic models among countless other things! :cheers:
History shows that india wouldnt be where it is today without muslim culture, which pakistan can rightly claim due to its affiliation with persia, afghanistan, etc.. Pakistan is a islamic state and not a secular one which unites various cultures ideologicly
Lastly I will make 1 last thing clear to you indians who claim that you guys have your own culture. This is indian culture before muslims arrived to civilize it



Most of modern india's archtecteral marvels today are based off of persian/mughal architect. So where is your "indian" culture fools???

Heres what your neighbors and the chinese think of your country

China should break up India: Chinese strategist: Rediff.com news

I will make this clear to you people from the bottom of my heart and every patriotic pakistani's, we are not your people, never were and never will be. Present day pakistan is where the indus valley civilization came from (the smartest of there time). Present day pakistan for the most part has been linked as one with afghanistan and iran. We are culturally more close to them than you guys and you guys culturally follow persians more than the sub-human karmasutra sex culture
History shows that india wouldnt be where it is today without muslim culture, which pakistan can rightly claim due to its affiliation with persia, afghanistan, etc.. Pakistan is a islamic state and not a secular one which unites various cultures ideologicly

and from where did Muslim culture assimilate ???? it got its influence from Persian, greek and then arab world !!!!

Everyone got influenced by one another.... the moment u claim u r superior to others when comparing with older civilizations, u got to be kidding..... and mind u ...when we say India, its the indian subcontinent, boundaries changed thousands of times and will change, but it will be called Indian Subcontinent or whatever similar in different languages....
Lastly I will make 1 last thing clear to you indians who claim that you guys have your own culture. This is indian culture before muslims arrived to civilize it



Most of modern india's archtecteral marvels today are based off of persian/mughal architect. So where is your "indian" culture fools???

Heres what your neighbors and the chinese think of your country

China should break up India: Chinese strategist: Rediff.com news

I will make this clear to you people from the bottom of my heart and every patriotic pakistani's, we are not your people, never were and never will be. Present day pakistan is where the indus valley civilization came from (the smartest of there time). Present day pakistan for the most part has been linked as one with afghanistan and iran. We are culturally more close to them than you guys and you guys culturally follow persians more than the sub-human karmasutra sex culture

So many responses, so little time.

Let me see.

If you think Indus Valley civilization is not part of Indian culture, then you should read up more about the Indus valley civilization. Its culture, its religion, and yes its geographical reach.

If you think that the Indus Valley civilization belongs to Pakistan because of geography, by that reckoning there's not a lot of Muslim culture that belongs to you. How much of 'your' cultural influences were created in the geographical area that is Pakistan?

Also by that logic, if Islam was restored or founded in Arabia, how can any Pakistani, live as they do thousands of kilometers away, claim to be Muslim?

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